Both of them were stunned upon hearing Arthur's question.

Their expressions revealed a mix of confusion, anxiety, and various other emotions.

It was evident, despite their desire to evade and find excuses, that Arthur was fully aware of their hidden secrets.

Furthermore, Arthur went on to articulate the very essence of each of their predicaments.

As he gazed at the two, who remained silent and expectant, Arthur understood that this was a crucial moment of acceptance.

He recognized that they needed time to contemplate the potential ramifications of their choices.

The question lingered before them: Would they choose to accept or reject what lay before them?

If they chose to accept Arthur's offer, they would be required to surrender everything to him—be it their possessions or even their own lives.

It was a decision that rested solely with Arthur.

In doing so, they would forever be under Arthur's dominion.

However, it was important to note that Arthur had no ill intentions toward them.

At most, he sought their collaboration, their willingness to work under his wing, and their assistance when the need arose.

But do they know this?

No, they were unaware of these specific conditions.

Arthur purposely withheld the details, wanting to observe their decision-making process and assess the extent of their determination for revenge.

He wished to discern whether their desire for vengeance, nurtured over decades, would propel them to do whatever it took or if their animosity would prove fleeting, akin to a small flame that could be extinguished at any moment.

Despite Jack and Natasya possessing impressive skills in their respective domains, to be frank, they are not extensively featured in the novel aside from their backgrounds and characteristics.

Their paths rarely cross with the protagonist, Abel, meaning he has limited familiarity with them.

This is in contrast to Rian, who directly aids Abel in his journey toward becoming a formidable figure.

Nevertheless, Arthur recognized that by bringing both Jack and Natasya under his wing, he could harness their potential for significant future advancements.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Jack took a deep breath and fixed a sharp gaze on Arthur.

He asked, "Is what you said genuine? Can you truly aid me in seeking revenge?"

With a somber tone, Jack repeated his question, his words laden with weight.

Arthur, casually reclining against the back of the sofa, responded nonchalantly, "Do I have a reason to deceive you? Moreover, it just so happens that the Savaran Empire and the Balka Empire are on the brink of war, which works to my advantage."

Their eyes widened in astonishment, and they exclaimed in unison, "What?!"


Once they regained their composure, they exchanged perplexed glances.

Jack then redirected his focus towards Arthur and inquired, "Is it true what you said about the impending war between the two empires?"

Arthur nodded subtly, causing a visible tremor to pass through Jack's body.

His facial expression underwent a notable transformation as he gradually regained his composure.

With newfound determination, Jack firmly addressed Arthur, bowing his head as a sign of sincerity, and declared, "I, Jack, solemnly swear to serve Young Master Arthur wholeheartedly if he exacts revenge on Emperor Savaran on my behalf!"

Jack's resolute and serious tone elicited a slight smile from Arthur.

Soon, he rose from his seat and posed a probing question: "Are you absolutely certain?"

"Are you not aware that I might assign you tasks you'd rather not undertake?"

"Or even go so far as to eliminate you?"

Arthur's intent gaze remained fixed on Jack, observing the shift in his expression and eager to gauge his response.

Unfortunately for Arthur, Jack shook his head while lowering it, stating, "Does it truly matter?"

"Ever since my wife's demise, my life has been reduced to ruins. I have been living on the run and in constant concealment."

"Isn't that akin to a slow death?"

With a composed demeanor, Jack responded, his gaze fixed upon Arthur, and spoke, "When hope seemed all but lost, you emerged and extended an opportunity to settle the score with Emperor Savaran."

"My resentment hasn't waned, but I was uncertain about you before. However, now my certainty has solidified!"

Upon hearing Jack's account, Arthur nodded approvingly, his admiration for Jack growing.

"If that is your decision," Arthur declared, looking directly at Jack, "I will gladly assist you in exacting your revenge!"

As she silently observed the exchange between Jack and Arthur, Natasya abruptly rose from her seat and spoke out with a resolute voice, "Young Master Arthur!"

"Can I also seek revenge?" Her trembling tone betrayed her effort to restrain her tears.

Arthur turned his gaze away momentarily, then nodded with a reassuring smile, remarking, "Certainly, I can assist you."

"After all, we share a common enemy, and I possess the means to substantiate it," he added with a hint of nonchalance.

Upon hearing his words, Natasya unexpectedly prostrated herself before him, pleading, "Please... help me exact my revenge!"

"I promise to offer you everything I have, even my life!"

With tearful eyes and a voice choked with emotion, Natasya pleaded earnestly.

Natasya had harbored a deep desire for revenge against those who had harmed her family for decades.

Yet fate seemed to cruelly toy with her, preventing her from even saving herself.

The weight of her long-held grievances overwhelmed her, and tears streamed down her face uncontrollably.

Arthur, taken aback by her outpouring of emotions, quickly extended his assistance to help her regain her composure.

"It's alright," he reassured her.

"There's no need to despair. I am determined to assist both of you."

Gently guiding Natasya to the sofa, still overcome by tears, Arthur then turned his attention to Jack, silently urging him to resume his seat.

Once the situation had settled, Arthur took a moment to compose himself before speaking: "Rest assured, now that you have chosen to work alongside me, I will honor my commitment to you."

"You need not worry about being coerced into undesirable tasks," he reassured them.

Upon hearing Arthur's words, both Jack and Natasya nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a visible sense of relief.

Regarding the second statement, the possibility of Arthur eventually disposing of them after their revenge had been achieved seemed to have little effect on the two.

They remained undeterred by such a potential outcome.

Acknowledging their understanding, Arthur nodded and proceeded with his explanation: "Now, for your assignment, let's address the immediate priorities."

Directing his gaze towards Jack, he continued, "Jack, I entrust you with the responsibility of assuming control over the entire forging industry and becoming its leader."

"Rest assured, I will facilitate your endeavor by providing all the necessary resources, including materials, capital, and any other support required," he assured Jack.

Jack nodded, demonstrating his comprehension and readiness to fulfill Arthur's directive.

Following that, Arthur shifted his attention to Natasya.

"Now, Natasya, I have a specific task for you," he began.

"Currently, I would like you to impart your knowledge in warfare, governance, and strategic thinking to my personal maid," he explained.

"Please don't worry; my personal maid possesses remarkable potential." 

"Unfortunately, due to my lack of time to personally train her and the inadequacy of the teachers I had called upon, her progress has been hindered," he said, a smile adorning his face.

With Natasya taking charge of Runa's education, Arthur believed that she would undoubtedly surpass her original abilities, becoming truly extraordinary within the novel.

Indeed, Runa possessed exceptional intelligence and reasoning abilities, while Natasya herself was an outstanding individual.

Upon hearing Arthur's instructions, Natasya nodded eagerly.

However, her expression suddenly soured, as if a troubling thought had crossed her mind.

Observing the change in her demeanor, Arthur understood her concerns and sought to reassure her.

"Don't worry, Natasya. The defeat of the Savaran Empire was not solely your responsibility," he calmly stated.

"David and Noah, with their inexplicable strength, were truly unforeseen variables for you, weren't they?" he posed, surprising Natasya with his insight.

Startled by his knowledge, Natasya looked at Arthur in disbelief and stammered, "H-How do you know?"

Arthur merely smiled in response, leaving the question unanswered.

Witnessing this exchange, Natasya clenched her lip and refrained from further inquiry.

She felt completely perplexed by Arthur's enigmatic nature, unable to anticipate or comprehend his every move.

Shortly thereafter, Arthur fixed his gaze on Jack and Natasya, his expression grave.

"As you are aware, the Savaran Empire and the Balka Empire are on the brink of war," he began, his tone serious.

"While the present state of affairs may seem relatively calm, trust me when I say that both nations will soon be thrust into the throes of a full-scale conflict, of course, it will happen!"

"And in this war, just like any other, there will be winners and losers," he stated enigmatically to the two.

Upon hearing this, Jack's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't help but ask, "Does that explain why the southern and eastern border regions of the Empire appear to be so tense?"

Jack had gathered snippets of information from passersby, as it seemed that news of the impending conflict had already begun to circulate among the public.

However, like many others, Jack initially dismissed the possibility of an actual war, considering such situations to be commonplace and often defused without escalating into full-blown conflicts.

Therefore, he was taken aback when Arthur confirmed that the two empires were indeed on the path to war.

Arthur nodded in agreement and responded, "Indeed, the tension at the southern and eastern border regions serves as the initial evidence of the impending war."

Receiving confirmation from Arthur, Jack took a deep breath and entered a state of deep contemplation.

Natasya felt a similar unease upon learning that the upcoming war would have significant consequences. She then inquired, "Young Master Arthur, is there anything I can do to assist you?"

Upon hearing her question, Arthur suddenly recalled something and swiftly responded, "Ah, I almost forgot!"

"There is one more task I would like to entrust to you."

"For the time being, I will be visiting the Weis family mansion, and during my absence, I would appreciate your assistance in overseeing the southern region."

"Furthermore, you will have the support of Runa in this endeavor."

Startled by Arthur's request, Natasya was about to inquire further, but Arthur swiftly raised his hand to halt her, signaling that no more clarification was needed.

"Don't worry," he reassured her.

"I have faith in your abilities, and my absence will not be for an extended period of time."

"Moreover, the tasks I need you to oversee are relatively minor, as I have already taken care of the important matters."

Natasya simply nodded in response, refraining from posing any additional queries.

Subsequently, the three of them engaged in a discussion regarding the various tasks that lay ahead, fully aware that everything was about to undergo significant changes from that moment onward.

An hour had passed, and Arthur concluded the discussion.

"Alright, it's time for you two to return to your rooms and rest," he suggested.

The two nodded, bowing their heads respectfully. 

"Understood, Young Master. We will take our leave," they said in unison.

Arthur nodded lightly in response as they left the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Just as Arthur was contemplating his next move, Arthasia's soft voice resonated in his mind.

[Congratulations, Master! You have successfully completed the hidden task of winning over Jack and Natasya!]

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