She suddenly felt so heavy

Qinxin? Luo Hanshang's most beloved woman?

Before Ning Jiang could think deeply, Luo Nanyi had already fallen forward due to the alcohol.

She was standing right in front of him. When he fell, he pounced on her. His entire weight instantly pressed down on her.

Despite her strength, both of them fell to the ground in the face of the sudden weight.

Ning Jiang cursed, "Luo Nanyi, you bastard, get up."

However, Luo Nanyi had already fallen asleep and was lying unconscious on top of her body.

Ning Jiang flipped over and rolled out from under him.

It would not be good to leave a drunk here by himself.

She forcefully dragged him for a bit, but didn't drag him away. She then shouted towards the door, "Is there anyone inside? Hurry up and help me."

The guard who heard the sound quickly ran out from behind the door.

Ning Jiang said: "I'll have to trouble you to find someone to send Young Master Nanyi back to West Garden. He drank too much."

"Understood, Young Madam. I will go now."

Seeing them carry Luo Nanyi into the courtyard in a fluster, Ning Jiang shook her head.

She took a taxi with her software. Since she had left her car at the hospital last night and had to drive it back this morning, she didn't use the family driver.

On the way to the hospital, Ning Jiang looked out the window and thought back to what Luo Nanyi had just said.


It was a name she had never heard before.

Was this woman really Luo Hanshang's most beloved woman?


These two words made her feel a trace of unexplainable unhappiness in her heart.

She woke up ?? What does it mean?

That damnable Luo Nanyi, she couldn't explain herself properly even when she was drunk.

She pursed her lips, took out her cell phone and started searching for Qinxin on the internet, but to no avail.

It seemed that it wasn't that she didn't understand much about gossip, but that this woman didn't follow Luo Hanshang on the news.

Then... Could Luo Nanyi's words still be trusted?

Why did she suddenly feel so heavy in her heart?

Arriving at the hospital, Ning Jiang got into her car and saw the gift box that she had placed on the passenger seat yesterday.

She opened the box. Inside was a copy of Andersen's fairy tale.

She smiled and opened the book's title page. Inside was a small bookmark with Fu Zishu's personal handwriting on it.

"When you were young, I said that when you grew up, I would take you to see Andersen. This wish of yours never came true, but today, little brother brought back the Andersen work that you liked. This is a classic version. You don't have to be too touched. If you want to cry, then cry, hahahaha. "

Ning Jiang pursed her lips and smiled, flipping a few pages of the book.

There was a kind of friendship, and that was the case.

Because she really felt very happy with Fu Zishu.

She put the book in her bag, started the car, and drove off to the construction site.

After a busy day, she felt physically and mentally exhausted.

In the afternoon, while she was waiting for the supplier's call, Mo Lan called her first.

At first she didn't want to answer, but she was waiting for an important call. Mo Lan's constant calls would affect her ability to receive other calls. She could only pick up the phone impatiently.

"What do you want?"

"Ning Jiang, do you know how much I want to kill you?"

Mo Lan's voice sounded haggard.

Ning Jiang said coldly, "I don't want to know."

"I really have nothing left. I sold all my designer clothes and bags, but I didn't manage to gather enough money to pay for my treatment. My life, because of you, is all ruined. Ning Jiang, you're a jinx. "

Ning Jiang said in a low voice, "The ones who destroyed you were not me, but you and your father. If your father did not care about the lives of others for benefits, then his Mo's would not have fallen to this extent.

"If you didn't use AIDS to harm me, I'm sure you wouldn't have suffered such retribution. What you are experiencing now is something that both you and your father brought upon themselves. What does it have to do with me? You can't blame others for doing such a bad thing yourself. "

"Ning Jiang," Mo Lan screamed at the top of her lungs, "You bitch, let me tell you, even if I can't kill you, you can forget about living. I curse you with my life, curse you that you will never be happy again, curse you that no one will ever love you, curse you to be alone until the end of your life. Ning Jiang, I am unfortunate, so don't even think about being happy. "

Ning Jiang heard her vicious words and said indifferently, "I'll give you everything you just cursed. Don't call me again. I'm too lazy to hear your crying voice. You better take care of yourself."

She hung up.

She walked to Lu Fei's side and said, "Senior Lu, can I borrow your phone? My phone is a bit inconvenient, I want to ask the supplier to contact me on your phone later."

Lu Fei directly gave the phone to her.

Ning Jiang tossed Mo Lan's incident to the back of her mind.

After work in the afternoon, she had originally wanted to work another shift, but Lu Fei had come over and said with a serious face: "Younger generation Ning, big news, Mo's Group's eldest daughter jumped down from a building and committed suicide, right in front of Mo's Group."

Ning Jiang was shocked and the blueprints in her hands dropped to the ground.

In her mind, she thought about what Mo Lan had said when she called her this afternoon: "I curse you with my life ??"

Lu Fei helped her pick up the drawing and said, "Ning Jiang, Ning Jiang?"

Ning Jiang snapped out of her daze and looked at him.

Lu Fei handed the blueprint to her: "Are you alright? Isn't that person your sworn enemy? Didn't she still want to harm you?"

The corner of Ning Jiang's mouth twitched, her smile was even uglier than crying. "Erm, Senior Lu, I won't be working overtime tonight. I have something to attend to, so I'll have to leave first."

"Oh, okay then, hurry up and leave."

Ning Jiang turned around and left. When she reached the small parking lot, she told the chauffeur to drive back while she got into the car she had driven in this morning.

She turned on the news and found Mo Lan's message.

On the news, it was precisely the scene of Mo Lan being carried away from the Mo's Group's main entrance.

Because Mo Lan had AIDS, after she was carried away, there were also people who disinfected the blood at the scene.

Ning Jiang nibbled at her index finger impatiently. She repeated the words over and over again in her mind.

Mo Lan was dead.

She clearly had neither joy nor sadness, but because of Mo Lan's final curse, her heart felt inexplicably heavy.

Her cell phone rang. She picked it up, "Mingmei, I just saw the news."

"I want to talk to you about this. Jiang Er, come out and have a drink."

Ning Jiang thought for a moment. "Alright. Where do you want to go?"

"Orchid House, I will set off immediately. Wait a moment for me when you arrive. I asked Sister Chun Ying to choose a private room for us. Remember not to run around like that and just go directly to Sister Chun Ying. It's a little messy there, after all. "

"Got it." After Ning Jiang hung up the phone, she drove to the Orchid House first.

After she entered the door, she went upstairs. Before she could find Chun Ying, she saw Luo Nanyi first.

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