I can't be bothered to tell you

"So it's because of the fire?" "Dear dad, no wonder you have such a bad temper!"

The little fellow took the opportunity to complain, "Big Bangbang and I both suffered for nothing!"

"..." The corner of Feng Xinglang's mouth twitched, but she did not say anything more.

Leaning on the doorframe, Yan Bang caressed his chin in anger. He was quite satisfied with his masterpiece.

The Void Rouen is coming!

Feng Xinglang thought about some things as he slowly drank the peanut red date porridge.

Glancing at his son who was happily chewing on the piece of ham, he softly asked probingly, "Nuonuo, that black-clothed man who kidnapped you yesterday … What else did he tell you? "

"No more... Let me bring you those words: I'll let you stay in the Rouen for the time being, and not return to there! "There's nothing else!"

The little guy answered truthfully. This was because the man in black had only allowed him to carry this one sentence.

After he sent the fresh mango juice to Feng Xinglang's side, Yan Bang finally understood what was going on.

"Is there really a man in black here?" I only kidnapped you for a few minutes and then brought you back? Kid Nuo, you sure are bullsh * tty! "

Even Yan Bang felt that the black-clothed man was completely made up out of the little guy's nonsense. This wasn't the first time he'd seen the little fellow's brain. That little brat was really something!

"Big Bangbang, I despise you!"

The little guy shouted in dissatisfaction, "You actually suspect me just to curry favor with my dad?!"

"No …." No doubt about it! Big Bangbang still believes in you! However, this man in black … What does he look like? And abducting you just for the sake of carrying the words' Stay in the Rouen for the time being and don't go back to the Shen City '? "

"I'm too lazy to tell you!"

The little guy pursed his lips and continued to bite the piece of ham.

After a night of separation, the little guy was still determined on the existence of the black-clothed man, and this had caused Feng Xinglang to truly become vigilant.

From Yan Bang's description yesterday: The little guy disappeared in the blink of an eye!

With the little guy's height and movements, it was impossible for him to hide himself in the west side of the amusement park in such a short period of time. Furthermore, the half-body statue was not short. Whether it climbed down or jumped down, it was impossible for it to not make any movements.

"Nuonuo, do you remember what the black clothed man said to you?" Feng Xinglang inquired about the details.

The little guy smacked the ham in his mouth, "My son doesn't want to talk anymore! You won't believe me anyway! "

"Don't be so petty, dad apologized to you last night!"

Feng Xinglang fed the little fellow a spoonful of fruits.

"That man in black still said …"

The little guy imitated, "I was only ordered to tease your father! "We have to keep him on his guard at all times! '"

"Remember … Did he say 'tease your father'? and not just teasing Feng Xinglang? Or tease your dad? "

Under normal circumstances, even in the Great Shen City, children would usually call him daddy.

There were very few people like Feng Xinglang and his son who would call them 'biological father' and 'biological son'.

If there really was a black-clothed person present, then this black-clothed person should also be a familiar person!

"Hm!" That was what the man in black had said! But he's wearing a mask and sunglasses, so his son can't recognize him! "

"What about his voice? Are you familiar with the voice? " Feng Xinglang asked.

"Sound... It was dumb, as if someone had choked it! I think he did it on purpose! "

The little guy was still busy answering the question his father Feng Xinglang was asking, as he stuffed meat into his little mouth.

Feng Xinglang stood up, picked up his phone, walked to the window and started to make calls.

"There really is a man in black?" Yan Bang turned to ask.

"Of course!"

The little guy discontentedly hummed, "Why would I lie to you? I'm not that bored! "

"Hello, Basong, how is Madam?"

"Madam? Lin Xueluo? I'm sleeping happily upstairs! " Basong had been living a leisurely life these past few days.

"First let Nanny An go upstairs to see his wife; then ask him to wake his wife up, and then you can send his wife to Bai's mansion! I'll call Gentleman Bai right now! "

"President Feng, what's wrong with you? "Surprised?" Basong asked.

"Why are you asking so much nonsense? If I tell you to do it, then do it! Let the wife stay in the Bai's mansion and wait for me to come back.

"Alright, I will ask Nanny An to go upstairs and wake Madam right now!"

Basong did not ask any further. He knew that Feng Xinglang might torture him for no reason, but he wouldn't torture his own woman for no reason.

"Father, will it be dangerous for mother to go to Shen City alone?" the little guy asked nervously.

Feng Xinglang's brows furrowed as he muttered to himself. "I don't think so."

"Lang, why don't you stay with Kid Nuo, I'll go back to Shen City to look for my sister-in-law! and then bring her to the Rouen! "

Yan Bang was not willing to let Feng Xinglang take the risk to return to the Shen City.

Feng Xinglang glared at Yan Bang, "What if that black-clothed man is your enemy? Doesn't that mean I have been tricked by him into leaving the mountain? "

"Father, son, I don't think that man in black looks like a bad guy." The little fellow interrupted.

"No matter if it's friend or foe, I have to return to the Shen City! I can't possibly leave your Mommy alone in Shen City! "

"You need to return to the Shen City for your own son! Return at once! "Return immediately!"

… ….

Xueluo's first reaction after being woken up by Nanny An was: Yuan Duoduo was being bullied in Bai Family, she had to seek justice.

Since Lin Xueluo thought so, Basong did not bother to explain further. Anyway, his mission was to send Lin Xueluo to the Bai's mansion. As for the following matter, Feng Xinglang reckoned that he had already communicated with the Gentleman Bai.

"This bastard Bai Mo already forced Duo Duo to divorce, and he still dares to bully others?"

Xueluo angrily sat on Basong's Rolls Royce, and quickly ran towards Bai's mansion.

Gentleman Bai was just about to take the two children out to see his great-granddaughters' mother, Yuan Duoduo. After receiving Feng Xinglang's call, he cancelled his original plan.

"Ol 'White, tell the driver to fetch Duo Duo back. Just and Yaya … No, just tell her I'm not well, and tell her to come back quickly! "

Gentleman Bai who had a bit of feudalism didn't want to use his two young great-granddaughters as an excuse.

"Alright, I'll pick it up right away."

When Xueluo came over, Doudou and Yaya had just finished their afternoon nap, and was in the courtyard playing a puzzle game with Shui Qiannong.

"Doudou, Yaya … Do you miss your mother? "

In Xueluo's opinion, when even Mommy was gone, these two little kids could still enjoy themselves. They were really heartless.

But Doudou and Yaya were still young after all, and with Shui Qiannong's meticulous care, it was normal for them not to miss each other.

The two little things were still stuck at the childish stage of 'having a mother or a mother'.

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