When Xiao Jingnian called back, Nan Ruo was already gone.

He was furious.

He was about to go to her club when he stopped.

If he appeared now, Nan Ruo would definitely hand Yinzhe over to him.


He couldn't let that woman have her way.

He had to let his son have a good time.

He snorted and stared at his phone, "I'll forgive you this once."

Nan Ruo went to the office building. The moment she entered the hall, a few staff members were discussing something.

However, when she appeared, everyone immediately fell silent.

Nan Ruo thought with her toes that she knew who they were talking about.

After all, Xiao Jingnian was not an ordinary person.

It was outrageous of him to send the child to her.

It should be very difficult for people who were interested in gossip to ignore this matter.

Nan Ruo ignored them and went straight to the front desk.

"Is the luggage Director Xiao sent us here?"

"Yes, Captain Nan." The front desk staff pushed out the luggage.

Nan Ruo took it and left.

Once she left, the discussion continued.

When Nan Ruo returned to the dormitory, Yinzhe was sitting obediently on the sofa.

She opened the suitcase and was shocked.

"Did your father prepare this for you? Why are there so many things inside?"

"No," Yinzhe shook his head and said, "I always pack my own luggage."

Nan Ruo looked at him and said, "Just come and stay for two days. You brought too many clothes with you."

"Not much. Next week, I will bring some more here. This way, I won't have to carry my luggage every time I go back and forth."

Nan Ruo was speechless.

This child was truly persistent.

Did he really intend to stay here often?

"Mom, can you spare a wardrobe for me? If it really doesn't work, half of the wardrobe will do as well. "

Nan Ruo walked up to him, squatted down, and gently caressed his face with her hand.

Xiao Yinzhe smiled happily as he held Nan Ruo's hand.

"Mom's touch is indeed different from Aunt's touch. So warm. Mom, you should touch me more often from now on."

Nan Ruo said gently, "Yinzhe, the environment here is not as good as your home. Don't you feel uncomfortable living here?"

Xiao Yinzhe was extremely happy and said, "No way, as long as mom is here, I will be happy wherever I live."

Nan Ruo's heart felt as if it had been pierced by something, and she felt that she owed this child even more.

She opened her arms and pulled Xiao Yinzhe into her arms.

If Xiao Jingnian wasn't here, it wouldn't matter even if she was a bit more impudent.

Xiao Yinzhe also hugged her: "It's good to have a mother. Mom, you will never leave me again, right?"

Nan Ruo didn't say anything.

Xiao Yinzhe released her and asked worriedly, "Mom, why didn't you agree to my request?"

"Yinzhe, I'm right here. When you miss me, come and find me."

"Then I asked you that day, can you marry my father?"

Nan Ruo said guiltily, "No one can say for sure about love, so ??" I can't give you an answer, but no matter what, Mom wants you to remember that even if Mom and Dad aren't together, they will still love you a lot. "

"But I wish you could be together."

Nan Ruo lowered her eyes with a sorrowful look on her face. "I'm sorry."

Xiao Yinzhe held her face: "Mom, I know you don't want to make me sad, so I don't blame you."

"Thank you, Yinzhe."

He gri

ed and said, "Mom, I'm hungry."

Nan Ruo looked at her watch. It was just time for lunch.

She stood up and took his hand. "Let's go. Mommy will bring you to the cafeteria for di


"The cafeteria?" Xiao Yinzhe expressed his excitement: "Mom, I've never eaten in the cafeteria before."

Nan Ruo couldn't help but laugh. "With your father's personality, it would be strange if he would bring you to so many people to eat. Let's go. Your father doesn't care about this place. I'll bring you there."

"That's great! I'm so happy to eat with my mom."

When the two of them appeared in the cafeteria hand in hand, dozens of people set their gazes on them.

Xiao Yinzhe looked around curiously but didn't forget to ask, "Mom, why are they looking at us?"

"Because you're handsome and cute," she said, rubbing his head, ignoring everyone's gaze.

There were no restaurants around, so she had to bring the kids here to eat.

In any case, they had already started a flurry of discussion, so she wasn't afraid of further discussion.

After di

er, the camel appeared before the two of them.

"Captain Nan, let's go. Everyone is sitting here, let's eat together."

Nan Ruo said calmly, "No, the two of us alone ??"

Before he could finish his sentence, he heard Xiao Yinzhe say with a bit of excitement: "Uncle Camel."

"Hey, Yinzhe, we meet again. Do you want to sit with us?"

"Alright, Mom. Uncle Camel is in the same team as you. Let's eat together."

Nan Ruo nodded at Xiao Yinzhe.

She couldn't bear to refuse something the child wanted to do.

However, she still whispered to the camel, "I'm warning you, stop gossiping later."

"Captain Nan, you should be the one to be honest. You scared us all today."

"Shut up." She glared at him, and the three of them walked to the table where Piao Liang and the others were.

After sitting down, Xiao Yinzhe looked curiously at everyone.

The camel introduced everyone to Xiao Yinzhe.

Xiao Yinzhe greeted everyone obediently.

Piao Liang took the initiative to get a new pair of disposable chopsticks and gave the meat in her bowl to Xiao Yinzhe.

"Yinzhe, come and eat the meat. The meat in our cafeteria is so delicious."

Xiao Yinzhe was very obedient. Not only did he eat the dishes on his plate, he also ate the dishes his uncle and aunt gave him.

Seeing how these people were eyeing Xiao Yinzhe, Nan Ruo could not help but wave her hand, "Alright, you guys, how can you not be exaggerated? Don't scare the child. "

"Mom, I'm not afraid." Xiao Yinzhe said happily, "Mom, I really like it when we all eat together. In the future, we can always come to the cafeteria."

Nan Ruo was embarrassed.

She nodded. "Sure."

The camel secretly said to Piao Liang, who was beside her, "When did you see our Captain Nan speak to others in such a friendly ma


Piao Liang nudged him with her elbow. "Captain Nan has always been so good to me."

"Hey, look at Captain Nan's eyes."

Nan Ruo rolled her eyes at the two of them. "Don't say anything when you're eating. Enjoy your meal."

Just as she finished speaking, someone else walked over and stood by the dining table.

Seeing the face of the approaching person, the tall and big camel stood up, looking like it wanted to fight.

However, that person seemed to have completely ignored him. Instead, he asked in a strange tone, "Captain Nan, I heard from someone that you brought a son into the team. He's Director Xiao's son. I thought he was just being nosy, but I didn't expect it to be true."

He said and laughed sarcastically, "No wonder you don't like the pursuit of this group of men in the company. So it's because you are a stepmother, tsk tsk, Captain Nan you are too amazing, you don't want to share it with the unmarried female employees in the company. How can you be like you, successful in finding a handsome and rich husband?"

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