Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 492 The Magistrate Of Eradication

With each word she spoke, the very airwaves seemed to shudder, carrying the weight of her command. Her voice was a symphony of dread, resonating with a haunting melody that sent shivers down the spines of anyone who heard it. It was a voice that could freeze the bravest of souls and send tremors through the hearts of the most steadfast.

"Of course."

In her presence, reality itself seemed to waver, and the boundaries between the tangible and the intangible blurred. Those who stood near her could feel the hairs on their skin stand on end, and a sense of impending doom hung heavy in the air.

This woman, so chilling in power, was a living embodiment of the uncanny, a force of nature that could crack and sever the very atmosphere around her with a mere glance, a word, or a gesture. She was a harbinger of humiliation and anybody who stood in her presence was immediately lowered in the greater status of the universe. 

"Then let's get going." 


(Bella POV)

"Did you hear? She's somewhere in this city?" 

"Huh? Who?" 

"You know… The Magistrate of Eradication." 

"What? No way… doesn't that mean…" 

"Hey… what's that green light?" 

The man squinted as he saw my singular attack plummet from the sea of clouds. 

"A flame." 


"Master, I have to return. He will be picking me up in only a few hours, and… I don't think I will be able to see you again." 

In the dimly lit chamber, an unsettling figure emerged from the shadows. This demonic woman possessed an aura of malevolence that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who beheld her. Her short, tousled green hair, shaped into a bob cut, framed a face both haunting and alluring, with features that seemed to dance on the boundary between beauty and terror.

Upon her forehead, two massive, twisted goat horns erupted from her pale skin, their dark, gnarled curves spiraling upward like wicked spires. They stood as a testament to her new infernal lineage, reaching toward the heavens with a sinister grace. This only enhanced the rugged tendrils of hair that hung like ivy from the base of these monstrous funnels, adding to the surreal image.

Her eyes were the brightest shade of green, an unnatural luminescence that seemed to pierce through the very soul of those who met her gaze. They glowed with an eerie, unholy radiance, betraying a depth of malicious knowledge that sent chills down one's spine.

But it was the woman's skin that told the darkest tale. Her dove-white flesh was riddled with scars, each mark a testament to her existence from which had been flipped on its head. Jagged gashes, burn marks, and symbols of arcane torment adorned her body like a canvas of pain. These scars crisscrossed her form, weaving a tapestry of suffering that hinted at her freshly crafted life of battle and blood.

Her attire was a ghoulish masterpiece, a combination of tattered black robes that clung to her form like a second skin and adorned with intricate, crimson runes. The fabric seemed to writhe and pulse as though imbued with a sinister life of its own, but at the same time held a tinge of noble sparks. A dragon's spark, ready to borrow a draconic flame. 

As she moved, her steps echoed with a haunting rhythm, a symphony of darkness and despair. Her presence was a mesmerizing blend of allure and dread, like a siren's call luring sailors into the abyss.

"I see…" A heavy groan echoed through the cavern. 

Piles of treasure spired to the ceiling, forming their own minuscule towers. The dignified creature born from the pinnacle of life, and crafted with a royal flame slithered its long scaly body through each peak. Its body tantalizing with a red allure dragged in the surrounding mana, enhancing its body with every second that it is alive. 

Truly a king amongst monsters. Growing in power by just existing. 

"This eon is coming to an end soon anyway…"

"Will you let all of the existence reset? Isn't there something you can do?" 

"You look so scary on the outside but I guess you still haven't lost touch with your mortal emotions…. I hope you know you may regret keeping them." 

"Just… wait for me… I'll be sure to repay this debt by the end of my life." 

"AHAHAAHAHAHA!" The dragon's voice boomed, scattering his treasure and shaking the stone spire where he had engraved his royal abode. "Just live! LIVE FOR YOURSELF! ONCE YOU REACH THE PINNACLE OF LIFE, THEN MAYBE YOU CAN HELP ME!"

I smiled. Maybe for the first time in a while. I had a mix of emotions. Worry, sadness, excitement, anticipation… I was a swirling mess, but knew exactly what I had to do now. 

The war that is going to break out amongst the demons and the demon gods. The demon lords want to replace the oldies practically coughing up dust. They want to bring about a new era of change where hell can proceed further in strength. 

"It's clear what you guys want."

"Oh? And what makes you so sure?" The dark figure behind me smiled. A thousand eyes crawled all over his skin, observing each and every minuscule movement that I took. 

"Because I know just how much you hate the gods… you want to not only replace the demon gods but replace the very structure of this world. You want to create a new eon without a great reset. But from what I've learned… you all are only fools dancing in the palm of the primordial ones." 

Each eye was like a scythe, ready to take my soul. They dug into my neck and hung around my throat, just begging to slice me open… but I was too useful. They needed me and my friends for some of their dirty work. 

"Watch your mouth bitch… I can kill all of your friends with just a snap of my finger." 

"Do you know what my Master said?" No response by the demon lord of gluttony. "The most profound journeys often begin with a single step into the obscurity of another's grasp." 

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