Volcanic Age

Chapter 117: Phantom Sovereign (1)

While the Phantom Steps was a footwork technique of the highest level, it was easier to learn than Zhou Xuchuan had thought.

That ease was, of course, thanks to his previous experiences learning the Five Elements Plum Blossom Steps and the Hundred Divine Transformations.

In particular, the Hundred Divine Transformations was also a movement and footwork technique that belonged to the highest level, like the Phantom Steps, making it incredibly helpful for his current training.

Is this the Skin Breathing Method that I've only ever heard about?

Most qi cultivation methods consisted of a breathing technique that focused on breathing through one's nose or mouth. However, the cultivation methods of assassins were different.

Instead of their nose or mouth, they could breathe through their skin.

The assassins had devised this method to minimize noise after realizing that stifling their breathing with the Ghost Breathing Technique wasn't enough, eventually perfecting it.

To be precise, they didn’t actually breathe through their skin but through the countless pores on their bodies.

I'll practice for three more days and then try it out.

Although he had told Luo Xiaoyue he could pass through the Valley of Phantoms' formation because he had one of their foundational cultivation methods in hand, he still needed time to study it.

Strictly speaking, considering the Divine Phantom Art was the foundational cultivation method of the Valley of Phantoms, he wasn't necessarily lying.

"Senior brother?"

Three days later, Luo Xiaoyue walked over with a water bag, only to tilt her head in confusion. She looked around but couldn't find Zhou Xuchuan anywhere.

She couldn't even feel his aura.


Zhou Xuchuan, who was circulating his qi on a boulder in the forest, couldn't help but exclaim inwardly.

Not only have I stopped breathing conventionally, but my pulse has slowed to a near standstill. My heart beats only once an hour—no, once every two hours. Since my blood basically isn't circulating, even my body heat has disappeared.

Not only was he still alive even after almost stopping all bodily functions, his body was also perfectly fine.

Despite being no different from a corpse, he was completely fine.

As the name of the art suggested, he had become a Phantom. Even his aura had completely vanished.

Though the Divine Phantom Art was entirely different from the martial arts of the Righteous Faction, he managed to master it through his Harmony Realm enlightenment. He could only master it to about half efficiency, due to the side effects of the Ten Thousand Convergence Art, but that alone was more than enough. It wasn't called a divine art for nothing.

"I'm right here."

He had to raise his voice and wave to her for Luo Xiaoyue to notice him.

‘It's said that if one masters the Divine Phantom Art to perfection, no one would be able to notice you even if they were standing right in front of you. I wonder what that would be like.’

The more he learned about the Phantoms, the more determined he became to persuade them to his side.

Another three days later.

"Good. Let's start moving now."

The fog made it impossible to see even an inch ahead, leaving no way to predict what might be lurking before them.

"Are you going to be okay?" Luo Xiaoyue asked, worried.

"I'll be fine. Just wait here."

He had spent the last three days focusing entirely on the Divine Phantom Art for three whole days. At the very least, he would be able to use the Phantom Steps like a Phantom without making any mistakes.

"It's a shame that we can't go together…"

"It's hard enough just taking care of myself right now. I'll be back soon, so wait for me."

After saying their farewells, Zhou Xuchuan walked into the fog.

He wasn't just walking, he was also circulating the Divine Phantom Art.

His breathing and pulse gradually slowed and then stopped.

Zhou Xuchuan couldn't even hear his own footsteps. Since he couldn't hear anything, he began to wonder if he was even alive. He continued forward, circulating his qi according to the sutra in his mind, careful in case he made any mistakes.

He had no idea how long he had been walking. He couldn’t see ahead, nor could he hear anything.

He was starting to get frustrated.

Still, he endured.

Could I have already arrived?

It felt like half an hour had passed. As his patience began to wear thin, he wondered if there was anything he could do.

Then, should I take a short break…

He stopped walking for the first time. But nothing happened.

Am I really going the right way?

He hadn't entered the fog walking normally. Since the sign had said that one couldn't enter unless they were a Phantom, he had used the Phantom Steps to get this far.

Hmm, slowly, again…

The next step in the Phantom Steps required him to move with his right foot, but this time, he stepped forward with his left instead.


Before his foot fully touched the ground, something strange happened. As the thick fog cleared, a wave of intense heat surged out, making his entire body feel like it was on fire.

He had been wondering all along if he was on the right path.

To think that after he tried to take a single step off the right path, the ground would collapse and spew lava, turning the sky crimson.

Is it really impossible to get past the formation if one isn't a Phantom?

Zhou Xuchuan barely managed to calm his racing heart. Breathing slowly, he steadied his pulse until it slowed back to almost nothing.

I don't know what sort of formation this is, but this should be the result if one doesn't take the designated steps.

It was just a guess, but he was almost certain that he was right.

In fact, the strange phenomenon disappeared, and the thick fog returned when he stepped back onto the right path.

Zhou Xuchuan had never thought that a thick fog that blocked all vision would be this reassuring.

I don't know if I'm going the right way, trying to check for no reason might get me lost and lead me to the path to hell. I have to be careful.

Even though he had incredible cultivation and near infinite qi, he couldn't let his guard down inside the formation.

He didn't know about anything else, but what scared him most was the thought of getting lost and not being able to turn back.

It might be a little difficult, but I'll have to keep going without giving up.

The three days of consistent training were paying off.

Zhou Xuchuan kept his eyes fixed ahead and pressed on.

When it felt like half a day had passed, the thick fog finally cleared.

"This is…"

The first thing he saw were cliffs towering all around him. They were so high that he could only see their peaks by tilting his head straight up toward the sky. The cliffs seemed to stretch to the heavens, swallowing the sunlight.

Though there was a small gap between the cliffs, it was so narrow that the light barely reached the ground. He couldn’t tell if it was day or night.

He wondered if this was his world or the afterlife. As he pondered, he noticed a door without any patterns.

After lingering by the door for some time, Zhou Xuchuan carefully pushed it open, moving cautiously in case there was a trap.

When he confirmed that the door opened without triggering any mechanisms, he carefully closed it again, already forming a plan in his mind.

Good. This must be the front door. Now, let's go get Junior Sister Luo.


They were currently in the Valley of Phantoms. He was worried that Luo Xiaoyue might be attacked if she continued waiting outside.

Deciding that it would be safer to go in together, he went back to where he had started from. Taking Luo Xiaoyue into his arms, he headed back toward the door.

That was the only way he would be able to take Luo Xiaoyue, who hadn't learned the Phantom Steps. Fortunately, the formation didn't change because of the added weight. As long as he stayed on the set steps, they wouldn't be pulled into the Death Gate (死門).[1]

"Is this the Valley of Phantoms?"

"Aren’t your cheeks a little red?"

"… It’s just your imagination."

Luo Xiaoyue coughed awkwardly, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Really? Well, let's go in then."

He opened the door, and the two entered what might be the Valley of Phantoms.

Zhou Xuchuan had no idea what awaited them on the other side.

I know there was a large-scale assault on the Valley of Phantoms, and that we eventually won, but the details of how it all happened weren’t that clear.

Things like the martial arts, special features, and locations of the Valley of Phantoms had been noted. However, he didn't actually know how the fight had progressed or how they had won.

"If it weren't for the Luminous Night Pearls, we wouldn't be able to see anything."

They were in a dark passage so obscure that nothing could be seen.

If it weren't for the Luminous Night Pearls, they wouldn't have been able to see an inch in front of them.

Zhou Xuchuan looked around and noticed that the passage had definitely been made artificially, not naturally. Considering it had a door, that was obvious.

"Junior sister."

"Yes, senior brother."

"If you encounter the Phantoms, don't attack them and stay calm. Even if they attack you, just defend yourself and focus on subduing them as much as possible. We aren't their enemies."


"Moreover, if they do attack, don't try to find them. You won't be able to sense their breathing or footsteps, and their auras will be faint."

"It's really just as they say in the gangho. Instead, do you think it would be better for me to get ready to parry or block whatever comes at me?"

She really is Luo Xiaoyue, isn't she? Zhou Xuchuan thought to himself the moment she asked if she should just focus on heightening her senses to respond.

As soon as she had received her warning, she had chosen an alternative method and the right answer immediately.

The Phantoms could hide their presence, footsteps, and even their breathing.

But no matter what, they couldn't erase the sound of their weapons swinging or flying through the air.

While I wanted to express my intent to talk before a fight broke out, since assassins generally lose any confrontation if they don't succeed in their initial ambush, that should be impossible. There's a hundred percent chance that if they find us, they'll attack first. Let's be careful.

From this point on, they were entering the Phantoms' lair. There might be some traps lurking around.

Zhou Xuchuan and Luo Xiaoyue continued forward, keeping their guard up. After less than half an hour, the long, tiring passage opened up to reveal a cave.

"This is…" Luo Xiaoyue muttered, glancing around.

The cave before them was massive, its ceiling easily more than several dozen zhang high. The area was so vast it left her momentarily speechless.

However, there were a few rock walls around them, boulders and stalactite standing straight up like a forest, keeping her from seeing the entire area. Other than that, there was only moss.

The strangest part was that there was a faint light radiating from the moss, illuminating the cave.

While it wasn't bright, if it weren't for those moss, she wouldn’t have been able to see more than an inch ahead.

"Senior brother."

Luo Xiaoyue’s eyes narrowed.

"I hear it. About five zhang away."

A scream echoed in the distance. However, that scream sounded more like the scream of an animal than that of a human.

"Don't make any noise, and try to hide your presence. I don't know how much you'll be able to fool the Phantoms, but it's better than nothing."

Normally, they would rush to investigate the scream to see if someone needed help. However, that wasn't the case now.

They slowly walked forward, careful of their surroundings and keeping their senses heightened.

Zhou Xuchuan took Luo Xiaoyue with him, trying to suppress their presence as much as possible while moving in a manner similar to the Phantoms.

They must have moved five, no, six zhang.

Hiding behind a rock wall, Zhou Xuchuan cautiously stuck his head out to scan the area.


Metal clashed with metal, sparks flying everywhere. A red light began to glow, gradually illuminating the surroundings.

Zhou Xuchuan could see about twenty people in front of him.

Half of them were screaming as if they had lost their minds, while the other half responded calmly as they swung their weapons. Strangely, they were all wearing the same attire. They were completely covered in black from head to toe. But, their attire was quite revealing.

Regardless of gender, they all seemed to be wrapped in cloth rather than wearing clothing. The cloth clung tightly to their bodies.

Another peculiar thing was that every single one of them had their eyes covered with black cloth.

The Phantoms!

Information on the Phantoms had been released after the all-out war with the Valley of Phantoms during the Era of War and Chaos. Out of all the information made public, the most famous was their appearance. Looking at how they were dressed, it was impossible for them not to be famous.

Why are the Phantoms fighting each other? More importantly, are half of them even Phantoms?

They all looked like Phantoms, but only half seemed like true assassins. The others only looked similar but were fighting fiercely while screaming.

They honestly seemed more like wounded animals than Phantoms.

Should we help them or not?

Zhou Xuchuan hesitated for a moment, but then his expression hardened with determination.

We're planning on joining forces with the Valley of Phantoms anyway, so we have to help them regardless. No matter how you look at it, those crazy things seem like enemies…

The ones screaming seemed more human, if you could call it that.

The real Phantoms didn't panic even when their comrades were dying next to them, they just retaliated without blinking.

The eeriest part was that both Zhou Xuchuan and Luo Xiaoyue could barely sense them, even as they fought.

However, since they had to welcome such people as allies, there was no need for them to worry about who to help.

"We're helping them!"

1. There are many types of nature formations. Considering the usage of the Death Gate, this formation seems to be set in the eight trigrams formation. The Death Gate is the gate of no return. If you trigger the formation and incite the Death Gate, you will die. ☜

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