
Chapter 506: Nomination Slot

Chapter 506: Nomination Slot

Within a study in the Hall of Martial Aspects in the Sieve of Heaven, a group of armored cultivators rushed to seek an audience with Ao Canghai. Two among them knelt on one knee as they gave their reports, panicked looks on their faces.

"Eastern Aspect, my main body and the young master have been trapped in the hunting ground. Please, you have to make a move!"

"Eastern Aspect, the young master had my avatar send word requesting assistance. The cursed effigy he's facing is too powerful, and he won't be able to last for long."

The two cultivators described what was going on within the Palace of the Moon in a panic.

Ao Canghai frowned. "Who let him into the Palace of the Moon?"

A complicated look flashed across the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's face. "Eastern Aspect, the young master only wants to experience leadership for himself and catch a few purple-furred monsters to use as slaves."

"Think about how many cultivators want to shelter under his aegis. What's the point of catching those useless purple-furred monsters? Silverfrost, you're the most familiar with him. Why would he enter? Does he not heed my warnings?" Ao Canghai demanded.

"No, it's just that..." The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost was momentarily flustered.

"You dare hide things from me?!" Ao Canghai demanded.

The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost blanched. He immediately knelt on the floor on one knee. "I wouldn't dare, Eastern Aspect. Please calm down."

"Tell me what's going on!"

"The young master wanted to steal the Palace of the Moon's access token from Princess Lingjun's hands, then enter the Palace of the Moon to claim all the treasures within. I thought that he would be safe with a few True Immortal generals guarding him, never expecting something like this to happen."

"Foolish son! He truly doesn't care about his own life. Haven't I given him enough treasures?!"

"Eastern Aspect, rescuing the young master has to be our priority. If the cursed effigies are as frightening as he claims, he may be in great danger," the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost replied.

Ao Canghai frowned. "What's the situation like over there?"

"We can't enter. The entrance into the Martial Aspects' hunting ground has been sealed, likely by the cursed effigy that has possessed Zhang Lingjun using the Palace of the Moon's access token. If we want to enter, we'll have to break the barrier by force. Must we do so?"

"Do you want to destroy the floating island containing the Palace of the Moon? Without the Heavenly Emperor's express order, who would dare to break that barrier? Do you want to be executed by the Imperial Court?" Ao Canghai demanded. "What do we do, then? We simply can't enter! The cursed effigies within are killing everyone they encounter in order to strengthen themselves to stand against the Heavenly Emperor."

"Ha! They're hardly qualified to discuss terms with the Heavenly Emperor. It's a pity that he's in secluded cultivation, and none of us are to bother him. Otherwise, the Heavenly Emperor would easily be able to destroy them."

"Can we get the Heavenly Emperor's assistance?" the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost fretted.

"I told you, he's in secluded cultivation. Who do you think you are? What makes you think you're qualified to disturb him?"

"But we have no other choice!"

One of the cultivators kneeling on the ground suddenly spoke up. "No, there's still another way! Somehow, the cursed effigies couldn't possess Xiao Nanfeng, and he was even able to leave the barrier. Perhaps Xiao Nanfeng might be able to save the young master!"

"Xiao Nanfeng?" Ao Canghai narrowed his eyes.

The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost hesitated. Would Xiao Nanfeng really be willing to save Ao Shuai?

Days later, in the city of Yongding, Xiao Nanfeng's avatar was perusing a stack of documents when he heard noise from the outside. Someone seemed to be battering down the palace's formation, and a group of Dazheng fighters were rushing out to investigate the disturbance.

Xiao Nanfeng probed his surroundings with his spiritual power before suddenly raising an eyebrow. He took a deep breath. "Let him enter!"

"Understood!" a shout came from outside the study.

The cultivator who had barged into the palace was quickly led into Xiao Nanfeng's study.

"What a rare guest you are, Martial Aspect of Silverfrost. Why didn't you let me know in advance before you dropped by?" Xiao Nanfeng said calmly.

The intruder was none other than the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost, who had rushed toward Dazheng from the Imperial Court. He gave the external formation an odd look. "Xiao Nanfeng, the formation outside your palace is surprisingly powerful."

"It might as well be a parlor trick against you, Martial Aspect of Silverfrost."

The Martial Aspect took a deep breath. "I had some subordinates come find you a few days ago. Why didn't you allow them an audience?"

Several days ago, Ao Canghai had commanded him to force Xiao Nanfeng to rescue Ao Shuai. To save time, he had one of his subordinates with an avatar at Yongding send word to Xiao Nanfeng, but he was forestalled before being able to meet him at all. The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost had had no choice but to head to Yongding himself.

"There are plenty of people who seek an audience with me claiming to be from one divine empire or another. Should I grant an audience to them all? How should I know who your subordinates are?" Xiao Nanfeng replied.

He had guessed that there would be parties seeking his help to rescue the cultivators stranded within the Palace of the Moon. He had no interest in doing so or serving as cannon fodder, so he refused all such audiences.

The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost narrowed his eyes at Xiao Nanfeng. "You know why I've come, then?"

He guessed that Xiao Nanfeng must have been trying to avoid his request.

"I don't know why you've come." Xiao Nanfeng feigned ignorance.

The Martial Aspect took another deep breath. "Let me be direct, then. I need your other body to rescue Ao Shuai immediately."

Xiao Nanfeng shook his head. "I can't save him. If I could have, why would I have needed to escape? Those three cursed effigies are simply too powerful, and they've only grown stronger since in the past few days. How many souls have they devoured? I'd only be committing suicide by entering again."

"Then how did you stop the spiritual possession? How did you escape from the Palace of the Moon?" the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost demanded.

"Before that happened, Princess Lingjun cast a technique on me using the Palace of the Moon's access token. I don't know what she did, but the hood cursed effigies were unable to possess me, and I was able to bypass the barrier all of a sudden. That's all I know."

The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost knew that Xiao Nanfeng was lying, but he could hardly press the matter.

"Martial Aspect Xiao, let me reiterate one thing. You must rescue Ao Shuai immediately. If you can do so, all will be well. Otherwise, I guarantee that your empire of Dazheng will immediately suffer an overwhelming disaster."

"Is this a threat?"

"I don't want to waste my time with you. Choose to believe me as you wish. I don't care what you do. Guarantee Ao Shuai's safety and nothing will happen. If he dies, however, the empire of Dazheng will be done for."

"Do you know the punishment for threatening a Martial Aspect of the Imperial Court?" Xiao Nanfeng demanded.

"I'm a Martial Aspect myself. This isn't a threat. I've simply sensed that a disaster is about to descend on Dazheng. If you can protect Ao Shuai, I'll help you take on this disaster. Otherwise, I have no obligation to help you."

Xiao Nanfeng narrowed his eyes. He knew that the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost was threatening him, and this 'disaster' was nothing more than an excuse to avoid being caught red-handed.

These Martial Aspects really were willing to do anything to achieve their own objectives, weren't they?

Xiao Nanfeng took a deep breath. "I can try."

"I don't want you to try. If Ao Shuai lives, so will Dazheng. If Ao Shuai dies, so will Dazheng," the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost declared.

Xiao Nanfeng smirked. He didn't care about the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost's threat, not really. They were hardly trustworthy enough for Xiao Nanfeng to believe that they would leave Dazheng be.

"I can attempt to rescue Ao Shuai, but you are going to give me something for my trouble, aren't you?"

He had no interest in rescuing Ao Shuai, but if Ao Shuai was able to survive on his own, he might as well get something out of it.

"I'll repeat myself. If Ao Shuai lives, so does Dazheng. If you don't want Dazheng to perish, you had better do your best."

Xiao Nanfeng sneered. "Is this how the Eastern Aspect asked you to conduct negotiations? Leave, then. I'll only act if there's something I can gain from it. Try to destroy Dazheng if you dare. I'll report you to the Heavenly Emperor then. I don't believe you'll be able to get away with anything. Do you really think even the Heavenly Emperor won't be able to determine that you're trying to assassinate me, a Martial Aspect?"

The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost stiffened. This wasn't how things were supposed to go! Xiao Nanfeng was resisting to an unreasonable extent.

"Xiao Nanfeng, you asked for this!"

"I did, as did you. Report back to the Eastern Aspect, why don't you? Repeat how you threatened me as well."

The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost stiffened. If the Eastern Aspect learned how he had handled things when Ao Shuai's life was in the balance, he would be done for.

"Very well. What do you want for rescuing Ao Shuai? State your terms," the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost spat out.

"I'd like to nominate a substitute Martial Aspect."

"What? Who do you intend to nominate?" the Martial Aspect of Silverfrost exclaimed.

He had expected that Xiao Nanfeng would ask for some treasure or authority, not this. A nominee for the position of Martial Aspect would need to be approved by a Cardinal Aspect and ten Martial Aspects.

Substitute Martial Aspects had no authority of their own. Only when one of the seventy-two Martial Aspects perished would the substitutes have an opportunity to compete among each other for the vacant position. Skill and luck would both be vital in such a contest. Xiao Nanfeng's direct appointment to fill a vacancy was an incredible rarity in comparison.

"I haven't confirmed my nominee just yet, but there is precedent. Prepare a document with appropriate blanks for me to fill in as needed. I'm aware of the Imperial Court's rules, and I guarantee that my nominee will have an appropriate background. I'll start my rescue attempt the moment you present the nomination petition to my manor. My subordinates have avatars as well, and can contact me at any moment."

The Martial Aspect of Silverfrost pursed his lips, but ultimately nodded. "I will report this to the Eastern Aspect. Farewell!"

He stalked out of Xiao Nanfeng's study.

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