Suddenly, The entire place turned quiet as they felt a chilly wave of chilly wind blowing in the banquet hall. Some old and experienced martial artists shivered as their eyes turned wide from shock and horror.


The glasses around Jun Tianyun shattered as he just stood there with a frigid expression.

" Yo-You…"

Feng Qi wanted to say something, but all he saw was a glace from Jun Tianyun. Suddenly, Feng Qi felt like he descended into an endless pit of frozen hell.

The pair of eyes with a violet tint with mysterious charm as if it could see through secrets of the world. Jun Tianyun's eyes were a mix of both mysteries and fierceness. Feng Qi felt like he was getting stared at by an ancient primordial demon, who could simply crush his body and soul with his gaze alone.


Feng Qi screamed as he fell on his butt. His face twisted with horror and agony as he tried to back away. But none of the other people saw Jun Tianyun making a move.

Just a bit of Jun Tianyun's killing intent seeped into Feng Qi, showing him an illusion of hell itself. The agony and pain of Jun Tianyun's enemies whom he killed along with the fear of getting killed himself was too overbearing for a frail hearted kid like Feng Qi.

In fear, he even peed in his pants as he tried to back away from Jun Tianyun. 

Jun Tianyun didn't bother to watch the scene anymore as he turned around to walk out. " I shall check myself."

As he walked away, the coldness in the banquet hall slowly disappeared.

" Wh-What was that?"

" Such a potent killing intent? It was like a bit more and it could have materialized in reality."

" Just how many people he killed at such a young age?"

" I can't believe it. Just looking at his cold and murderous eyes made my legs soft."

But then, some girls also looked at each other and discussed.

" But…Isn't he kinda looking hot when he was all angry and murderous?"

" Hmm, You are speaking the truth."

As Jun Tianyun walked out, he felt someone hugging his arms.

" Geeze, Calm down a bit" Zi Yanrou sighed as she hugged Jun Tianyun's arm tighter. 

But when they reached the parking lot, even Zi Yanrou's eyes turned cold.

It was like someone used a sharp knife and ripped it apart from the roof of the car like a fish fillet. The batmobile was simply beyond repair. Jun Tianyun caressed with a gentle touch. 

He could remember the excitement when he got it for the first time. Many adventures and chases were a part of this car's memory. Even if Jun Tianyun had money to buy any car he wanted, he only kept having the Ferrari and this Batmobile.

Yet now, he was seeping the corpse of his favorite car, right before him.

His Eyes of Fortune opened as he glanced at the entire place. He could see Yan Zhiren and his group walking out with anger because they couldn't get the Imperial Jade Embryo. 

Ignoring the persuasion of his fellow disciples, Yan Zhiren pulled out an ancient sword that flashed with a dim white light. He got the information about Jun Tianyun's car and used all his power in the Martial Grandmaster realm.

And, it didn't take much time before he tore apart the car like that. Jun Tianyun closed his eyes as he breathed out a puff of turbid air. 

" Those bastards… I don't understand what they are thinking." Zi Yanrou facepalmed herself when she saw that car. Now, she knew that no one would be able to stop Jun Tianyun.

Closing his eyes, Jun Tianyun took out his Heavenly Luopan. Using his Eyes of Fortune, he noticed a string of fate soaring to the sky and pointed toward a certain direction

" I see. Glad they aren't far."

Jun Tianyun's lips curled viciously as he abruptly vanished from his position.





" Senior Brother, What you did was simply wrong." The female disciple of Shushan Sword Mountain glanced at Yan Zhiren as she spoke. All three of them sat in an empty park.

" So what?" Yan Zhiren snorted. " To think a rich pretty boy would act like that in front of me. Are they forgetting what Shushan Sword Mountain represents?"

" You can ask the Huang Family to sell you the jade embryo afterward." The girl replied.

" Hmph, I just destroyed his car because I was merciful enough. Otherwise…Heh." Yan Zhiren laughed lightly.

"Besides, What can he do? Just our name is alone to scare off major powers."

" Oooh, Is that so? I am so scared." 

Suddenly, the three disciples of Shushan Sword Mountain became alert when they heard the voice.

They could see, a figure walking toward them with light and nonchalant steps, his handsome face was even more charming under the moonlight. However, those eyes…those violet tint eyes were simply cold and devilish.

" Hah, To think you would come here." Yan Zhiren snorted. " What? Do you want to take compensation for your car?"

" I doubt you can give me though." Jun Tianyun shrugged. " But, I can certainly take compensation from you."

" How arrogant." Yan Zhiren took a step forward as he glanced at Jun Tianyun. " Brat, don't mess with me. If you don't want to get killed, them fuck off."

" Hah, Is that so?

Suddenly, the disciples of Shushan Sword Mountain trembled violently when they felt a mountain like oppressive aura falling on them. Taking a single step forward, Jun Tianyun increased the Divine Suppression as his eyes turned cold.

It was like a heavenly palm pressing down on them, making their body heavy and restricted. The seemingly ordinary mortal before them now transformed into a terrifying beast.

" I said try me, fuckers."

" Bastard! You are courting death!"

Yan Zhiren gritted his teeth as he pulled out his sword from the scabbard. His sword was a beautiful longsword, with a shade of green on it. Jumping forward, he turned into a blur as his sword slashed out.

Like a rope of grass tangling around Jun Tianyun, the sword turned into a green shadow and sliced toward Jun Tianyun with a terrifying speed.

But, Jun Tianyun remained calm, as if he was facing a gust of gentle breeze. He only raised his hands and used his index and middle finger.


Yan Zhiren felt a numbing sensation through his hand as if he used the sword to stab into a slab of diamond. However, his eyes almost popped out when he saw Jun Tianyun clasping the sword with his two fingers.

" That's it?"


With a twist, Jun Tianyun broke the sword into two pieces and threw it away. " Heh, I thought you had the skill to back up your bullshit. But I guess I was expecting too much from you."

" Wh-What the hell?!"

" What the fuck was that!"

The other two disciples of Shushan Mountain felt like it wasn't Yan Zhiren's sword, but their hearts and common sense snapping into two.

" Th-That sword…Isn't that one of the ten spirit swords of Shushan Sword Mountain?"

" That's a real Grass Cutting Sword, right?"

Yan Zhiren remembered what his master said when he passed that sword to him.

" This is Grass Cutting Sword, one of the ten spirit swords of Shushan Sword Mountain. Due to your talent and merits, I am passing this to you."

A magical tool that is perfect for his sword technique, Yan Zhiren felt like even the strongest metal was like mud before his Grass Cutting Sword. After all, Using this sword, he won countless matches.

Yet today, A person who looked younger than him snapped the spirit sword into two just like that? And with his fingers?

" Ok buddy, I gave you a chance to attack me properly. You lost it." Jun Tiantun used his index finger and poked the chest of Yan Zhiren.


Yan Zhiren vanished from his position as he flew back like a broken kite. 



With a scream, Yan Zhiren coughed out a mouthful of blood. " My-My dantian…MY DANTIAN IS DESTROYED!"

The other two disciples were shocked and horrified when they heard Yan Zhiren's words.

Who is Yan Zhiren? One of the top Core Disciples of Shushan Sword Mountain and a bright star in the younger generation of the martial world. Yet, he got crippled by an unknown young man out of nowhere.

" Shusan Sword Mountain or anything, I don't fucking care. If you dare to mess with me, then you should also pre book a coffin." Jun Tianyun spoke in a cold voice.

" Bastard! I will kill you."

" Damn it, Brother Chun, stop!"

The girl felt the situation was simply too weird. And the young man before them was definitely more powerful than their sect elders. A single rash move can get three of them killed here.

However, if they don't do something, Jun Tianyun would cripple them anyway. As they were having a life and death crisis, Jun Tianyun suddenly felt another presence.

" Young Master Jun, How about you show the True Martial Order some face and let them go?"

Amidst the darkness, an old man holding a cane walked out, His steps were light and shaky, like an ordinary old man.

" Why should I give True Martial Order some face? I don't think they are worthy." Jun Tianyun snorted lightly.

" Please, Young Master. These are the guests from ancient hidden sects. If something happens to them, my workload would increase." The old man lamented. " How about not killing them and not dirty your hands? Besides, Yan Zhiren already got his punishment."

" Interesting, Old man. I like your attitude." Jun Tianyun chuckled. " But don't you think you have a chance of winning if we fought? I don't fear your Houtian Realm power."

Jun Tianyun's mood was a bit better now. So, he decided to show some respect to the elderly and go back. Besides, he had some plan to leech off from True Martial Order.

The old man only smiled as he saw Jun Tianyun going back.

" Haah, A disaster got averted."

Meanwhile, When Jun Tianyun finally returned to his villa, he only saw Yan Mingzhu.

" Sister Zi would come back late." Yan Mingzhu gave a coy smile as she looked at Jun Tianyun.

" Brother Jun, I wanted to talk to you about something~"


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