Jun Tianyun looked at the serpent which looked like a gigantic dragon. However, unlike any dragon, it has no horns on its head.

" Hissss! You….You also have traces of divinity…What a heavenly delicacy!" Demon Serpent Yamato hissed as it breathed a burst of poisonous fume on Jun Tianyun's body.

However, Jun Tianyun raised his sword as it burst with a ray of starlight.

" Whirlwind Sword Slash!"

He activated both his Great Yao Devouring True Body and Divine Art of Chaotic Flower at the same time. The wind mana flowed through his body as his sword created a burst of raging wind.

The poison fumes scattered around Jun Tianyun as they got dispersed by the swirling wind. However, the area where the fumes touched turned into a black puddle instantly.

It showed how corrosive the poison of Yamato was.

Suddenly, Yamato looked at the sky and let out a loud hiss. Swinging its tail, it slammed it on the ground, making the ground quake.


Cracks appeared on the ground as huge waves lifted from the edge of the island. Suddenly, Jun Tianyun notices countless snakes crawling out from the cracks, charging towards him.

" Hmph! You think you can take me down with these pesky serpents?" Jun Tianyun snorted as he raised his sword.

" Hundred Wind Blades!"


The Abyss of Stars moved with the flow of the wind as hundreds of formless swords of wind appeared around Jun Tianyun, shooting toward the serpents.

" These are all my children." Yamato laughed. " You can fight one or two. But you can't ever win against the sheer number."

" Such a fool!"

Jun Tianyun couldn't help but mock Yamato when he heard that. " No matter if it's a single ant or hundreds of ants, they can't do anything before a great fire."

" Abyss of Stars, Great Star Slash!"

Jun Tianyun gave a horizontal slash as an arc of starlight shot out from his sword, charging toward Yamato with great speed.

All the snakes and trees that appeared before that arc of light were cleanly chopped into half. However. Yamato only snorted as it raised its head.

Along with it, the ground trembled as rocks started to float around him, blocking off the arc of starlight from hitting him.

However, Jun Tianyun didn't bother as he rushed toward Yamato.

" Wind Jumping Steps!"

He soared to the sky as he propelled himself with wind and flames. Raising his sword, he cleaved down on Yamato's head, separating it from its body.


Yamato's hissed in pain as blood splashed out. The blood fell on Jun Tianyun's Black Dragon Armor as he could feel a few layers of the armor peeled away.

Not only the fumes, but the entire body of Yamato was a boiling pond of corrosive blood. Jun Tianyun hurried back as he looked at the scene.

However, not long after Yamato's head fell to the ground, the head vanished, turning into dust


With the sound of a snake hissing, the headless neck of Yamato slowly twitched, turning into two necks. And from the two naked, two new heads emerged.

" Hahaha! Did you think you killed me that easily?" Yamato laughed loudly. " I am Yamato, The Immortal Serpent!"

' As I thought, the legends were true." Jun Tianyun didn't tense at all, looking at the gloating Yamato with a calm gaze.

" And this time, You are going to die, Brat!" The two heads of Yamato looked at Jun Tianyun as they let out a baleful aura.

Their entire body flooded out the toxic fume, covering the entire island with it. The trees slowly began to wither as they turned black and woody.

The smaller animals cowered in fear and slolwy died a suffocated death, thanks to the poisonous fume.

Not only that, but even the nearby fish on the island were affected by the poison.

However, Jun Tianyun simply adjusted his dragon mask and took a deep breath.

" So, If I cut one head, two more will appear?" Jun Tianyun chuckled. " That's why you are thinking you are immortal?"

" Hehe, Looks like you know now." Yamato laughed. " So, What do you say? Obediently become my food or Shall I rip you with all my heads?"

" Hmph, Let's see how immortal are you." Jun Tianyun snorted as he suddenly disappeared.

With a sonic boom, he appeared right above Yamato's twin heads. However, before he could swing his blade, a giant rock appeared, smacking him away.

" Hmph, You think I will stand doing nothing?"

The rocks floated around Yamato as they charged toward Jun Tianyun like missiles.

Jun Tianyun got off from the rubble as he took a deep breath. His Eyes of Fortune shone as he carved a safe path out of the rocks. The wind swirled around his legs as he jumped across the rocks, dodging them with ease.

" Dragon Subduing Eight Triagrams!"

Eight gigantic palms appeared around Jun Tianyun, and each of them was in a different stance. The heavenly palms rained on Yamato's body.


It got pushed away as it released a burst of poisonous aura around it. However, this time, Jun Tianyun didn't flinch. He raised his palms as the divine energy inside his body poured out like a tidal wave.

" Great Hurricane!"


The clouds in the sky scattered as the wind rolled around into a powerful hurricane. It was like the entire island got struck by the powerful swirling wind, sharp as blades.

Yamato couldn't move forward as he kept getting pushed by the strong winds. Even controlling the floating rocks became unstable for him.

Jun Tianyun rushed towards Yamato. But suddenly, his eyes squinted.

" Hmph! Bastard! Die for me!"

Yamato roared as both of his heads opened their mouths at the same time. One mouth breathed flame and another mouth breathed poison.


Jun Tianyun vanished from his position as a pillar of flame erupted from Yamato's mouth. It was like a giant flamethrower, covering half of the island.

The flame mixed with poison, so both the fire and fumes were emitting terrible venom. Jun Tianyun frowned as he felt venom around the island was increasing more and more.

' I have to put an end to this.'

Jun Tianyun blurred from his position as several flaming spears appeared above him. With a swing of his hands, he sent all of them flying towards Yamato.

" Hmph! Paltry tricks!"

Yamato hissed as a giant wall of rocks appeared above him, effectively blocking the flaming spears. However, as the rocks shattered, it suddenly saw Jun Tianyun right before its heads


Jun Tianyun sliced off its head as both serpent heads fell to the ground, slowly turning into dust.

However, before Jun Tianyun could do something, his Eyes of Fortune shone, turning the entire area covered with blazing red.

Jun Tianyun's body shivered as he suddenly felt something ominous. Without delaying a second, Jun Tianyun vanished from his position.


At the place where he was standing, a hand appeared from the smoke and shot toward his heart. The moment Jun Tianyun vanished, the hand missed the target.

Jun Tianyun just appeared on the edge of the island as he suddenly felt the waves rising in the ocean. A giant wave rose as the dark clouds appeared in the sky.


The dark clouds rolled as the intense sound of thunder almost made Jun Tianyun deaf.

' Damn it! What's is it happening?'

Yamato was also stunned as it hissed. " Thousand Faced! Lei Mo! This brat is mine!"

Jun Tianyun's face turned solemn as he saw two more figures appear around Demon Serpent Yamato.

" Thousand Faced Demon and Lightning Rage Demon?" Jun Tianyun took a deep breath of air.

" Hurry up and kill this bastard!" A thundering voice spoke with a mocking tone.

" Master is planning to use the heavenly vessel to revive his power."

Jun Tianyun's expression changed drastically when he heard that.

' Sa-Sayu? Sayu is in danger?'

Suddenly, he felt his body temperature lowering as he thought of this. He turned around to teleport but realized he couldn't leave the island.

" Hahaha! Moth trapped in spiderweb." The Thousand Faced Demon laughed. " Rather than thinking about your daughter, shouldn't you…"

Suddenly, a sword aura rose like a meteor as it almost cleaved the island in half.

Jun Tianyun's demeanor changed completely as his eyes became placid.

" Let me go, or…Die."

Jun Tianyun spoke with an eerie calmness.

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