She got out of bed in a daze and began to change her clothes.

Sister Mai walked up to her and stopped her, "Xiao Er, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to the disaster area. Sister Mai, hurry, help me contact the car."

"Xiao Er, listen to me. Calm down. Call the big boss first."

Zhou Er turned around and dialed Lin Chengwen's number with trembling hands.

But there was no answer.

Zhou Er got anxious and her voice trembled a little, "Sister Mai ??" I have to go. "

"Xiao Er, I can understand how you're feeling right now, but ??"

"I have to go," Zhou Er interrupted Sister Mai. "I can't leave any regrets. Sister Mai, help me find a car."

Seeing Zhou Er's pale face and near collapse state, Sister Mai patted her on the shoulder. Keep it steady, I'll go find it. "

After Sister Mai left, Zhou Er continued to call Lin Chengwen.

But at this moment, the phone could no longer be reached.

Not only was Lin Chengwen's phone unreachable, but so was Secretary Qi's.

Due to the earthquake, Cloud City Airport stopped operating.

Zhou Er could only go there by car.

It was as if Zhou Er had lost her soul during this whole day of travel.

She called Lin Chengwen from time to time, but the result was the same.

Seeing her like this, Sister Mai tried to comfort her, but it was useless.

The closer they got to the disaster area, the more chaotic the situation became.

Sister Mai was extremely worried about the aftershocks.

In the epicenter area, the People's Liberation Army and volunteers from all over the country were already fighting the earthquake.

Through all sorts of methods, the two of them were unable to find out Lin Chengwen's whereabouts.

Thus, they joined the disaster squad of the volunteers.

Zhou Er prayed in her heart that saving one more person would reduce the danger to Lin Chengwen.

On the second day in the disaster area, they were searching under the ruins of a building when they encountered the aftershock.

Zhou Er and a middle-aged man were trapped in a triangle built from stone pillars.

The two of them squatted inside, but it wasn't crowded.

After the aftershock, Sister Mai shouted Zhou Er's name from outside.

"Okay," Zhou Er replied. Sister Mai walked to the gap and shone her flashlight inside.

Zhou Er came over and asked, "Sister Mai, is that you?"

"Xiao Er, what should we do ??"

"Sister Mai, I'm fine. There's a triangle here, so it's safe."

"I... I'll go find someone for you. Don't be afraid. "

Zhou Er nodded. It was a pity that Sister Mai could not see it from the outside.

After Sister Mai left, the uncle opposite her asked, "Lady, are you afraid?"

Zhou Er couldn't see the uncle in the darkness, but she nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid."

"I have experienced three disasters, so I am a little bit experienced. When I encounter danger, I am most afraid of thinking too much. Otherwise, let's chat for a while to alleviate the fear in our hearts. "

Zhou Er replied softly, "Alright."

In her heart, however, she was wondering if Lin Chengwen was in the same corner as her, enduring the same kind of fear.

The uncle thought that the girl must have been frightened, so he took the initiative to ask, "Why did you come here?"

"I came to find my lover."

"Is he in the disaster area?"

Zhou Er nodded with a sad look on her face. "He's here on a business trip. After the quake, there's no news of him. I'm really worried about him."

The old man replied, "You must love him a lot."

There was a trace of sadness on Zhou Er's face. "So ??" He didn't feel much love because he hadn't known him for long. I don't think I could have loved him that much. However, after knowing where he is, and after the earthquake, I suddenly realized that loving a person turns out to be so easy. "

she said, in a choked voice.

"Lady, you are such a good girl. If you can smoothly meet up with her again, you will definitely be happy."

Zhou Er wiped the mist from her eyes. "We will meet again. Definitely."

"Right, right."

"Uncle, why are you here?"

"When I was young, my mother died in the earthquake, so as long as the earthquake wasn't too far away from where I am, I would definitely come to support her."

Zhou Er nodded. So, they were all people with stories.

Sister Mai's voice came again from outside the crack in the stone pillar. "Xiao Er, how are you doing inside?"

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"Comrade Soldiers are here. They will rescue you soon. Don't be afraid."

Zhou Er nodded. "Alright."

"Xiao Er, I want to tell you that I feel really blessed to be your manager. Thank you for finding me back then."

Zhou Er was moved, but she pretended to be relaxed as she asked, "Are you saying goodbye to me for the last time?"

"Pei pei pei! Don't speak nonsense. You will be fine."

Outside, there were many people surrounding them, looking for safety, ready to dig them out.

The entire process took a long time.

From Zhou Er's initial fear, to her later calmness, to her final calmness.

Sister Mai had been talking outside the whole time, trying to stop her from getting so scared.

Zhou Er knew what Sister Mai was thinking, so she took the initiative to comfort her, "Sister Mai, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Yes, you'll be all right."

Zhou Er leaned against the pillar behind her.

"Sister Mai, do you know, I really want to say 'I miss you' to Lin Chengwen right now. When he left, he wanted to hear what I had to say, but I insisted. I asked him if I had said, 'I miss you,' and you would appear in front of me, and he said... "Let me try."

As Zhou Er spoke, she sighed lightly. "I want to say that I miss you and see if he will really appear."

Just as she finished her sentence, Sister Mai's voice came from the outside, "Oh my god, Big Boss!"

Zhou Er could not help but smile bitterly, "Sister Mai, what are you doing? This joke is not fu

y at all."

Lin Chengwen's voice suddenly came from outside the crack: "Miss me, hurry up and come out."

Hearing the voice, Zhou Er quickly turned around and looked out through the gap in the door.

It was him, it really was him.

In that instant, Zhou Er's eyes turned red.

"You're fine. Thank God for that. Big Boss, it's so good to see you again."

Lin Chengwen moved closer to the gap and shined his flashlight inside.

However, he could not see Zhou Er's face clearly.

He pretended to be calm as he comforted, "I'm fine. I'll stay here with you. Don't be afraid. With me here, you'll be fine too."

"Yes," Zhou Er's voice was choked with sobs. "Eldest Boss, thank you for choosing me. Thank you for loving me. I want to tell you ??"

Lin Chengwen felt that what she said now was like her last words.

He didn't want to hear it.

He calmly said, "Tell me when you're out."

Zhou Er replied, "Alright."

The people who had been thinking about life and death could not wait to leave this dark place.

However, the words of the rescue workers outside scared her.

"This is the support point. If we dig it out, it might collapse a second time, and the people inside will also be in danger."

This was the first time since coming here that she had been so afraid of death.

Lin Chengwen was still alive, and she didn't want to die.

She wanted to live with him.

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