Warlock of War: My Ares System

Chapter 460 Prince Of The Night Sky (9)


[Absorbed Dark Energy will be released via Mana]

In one large explosion that blinded the entire cabin with a bright black light, everything was torn to shreds. A massive crater had formed in the center of the island top and all that was left was me, torn and tattered to shreds with blood dripping from seemingly hundreds of lacerations crossing my entire body. 

In a feeble attempt to get up, I coughed up a mouthful of blood and felt my entire body go limp. Yet, just as I was about to smile with victory, the young woman appeared in my vision once more, her smile stretching across her face. 

pandasnovel.com "Noah, that's enough." 

"Tch… what a disappointment…" Noah clicked her tongue, slowly backing away from me while a tall white figure appeared beside her. 

Short dark blue hair, fixed into somewhat of a bob cut, and piercing black pupils shaped into sharp crosses. They slashed up and down each eye, revealing the depths of what seemed to be the ocean. It was almost frightening to just stare into her eyes. 

"Noah, clean this mess up." 

"What? But it was his fault-" 

"I said clean it up," Her face twisted into a cold expression, causing the woman who had survived such a powerful attack to retreat and back down. Her face said everything as she looked almost like a puppy listening to her owner. 


"Who are you?" I asked, eyeing Noah who immediately got to work, completely ignoring me. 

"I'm Queen Lochness, but you can call me Ness," The woman smiled, walking over to me and bending down to reach my level. Blood had filled my vision yet with a wave of her hand, all of my injuries had disappeared like they had never existed in the first place. 

Noah shot me a dirty glare as tendrils of water extended from her torso, piercing the ground and revitalizing it with fluid pumps of life. Each tendril expanded at the base and then moved that expansion all the way down until it reached the bottom, injecting itself into the soft dirt below. 

"You… don't look very much like royalty," I chuckled as a drop of sweat slid down from my scalp. And my attempt to joke around was warmly received by the queen but of course not by Noah who continued to glare at me. 

"Well, I'm not in my usual form. If one of my citizens sees me out here they may think I'm trying to avoid my responsibilities," She chuckled before the tips of her hair turned black and two massive horns of coral extended from her forehead, stretching past me until they almost looked as if they were going to scrape the sky itself. 

Her earlobes drooped into two large golden earrings while small golden spikes extended from the crown of her head. They shifted and moved the flesh around them until a large golden crown appeared on the woman's head.  I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

"Is this not enough?" 

"N-No… That's definitely enough," I muttered, shivering from her sheer power. She wasn't even trying to intimidate me, but somehow I still felt like I was standing before a god. Even the demon lords can hardly compare to this woman. 

"Can I ask why you're here? And don't bother lying, I can see everything," She smiled, her eyes digging into my skull. 

"*sigh*... To find out the truth." 

"Hmm… And what truth do you want to find out about?" 

"Why my Master has sent me here? What this place even is? Why my Master has even decided to recruit me and my friends?" 

I spilled everything that I wanted to know, feeling like this godly being could answer my questions. For a moment, she analyzed the situation, calculating a few things in that ever-expansive head of hers. Now, that didn't mean her head was disproportionate to her body, but it almost felt like a galaxy was stored within her skull instead of a brain. I mean, her pitch-black eyes glistened with stars in their far distance, creating this universal picture that painted itself as I glanced at her face. 

"I think I understand. Ouroboros discussed something about time travelers in our last meeting and seeing how you're so weak… you must be from the lesser Eons-" 

Time froze. Everything was colored in a darker filter while somebody broke through time and space, their face filled to the brim with annoyance. 

"Tch… you weren't actually supposed to…" Beelzebub's words trailed off as he stepped into this dimension vacant of time, only to feel a shiver get sent down his spine as the queen's eyes trailed him as he passed by. 

"You dare freeze time before me," Her lips moved and with as much grace as a swan, her hand broke through the grayscale filter. In an instant, her footsteps echoed throughout the dimension, and before Beezlebub could even react, her hand gripped his neck, forcing him to teleport away. 

"Huff… huff… huff… you stupid bitch," He muttered, grabbing his neck had such a massive bruise that it was obvious the queen intended to go for the kill. "I'll fucking kill you when I get the chance… I swear to Hades I will murder you with every piece of strength I can muster-" 

"Then I guess I should deal with you before any of that happens, right?" Her face contorted into that same creepy smile Noah had. And with just a flick of her wrist, Beezlebub was sucked into the palm of her hand like there was a black hole centered in between each finger of hers. 

The sound of her fingers digging into his neck was almost nauseating and with each second that passed, the more bones began to snap. It wasn't just his neck or spine that was cracking but somehow the other bones fleshed amongst his toned muscles were snapping and breaking with just the sheer force of this woman. 

While gripping onto my Master who I thought was completely unbeatable, her other hand waved across the sky, breaking the timeless dimension and freeing Noah from its chains. She was a bit confused as to what had happened, but upon seeing the queen's angered smile, she got back to work and ignored what was happening before her. 

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