Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 598 First Ring Of Hell: Lust (13)

The first circle of hell, Lust, bore witness to this cosmic interplay, where the goddess of allure sought to bend the will of a traveler immune to her charms. The labyrinthine corridors absorbed the energy of this celestial ballet, a testament to the clash between the irresistible forces of lust and the indomitable will of an enigmatic soul.

In the throes of the seductive dance, Zagartha'kaj's movements became more intricate, each gyration and undulation a testament to her dominion over the desires that fueled this infernal realm. The very air seemed to pulse with an intoxicating energy as the goddess continued her attempt to weave Orion into the cosmic tapestry of lust.

Despite the goddess's best efforts, Orion remained a bastion of resilience. The celestial-abyssal aura that enveloped him held steadfast against the waves of temptation that sought to pull him into the maelstrom of desire. The first circle of hell, Lust, bore witness to a cosmic struggle between the goddess's allure and the unwavering spirit of the enigmatic traveler.

As the dance of seduction reached its zenith, the labyrinthine surroundings seemed to hold their breath. Zagartha'kaj, goddess of lust, continued her celestial ballet, her movements a testament to the eternal dance between temptation and resistance. Yet, in the midst of this cosmic drama, Orion stood unyielding, his celestial-abyssal guise a shield against the irresistible forces of the first circle of hell.

"Let's go somewhere… just you and me," The woman winked. 


In the heart of the first circle of hell, Lust, Orion found himself in a lavish chamber adorned with opulent decor, the goddess of lust leaning against his bare chest as they shared a pipe of herbal medicine. 

The bed, a grand testament to the infernal excess, stood as a dark, royal, and prestigious centerpiece. The massive frame was carved from obsidian, intricately adorned with ethereal patterns that seemed to writhe in the ambient glow of the demonic realm. Draped in luxurious, deep crimson silks, the sheets cradling Orion and the demoness created a regal contrast against the dark allure of the bed.

The mattress itself was a celestial-abyssal blend, offering a comfort that transcended the boundaries of mortal indulgence. It yielded under the weight of the entwined figures, creating a cocoon of pleasure and temptation. The headboard, towering above the bed, featured demonic motifs that whispered promises of hedonistic delights to those who dared to recline upon its decadent surface.

As the room embraced the intimate tableau, the walls exuded an otherworldly charm. Tapestry adorned with scenes of carnal ecstasy cascaded from ceiling to floor, woven with threads that seemed to pulse with the very essence of the first circle of hell. The demonic craftsmanship portrayed a visual symphony of desire and temptation, capturing the essence of the realm in which Orion found himself.

A grand chandelier, suspended from the ceiling with ethereal chains, bathed the room in a sensuous, dim light. The chandelier itself was a masterpiece, crafted from dark gemstones that emitted a soft, alluring glow. Its delicate chains seemed to dance with every languid movement, casting enchanting shadows that added to the ambiance of the chamber.

Ornate furniture, adorned with abyssal accessories, punctuated the room. Tables crafted from polished obsidian held decanters of infernal spirits, inviting those within to indulge in the pleasures of the first circle. Mirrors with frames wrought in demonic motifs adorned the walls, reflecting the intertwined figures on the bed from various angles, creating a kaleidoscope of desire.

"In my palace, but I'm not telling you where he is," The goddess chuckled. 

"Then… what do you want from me?" 

Zagartha'kaj's lips curled into a devilish smile, a play of lustrous red against the backdrop of her ageless visage. In an instant, she vanished from her previous position, only to reappear right in front of Orion. The sudden teleportation aimed to startle, yet the young man remained unfazed, his eyes locked on the goddess with an unwavering gaze.

The air crackled with an otherworldly energy as Zagartha'kaj materialized before Orion. Her sultry visage, enhanced by the dim light of the chamber, radiated an aura of both celestial elegance and abyssal allure. She stood mere inches from him, her presence casting a captivating spell that seemed to envelop the space between them.

Orion's expression remained calm and observant, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. The goddess's proximity did little to unsettle him; instead, he met her gaze with a quiet confidence. His celestial-abyssal guise held steady, a testament to the resilience he maintained in the face of the goddess's considerable power.

Zagartha'kaj's eyes, crimson orbs that glowed with infernal allure, locked onto Orion's. The subtle dance between temptation and peril seemed to intensify in the confined space, creating an atmosphere charged with the cosmic energies of the first circle of hell. The goddess's smile retained its devilish charm, a silent acknowledgment of the intricate game unfolding between them.

"You're not hiding it very well," Orion smirked. 

"Your blood. It's strange. I've never seen something like this before… and I heard what you thought of earlier… Ichor? What is that? And gods? What is that? I only know of the gods within the circles of hell… so clearly, you're an outsider. But more than one of this circle, no… of this entire plane of existence. You come from somewhere else and I'd like to know more about it." 

"If you want to know more about me, then you better return something in exchange." 

"I can hear your thoughts. I already know what you want, but you won't get it. You're like me. We're both selfish and only look for personal gain in others." 

"I guess we do have that in common." 

"You know, whenever I have sex with anybody, there are only two outcomes. One, they die and two… well, they become my slave, yet, you did neither. This intrigues me even more as if my hunch is correct… we could possibly be on the same level of power?" 

"That's because you don't search for new ways to gain power. You have plateaued, but I am far from that. In fact, in another one thousand years, I can guarantee you I will be twice as strong as I am now… so how about you join me?" 

"Pfft… are you saying you can make me stronger? That's utterly impossible. I can no longer evolve and I can no longer gain any skills." 

"But I know of a way…" Orion smirked, with the goddess squinting her eyes as if trying to dig deep into his thoughts to see if he was bluffing, but it was clouded. For some reason, she couldn't see anything in his mind as of now.

Why? Well, Orion did the genius move of using [Thought Manipulator] on himself to basically make his thoughts all jumbled with convoluded information while storing his actual consciouness in the back of his mind. A risky move for a normal person, but Orion was far from that. 

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