Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Training (5) (Edited)


The sounds of two swords clashing echoed across the training ground. It's been two months since I started my training. It's been 5 months since I arrived in this world. My duels with Sir Miguel have progressed to an incredible level. Miguel was impressed. I smiled to myself; the truth is, the system did its magic a month ago.


A month ago, when I was complaining about my wounds all over my body, cursing my luck and insulting my useless system, a familiar screen appeared in front of my eyes.

[Ding! Due to the host's dedication, the system has decided to reward him with an ability: Sword Mastery Prodigy]

[Description: Practice makes perfect; overcoming adversity, the host demonstrated never letting himself be defeated by pain and suffering, improving step by step in the art of the sword, building his way to excellence. This ability allows the host to manifest with a unique grace in every movement. Every twist and stop reveals a natural ability, as if the sword were a perfect extension of his own body. His attacks and defenses flow with impressive harmony, combining precision and speed in a lethal dance.]

Looking at the screen, I felt incredibly satisfied and happy. "All my efforts were not in vain."


Twisting my body, narrowly dodging Sir Miguel's sword, I moved with fluidity and perfection, counterattacking with a strike to the right. Miguel, ready to defend, positioned his sword to face the blow. Just as my sword was about to connect with its target, I executed a controlled feint, moving my wrist and turning it slightly, making a horizontal movement, hitting his right thigh, concluding our encounter.

Sighing, Miguel asked, "How the hell have you improved so much in these 2 months? It's simply incredible."

"In my years teaching different kinds of people, I had never seen such monstrous growth." My lips curled into a smug smile, and I shrugged, puffing my chest with pride. "Because I'm incredibly prodigious, and besides, a beautiful face has it all." I stared at him, and he simply clicked his tongue in disgust.

At the same time, I also heard the same thing from another person who was watching my match. You know who it is, right? Of course, my beautiful sister was also watching disdainfully.

Watching people with the same expression, I start to think that maybe I need to change my way of expressing myself.

"Hahaha, but their reactions are very amusing."

I think internally. It's worth noting that my sword handling has gone from beginner to intermediate. Not bad; If I keep this up, I could reach the advanced level when I enter the academy.

No doubt that will be a great help; I don't want to get my butt kicked all day. I also have dignity as a man, and to impress the girls, you have to be strong. But of course, in my case, it will be difficult, not to say impossible, I struggle without even trying. Plus, I need to reach the gold rank; I can't enter if I'm in the silver rank. It would be a shame for me and my family; I would be the guinea pig for proud kids and the laughingstock of everyone. That would be complete nonsense, and I definitely don't want that. So, all I can do is train.

"Get up," says Miguel, snapping me out of my thoughts. "For some reason, your smile bothered me a little. Let's go again."

My expression pales. Oh no, is he going to kill me right now? I need to escape. Just as I'm about to run for my life, he appears in front of me...

"Come on, sir, we can talk about this, there's no need to kill anyone today..." I say with a nervous laugh; My existence was in danger at this moment.

"Calm down, at least you'll be able to go home walking, I'll make sure of that," Miguel comments calmly.

"NO, there's no need for violence, with words you can understand and reach people," I try to persuade Miguel... but he disappears.

"Argh!" I feel a tremendous pain in my abdomen. "Damn it, here we go again."


After a few hours, Anthony could be seen lying on the ground with rolled-back eyes and foam coming out of his mouth; even a small squirrel was perched on him, carefully inspecting for food...

Anthony was obviously on the verge of life or death, fighting for his life in the afterlife...

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