Chapter 408 Giving A Helping Hand

" Hua Wan'er, The moment I saw you, I fell in love. I even fought with other elders of Hudred Jade Pillar School to come here." Wu Chang's voice was firm.

" Please, agree to marry me. In that way, not only would we bring Hundred Jade Pillar School and Great Emerald Mountain together, but you would also become my partner and manage the Tianhai Group."

Hua Wan'er snorted lightly when she heard that. " You think I care about Hundred Jade Pillar School or Tianhai Group? You think you can purchase me with money?"

" No! Hua Wan'er…I didn't mean that…" Wu Chang hurriedly said.

" Very well. Then get up and fight against me." Hua Wan'er snorted. "If you win against me, I might consider it."

" Hehe, Are you sure?" Wu Chang chuckled as he looked at Hua Wan'er.

' Heh, You finally fell into the trap. No way you are going to win against me. After I get you…Hehe, Prepare to be my slave.' Wu Chang laughed inwardly.

Suddenly, Hua Wan'er's body moved as two blades in her turned into two arcs of blue light. Like a butterfly fluttering around, Hua Wan'er's elegant steps and sharp slashes caught Wu Chang off guard.


Wu Chang was startled as he hurriedly drew out his sword to block the attack of Hua Wan'er. However, all he felt was a tremendous impact, making him jolt back with pain.

" Cloud Cutting Butterfly Cut!"

Hua Wan'er movements were fluid like water as she attacked Wu Chang. Her blades flashed like lightning, giving Wu Chang no chance to retaliate.

" Hmph! Since that's the case, I shall show you my strength too." Wu Chang snorted as he raised his sword, making it flash with a dim jade light.

" Jade Cutting Sword At! First form!"

Hua Wan'er felt a sharp aura from the sword of Wu Chang, making her dodge it swiftly. After a dodge, Hua Wan'er raised her blades to attack WU Chang. But this time, she felt Wu Chang's sword turning more powerful and heavy.

' What's happening? Why Wu Chang's strength suddenly seemed to be increasing?' Hua Wan'er was shocked inwardly. But she didn't stop and fought against Wu Chang.

" Hudred Jade Tidal Wave!"

Wu Chang's blade shone with a bright jade light as several arcs of sword qi shoted toward Hua Wan'er like tidal waves.

" Look at his sword! It's flashing with such ancient and powerful qi!"

" That sword… Isn't that Hundred Jade School's Jade Cutting Sword?"

" Damn it! That's a powerful magical tool! While Hua Wan'er's blades are only powerful mortal weapons!"

" Doesn't that mean Hua Wan'er is at a disadvantage?"

Hua Wan'er sneered when she saw the sword in Wu Chang's hand. She could see the mocking grin on Wu Chang's face.

" Hmph! Just because you got a shiny piece of equipment, you think you can bridge the gap between our strengths?" Hua Wan'er snorted.

" Weapons and equipment are also part of a martial artist's strength, Sister Hua." Wu Chang chuckled. " How it's my fault if my sword is simply better?"

" Hmph, Even if it's a good magic tool, you can't win against me." Hua Wan'er's body flashed with a light blue light, as she threw both of her blades at Wu Chang.

The blades turned into spinning wheels of water, trying to cut Wu Chang from both direction. Wu Chang's expression chanaged as he swung his sword. The sword formed a green barrier around him, blocking the attack of the two spinning blades. However, Wu Chang realized that Hua Wan'er vanished from her position.

" Rippling Wave Crushing Palm!"

Hua Wan'er's palm burst with a refreshing blue qi as she crushed the sword barrier of Wu Chang. It was like waves of rippling water spread from her palm, drowning and crushing Wu Chang's sword barrier.

Wu Chang had no time to defend from this attack. As the barrier got crushed, Wu Chang hurriedly retreated backward. However, Hu Wan'er gave him no chance to take a breath.

" Hundred Wave Clash!"

Hua Wan'er had an innate Clear Water Crystal Body, giving her the power to fight with opponent with higher power. With her unleashing her full power, she felt Wu Chang would get crushed even with his Jade Cutting Sword.

However, the moment her palm landed on Wu Chang's body, she felt a strange repulsive force, making her stagger backward. Wu Chang got pushed several steps as his clothes got ripped. But he didn't suffer any damage from Hua Wan'er's attack.

" Ho-How? How is that possible?" Hua Wan'er was shocked when she saw that. Beneath Wu Chang's cloth, there was a soft armor of pale red color sticking to his skin.

" Wait, That armor… I think that's Red Silk Soft Armor?"

" Holy Shit! Just how many treasures that Wu Chang is hiding?"

" Is this a martial arts tournament or a tournament showcasing magical treasures?"

" Damn it! What a shameless individual!" Hua Wan'er couldn't help but curse Wu Chang loudly. " Are you trying to show off your wealth?"

" What's the problem with this?" Wu Chang laughed coldly. " If you have the ability, then use your treasures. Who is stopping you?"

" Miss Hua, There are no laws restricting the usage of magical tools in tournaments. I hope Miss Hua will remember the bet and accept to marry me after I defeat you." Wu Chang laughed.

" In your dreams!"

Hua Wan'er clenched her fist as attacked Wu Chang. Even without her blades, his fist techniques were pretty powerful. However, Wu Chang used his Jade Cutting Sword and armor to easily defend against Hua Wan'er's attack.

" Why don't you admit defeat, Miss Hua?" Wu Chang grinned. " You won't be able to win, no matter what." " YO-You!!"

" Pick your blades and attack. They will work."

Hua Wan'er shivered as she looked behind her. She was sure she heard Jun Tianyun's voice, but there was no one behind her.

" Hurry up!"

The voice urged Hua Wan'er again, making her move swiftly and reclaim her blades. However, the moment she held the blades, she felt the blades had changed somewhat.

" Heh? Those blades? They are useless." Wu Chang snorted. However, Hua Wan'er didn't pay any heed to his word. She arched her body and shot out like an arrow. Suddenly, a strange pressure filled Wu Chang's heart as he swung his Jade Cutting Sword to block the blades of Hua Wan'er. However, Hua Wan'er attacks were like rapid falling water, falling down on the sword on Wu Chang.


The sonorous sound of metal clashing filled the arena. Wu Chang's face turned pale as he git pushed back Hua Wan'er's torrential attack. ' Fuck! What's happening? How can Jade Cutting Sword get pushed back like this? This is a powerful magical tool while Hua Wan'er is holding a pair of ordinary blades!' Wu Chang cursed in his mind. He simply couldn't comprehend how Hua Wan'er's ordinary blades matched against his Jade Cutting Sword. *CLAAANG!*

Wu Chang felt his heart skipping a beat when he saw a small fragment of his Jade Cutting Sword getting chipped away. Hua Wan'er swung her body as her Internal Energy turned into a swirling qi of water.

Wu Chang raised his sword and tried to defend himself. He managed to defend one blade of Hua Wan'er. But the other blade pierced her waist.


Wu Chang yelped in pain as he felt something sharp cutting his waist. Blood spilled out as Wu Chang fell from the stage. He rolled on the ground and screamed in pain.

" This… Wu Chang has lost! This round's winner is Hua Wan'er!"

" Young Master!"

" Young Master Wu!"

His subordinates ran toward Wu Chang and got him up.

" It's only a shallow wound. No need to worry." Li Ming descended from her seat and stood before Wu Chang. " Our Great Emerald Mountain shall treat him."

" This… Alright." The subordinates were stunned as they nodded.

" Interesting, How did Hua Wan'er manage to penetrate the defense of Red Silk Soft Armor?" An elder of Hundred Jade Pillar School looked at Hua Wan'er as he spoke.

" Well, I don't know how she did it. But I glad it happened." Li Ming snorted. " Otherwise, today, magical tools would have won, not a martial artist."

" This… Your words are very harsh, Elder Li."

" I dont' care." Li Ming turned around and looked at Hua Wan'er. " But let me remind you. I will not tolerate if someone dares to scheme against my disciple."

" Wan'er, Let's go."

' Indeed, Master. I am too tired to fight now." Hua Wan'er nodded as she kept her blades. However, when she turned around, she saw Jun Tianyun smiling at her from the audience seat.

' Damn it! Just what the hell he did do to my blades? I felt it became light and sharp, like a magical tool. Even facing the Jade Cutting Sword, I didn't feel any disadvantages.' Hua Wan'er's heart was in turmoil.

However, she was secretly blushing as it was another time Jun Tianyun helped her. She felt like Jun Tianyun was like a prince from fantasy, who always helped her in her needs.

" Hmm, How should I reward him?" Hua Wan'er rubbed her chin. As Li Ming and Hua Wan'er returned, an elder hurried to Li Ming and said something to her.

Li Ming's expression changed as she let Hua Wan'er go and hurried to the main hall of the sect.

" What? Black Ghost Sect is destroyed?"


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