“You’re asking me that?” Another question came from Wu Jinhai instead of answering Bai Chen’s question. “I can see that you are weak and very clumsy, and I also know that you are alone here. I just feel bad seeing you helpless like that.”

Bai Chen wasn’t sure if Wu Jinhai was just being outspoken or if he did have the intention to ridicule him. He couldn’t even see the man’s expression, and he didn’t know if the man was laughing at him behind the golden mask.

“You know who I am, don’t you?” Bai Chen asked the taller man.

Bai Chen knew Wu Jinhai, but he didn’t know whether the man knew about him or not. His popularity in the werewolf empire was unquestionable, but he wasn’t sure how famous he was in the human empire.

“I know about you,” Wu Jinhai replied. “You are the second Prince of Dong Lang, right? Your name is Bai Chen, and you are the famous gay Prince of the Dong Lang Empire.”

Bai Chen really wanted to kick the man’s shin. His first impression of the man wasn’t bad because the man had saved him from Hell before, but that didn’t mean he would let the man step on him just because he owed him his life.

Even if the man’s voice sounded soft and didn’t sound like he was mocking him, Bai Chen still thought that the man had no filter for his words before he could say them.

Now Bai Chen looked a little annoyed with the man, and it only got worse because he couldn’t see the man’s expression.

“Yeah. I’m the famous gay Prince, so maybe you should stay away from me if you don’t want me to fall in love with you or something,” Bai Chen replied carelessly, and he didn’t even think about the words he had just spoken as he immediately turned around and grabbed the sword from the ground.


Right. He was weak and clumsy, but he still had high self-esteem, and he didn’t like it when Wu Jinhai continued to mock him while hiding behind a mask.

He didn’t want to talk nonsense with Wu Jinhai anymore, and he had better find a place to hide before some beast managed to find him here and kill him in the blink of an eye.

Ma Qiao told him that all kinds of beasts were locked up in the forest, and their favorite food was humans. Bai Chen didn’t want to come out victorious in the competition, and he just wanted to get out of the forest without losing a limb.

That was why he planned to find a hiding place and hide there until the event ended in three days.

His sword was in his hand, and he carried it carelessly as if he was holding a broom and was about to sweep the ground. ‘Brooms are used to clean up trash, but this sword is real trash. Even a broom is still better than this sword,’ he even mocked his sword in his heart as he continued walking.

He didn’t even know where to go. Even the amusement park in his previous life had a map, but this big forest didn’t have a map that made it easier to find hiding places.

He had just walked a few steps away from Wu Jinhai, but suddenly, another sword appeared in an instant and slashed his sword with ease. Bai Chen didn’t even have time to react, and he could only widen his blue eyes when he saw how his ‘precious’ sword was broken in two.

The sword was in its scabbard but ended up breaking in half due to another sword attack that appeared out of nowhere. Now Bai Chen only had the hilt of the sword in his hand, and he brought it close to his face as he examined it closely.

He only had the sword as his weapon to fight in the Forbidden Forest, but now only the hilt remained in his hand.

Bai Chen knew that the sword that had just broken his sword had an owner, and he furiously turned around and was about to scold the owner when he saw that person extending his sword-wielding hand towards him. The sword was still outside its scabbard, and Bai Chen felt his heart drop to the ground as the tip of the sword nearly touched his nose.

“W-what are you doing?” He nervously uttered the question as he tried to pull his head away from the sword.

Bai Renshu wanted to kill him, and this person also wanted to finish him off? Bai Chen couldn’t help but think that even his good looks couldn’t save him from misfortune, but he still tried to keep his head away from the sword.

However, when he moved his head away from the sword, the sword also moved toward him, and Bai Chen almost fell backward if he couldn’t control his balance.

The person who had broken Bai Chen’s sword ended up laughing heartily as he stuffed his sword into its scabbard. “You are so funny,” he commented, and Bai Chen almost glared at the man if the man hadn’t suddenly handed him the sword in its scabbard. “Your sword won’t be able to protect you if a beast comes to attack you, but you still carry it around as if it’s the most powerful weapon in this forest. Just take my sword instead of your broken one.”

Bai Chen was taken aback. The person who had broken his sword in half was none other than Wu Jinhai, and that man was offering his own sword to him right now. Bai Chen couldn’t believe what he had just heard from the human, but then he turned his gaze towards the sword in the human’s hand.

Even the sheath looked extremely beautiful in Bai Chen’s eyes. It was made of gold and beautifully carved to look like expensive art. There was even a white crystal on the pommel, and it added to the sword’s beauty.

If Bai Chen could bring the sword to his previous life, then he would definitely be able to sell the sword at a high price.

Just the sheath left Bai Chen speechless, and he knew that he didn’t need to question the quality of the sword. The sword could even break his sword in half without too much effort, and Bai Chen was sure that the sword in Wu Jinhai’s hand was not just an ordinary sword.

“Why did you give me your sword? You will also be fighting the beast, so you will also need your sword later,” Bai Chen replied as he cast his eyes to look at the masked man again.

“It’s fine,” Wu Jinhai replied. “I can even kill beasts without a sword, so you can take this sword to protect yourself.”

Wu Jinhai continued to force Bai Chen to take the sword, but Bai Chen didn’t accept it right away because he was once again offended by what Wu Jinhai had just said to him.

Wu Jinhai sounded like he was bragging when he said that he would be able to kill the beasts without a sword, and it sounded like an insult to Bai Chen’s ears.

But, was it time for him to stick with his ego? Even his sword was broken, so he wouldn’t be able to protect himself without a weapon. Unlike Wu Jinhai who could handle beasts with his bare hands, Bai Chen could only offer his soul if the beast approached him.

He knew that his safety was his top priority now, and he finally raised his hand and received the sword from the masked man. Who would have thought that his arm felt like it broke when the sword finally moved into his hand?

“What kind of sword is it? Why is it so heavy?” Bai Chen felt like he was lifting a fifty-kilogram rock when the sword moved into his hand, and he immediately questioned the man in red.

However, the man in red once again laughed after hearing his protests. “That’s because the sword doesn’t recognize you, so it doesn’t want to be in your hands,” he casually replied.

Bai Chen had heard of a sword that could have a soul, and he thought the saying was true because it felt so heavy when he held the sword.

“If this sword won’t recognize me as its master, then what’s the point of giving it to me? I won’t be able to use it because it’s too heavy!” The brown-haired prince once again questioned the man, and he even sounded very impatient.

“It will recognize you as its master, but you must call out its name sincerely,” Wu Jinhai replied.

His answer caused Bai Chen to frown. “What is the name of this sword?” He asked again.

The human Prince didn’t immediately answer his question, and instead, he stepped forward before leaning over to whisper into Bai Chen’s ear, “It’s a secret, but the name of the sword is Wu Jiang.”

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