Even Wu Jingguo immediately turned his head towards Bai Chen and widened his eyes in surprise. “What did my brother just say, Prince Bai Chen? Someone put aphrodisiacs in your food?” He asked as if he couldn’t believe that his ears worked properly.

It seemed that the conversation on Wu Jinhai’s side had stalled, and that was why Bai Chen had taken the time to recall memories related to the fish dish served by his maids. One day during one of his meals, Zhu Ge threw his fried fish into the fish pond, saying that he didn’t like fish and didn’t want to eat it on the table. And then Zhu Ge continued to show his distaste for fish until finally, the man voiced his theory about cinnamon and red ginseng.

It turned out that cinnamon and red ginseng could awaken a werewolf’s libido, which was why Zhu Ge stopped Bai Chen from eating the fish cooked by the palace cooks.

Today, Bai Chen knew that there must be another reason behind what the man used to do in the past, and that was because Zhu Ge or Wu Jinhai was actually a half-fish demon. Even so, Bai Chen was certain that the main reason behind the man’s actions was that someone had indeed put those dangerous ingredients in the food, and that was confirmed today.

“It’s not an aphrodisiac,” Yu Ming’s lips moved to say a few more words, but it didn’t sound like Wu Jinhai’s.

Someone else was talking now, and Bai Chen remained calm because he could recognize the voice. He also ignored Wu Jingguo’s question, and the Crown Prince of Wu Li also said nothing even if his questions remained unanswered. Instead of repeating his questions, he just silently turned to Yu Ming again.

Meanwhile, at the same time but in a different place,

“I only put a little cinnamon and red ginseng in His Highness’s food. I’m just helping him to enjoy his life more,” the person sitting on the throne continued, and Wu Jinhai sneered after hearing what he said.

Wu Jinhai was still standing in the middle of Zuigao Hall, and it seemed that he was surrounded by enemies, but he didn’t look afraid at all. On the contrary, he constantly displayed arrogance, and he could even snicker at the person sitting on the throne.


After all, the throne didn’t actually belong to that person, so why should he be afraid? Perhaps that was what Wu Jinhai thought, but he didn’t voice it out as he instead said, “You can put that kind of ingredient in Bai Chen’s food, so you can put something in his mother’s food too, right?”

It was once again Wu Jinhai’s voice that escaped Yu Ming’s lips, and Bai Chen was stunned as his blue eyes widened.

Now, he could confirm that the person who put the cinnamon and red ginseng was really ‘that person,’ but he was still not sure whether it was the same person who poisoned his mother all those years ago.

Half of his heart didn’t want to believe that Wu Jinhai’s suspicions were true, but he also couldn’t deny that he also had the same suspicions in his heart. Before he returned to this world, he was ignorant of many things here, but after he died in the modern world and was sent back to this world, somehow he was able to open his eyes more, and that was why he managed to see what he couldn’t see in his previous life.

But, was ‘that person’ really the one who killed his mother years ago?

His blue eyes lingered on Yu Ming’s lips as he waited for them to move once again. His hands were clenched anxiously in his lap as he waited for a response, and luckily, he didn’t have to wait long for that.

“You are right, Your Highness. It was I who poisoned Tang Yanmei years ago.”

And Bai Chen felt thunder hit his head instantly after hearing the confirmation that had just left Yu Ming’s lips. It seemed that Yu Ming had just confessed the evil deed, but Bai Chen knew that it was actually someone else who admitted what he had done in the past.

His hands in his lap were trembling, and his eyes grew even warmer as tears started to form in his eyes. Just then, he suddenly heard something in his head.



88% => 97%}

He was suddenly only three percent away from completing the mission, but Bai Chen wasn’t feeling happy at all. How could he be happy when it was someone he trusted who killed his mother? Not only did he trust that person, but his mother also trusted that person a lot when she was alive.

Betrayal hurt, and betrayal from someone we trusted the most hurt the most.

‘Why... why am I still three percent from completing the mission?’ Bai Chen inquired in his head when he realized that he indeed still needed to complete the mission since the percentage had not yet reached one hundred.


Bai Chen almost snorted after hearing how the system had just answered his question. Sure enough, he hadn’t mentioned a name until now, but he knew very well the owner of the voice that just came out of Yu Ming’s even if he didn’t see his face at the moment.

Did he still need to say that name out loud to complete his mission?

Bai Chen didn’t want to dirty his tongue by saying that person’s name out loud, and that was why he didn’t say anything even after receiving the response from the system.

And finally, it was Yu Ming again who broke the silence in the room, but the voice that escaped his lips this time belonged to Wu Jinhai, “A shadow can stay close to a real body without the owner of the body feeling suspicious. But, a shadow could pose a danger, right? Even Bai Chen’s most trusted servant could pose a danger to him as well. Am I right, Ma Qiao?”

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