The Demon God of Extinction stands as a symbol of the unchecked forces of oblivion that exist in the cosmos. The legend serves as a stark reminder that, despite humanity's achievements and ambitions, there are forces beyond their control, capable of bringing about the end of all things.

The legend underscores the impermanence of all existence. It reminds individuals of the fragility of life and the ever-present threat of annihilation, emphasizing that, in the grand tapestry of the universe, everything ultimately succumbs to the inexorable forces of decay and destruction.

Above all, the legend of the Demon God of Extinction serves as a cautionary tale, warning against the hubris of those who would seek to wield power without regard for the consequences. It is a chilling narrative that urges humility in the face of the universe's dark and relentless truths.

The legend and lore of the Demon God of Extinction is a haunting narrative that confronts mortals with their deepest fears and the stark realities of existence. It stands as a reminder that, in the grand scheme of the cosmos, the forces of darkness and annihilation are ever-present, and the unchecked pursuit of power can lead to catastrophic consequences.

"Tch… they've completely forgotten about us," the throne world around this being shook with the force of a thousand magnitude ten earthquakes. "It's about time we reclaim our spot as the strongest." 

(Orion POV)

I had lost… I mean, no shit I lost. That form Lucifer evolved into was at the level of a celestial god. On the level of those assholes watching from above. How was I supposed to predict something like that would happen?

"But… why'd he leave me alive?" You must be wondering. Well, I wasn't… kind of. He most definitely killed me. I felt every atom in my body get eradicated from my toes to the tips of keratin within my hair. I was gone. Completely gone. 

Then you must be wondering, "You seem alive? How are you still alive?" Well, I think the panel in front of me was more than enough to explain to you about where I was sent. Whether it was intentional by the demon lord or a complete accident, I couldn't really figure out. 


[You have entered The Dungeon: Purgatory]

[Danger Level: Z]

[Level Recommended: ???]

[Description: Purgatory is a realm of unrelenting darkness and uncertainty, where the boundaries between reality and the unknown blur. This desolate and foreboding place is shrouded in perpetual twilight, casting long shadows over its treacherous landscapes. The very ground beneath your feet feels unstable as if the realm itself resists your presence. As you venture deeper into this domain, you will face trials and challenges that will test your mettle and determination. Purgatory offers no respite, and the air is heavy with the unshakable sense of foreboding, making every step a harrowing journey into the abyss. Will you surpass your limits or will you let your mind rot just like the rest.]


[Side Quest: Labyrinth of Shadows - Find the Chamber of Illumination]

[Description: As you navigate the twisting labyrinth, you encounter a mysterious side quest that may aid your progress. You must find the elusive Chamber of Illumination hidden within the dark maze. The benevolent sanctuary urges you to embrace this challenge.]

[Reward: [Sanctuary Vision Upgrade - Light Guidance] | [Key Fragment - Chamber of Illumination]

[Penalty Upon Failure: Curse of Lost Path]

[Time Left: One Day]


[Side Quest: Trials of Despair - Confront Your Regrets]

[Description: Within the Trials of Despair, you have the opportunity to confront your deepest regrets and fears. The benevolent sanctuary challenges you to face your own demons and emerge stronger.]

[Reward: [Sanctuary Vision Upgrade - Resilience] | [Mental Fortitude] | [Emotional Clarity]

[Penalty Upon Failure: Despair's Mark]

[Time Left: One Day]


[Side Quest: Forge of Redemption - Purify the Corrupted Artifact]

[Description: As you stand before the corrupted artifact, you sense a side quest beckoning you to purify its malevolent energies. The benevolent sanctuary has entrusted you with this monumental task to prove your worthiness.]

[Reward: [Sanctuary Vision Upgrade - Purity] | [Artifact's Blessing] | [Key to The First Layer]

lightsnοvεl [Penalty Upon Failure: Corrupted Heart]

[Time Left: One Day]


[Reminder: These side quests have been unveiled to aid you in your journey through Purgatory. Embrace the challenges and opportunities they offer, for they hold the key to your salvation.]


This was definitely a feature of the Ares System from which I was given. No regular system would be handing out such applicable freebies like it's candy. No doubt my old man wanted to see me survive. 

The appearance of Purgatory is a nightmarish dreamscape that defies conventional understanding and instills a profound sense of dread. It is a place where the boundaries between reality and the unknown are in a constant state of flux, creating a disorienting and eerie spectacle that challenges the sanity of those who dare to traverse its desolate expanse.

The perpetual twilight that envelops Purgatory is a haunting and surreal phenomenon, casting the entire realm into an eternal state of dusky uncertainty. It is a landscape where time itself appears to have frozen, and the boundaries between day and night are forever blurred.

In Purgatory, there is no sun to provide warmth or illumination. Instead, the sky remains perpetually dim, shrouding the entire realm in an eerie semi-darkness. The absence of a sun creates a disconcerting sense of disorientation, as the usual markers of time and direction are absent.

The colors in Purgatory are muted and ashen, casting a pall over the landscape. The palette is dominated by shades of gray, with hints of dull, lifeless blues and purples. This monochromatic spectrum contributes to the realm's eerie and lifeless appearance.

The perpetual twilight gives rise to long and ominous shadows that stretch across the jagged terrain. These elongated, formless shades intensify the sense of foreboding, as they appear to have a life of their own, moving and shifting independently from any discernible light source. These shadows seem to beckon travelers into their obscurity, creating an ever-present sense of lurking danger.

In Purgatory, it feels as though one is forever caught in that moment of transition from day to night, never fully experiencing the bright light of day or the comforting embrace of night. This unending dusk further disorients explorers, making it difficult to gauge the passage of time.

The dim, perpetual twilight adds to the overall atmosphere of uncertainty and isolation that permeates the realm. Without the comforting presence of daylight or the guiding stars, travelers may feel lost and isolated, unsure of their direction and the passage of time.

Purgatory's perpetual twilight lends the entire realm an otherworldly, dreamlike quality. It feels as if one has stepped into a surreal dreamscape where the rules of reality have been distorted, and the usual markers of time and space have lost their meaning.

The perpetual twilight of Purgatory is not just an absence of light; it is a presence in its own right, an ever-present and disquieting force that contributes to the overall sense of foreboding and surrealism in this desolate realm. It serves as a constant reminder that Purgatory is a place where the very concept of time and light has been twisted and contorted, leaving explorers in a perpetual state of twilight uncertainty.

The landscape of Purgatory is a nightmarish terrain dominated by jagged, obsidian-like rock formations, creating a daunting and perilous backdrop that exudes an aura of malevolence and chaos.

The rock formations in Purgatory are like no other. They appear as though they were shaped by the very fires of chaos, with their surfaces marred by twisted, abstract patterns and bizarre, almost alien geometries. These formations are not the result of natural geological processes but rather seem to have been wrought by an otherworldly force.

These rock formations are jagged and foreboding, with edges so sharp that they could easily wound the unwary traveler. They rise from the cracked and barren earth like dark sentinels, and their presence alone is enough to induce a sense of dread. The landscape is a maze of sharp angles and cruel edges, making every step a potential hazard.

The ground itself is far from stable. It is uneven, with rifts and chasms that seem to appear without warning. The very earth beneath your feet is treacherous as if the realm itself seeks to impede your progress. The uneven ground makes navigation through the rocky labyrinth a formidable challenge.

As explorers venture deeper into this otherworldly landscape, they may encounter surreal and impossible geometries that defy the laws of physics. These bizarre formations are both captivating and disorienting, reinforcing the sense that Purgatory exists outside the boundaries of normal reality.

The rock formations bear a malevolent presence, as though they are conscious entities watching the traveler's every move. Their strange, shifting patterns can seem to take on a life of their own, heightening the impression that they are not merely geological features but manifestations of a sinister force.

The rifts and chasms in the terrain seem to beckon the unwary traveler into their abyssal depths. They create a constant sense of impending danger, as one misstep could send an explorer plummeting into an unknown and potentially deadly void.

The obsidian-like rock formations of Purgatory are not just physical obstacles; they are a manifestation of the realm's malevolent nature. They challenge those who dare to traverse them, testing their resilience and determination in a landscape that seems to have been torn from a fevered nightmare.


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