The vehicle crashed into the base gate as it exploded. Suddenly, many members rushed out to see the scene.

" Fuck, What happened?"

" Who is making a ruckus?"

A dozen of soldiers came, holding pistols and other cold weapons. However, before they could do anything, they suddenly felt the ground beneath them slipping.

It was a gentle quake, but it was enough to disbalance them.

" Fuck! Is that an earthquake?!"

" What the hell is happe-"

" Giant Fireball!"

Suddenly, they saw a man jumping high as a giant fireball appeared above him. The fireball left a trail of flames as it fell toward them.

" Exploding Flames!"

The fireball fell on them as it exploded, turning the small area into a sea of flames.



The area filled with the agonizing screams of them as they were charred to death.

Jun Tianyun and Su Qingyao always have been improving their magic spells in God's Space.

However, Jun Tianyun never had a proper chance to use them. But since he is here, he is going to practice the hell of it.

" Fuck! Someone attacking the base! Get the reinforcement!"

" GO! GO!"

After the first impact, more soldiers rushed out holding many weapons. However, that moment of distraction was enough for Jun Tianyun to sneak inside.

Jun Tianyun sneaked inside as he noticed the camera spots. With a flick of his hand, he destroyed all the cameras.

As he rushed inside, Jun Tianyun activated his Eyes of Fortune. He saw a green colored trail through the maze-like building as he hurried to the underground floor.

" Huh? Who are yo-"

Jun Tianyun didn't bother with guards as he shoot them with the rifle. Jun Tianyun's accuracy was 110%. So, he got no problem with moving headshots.

As he arrived outside a room, he could see a yellow colored figure inside.

" Hmm, This should be the BOSS room I guess?"

Jun Tianyun kicked the door as he stepped inside. However, the moment he stepped, his eyes narrowed.

" Reinforced Earth Shield!"


Jun Tianyuns expression changed as his Reinforced Earth Shield crumbled after a few hits. Before the shield could crumble, Jun Tianyun jumped sideways and dodged.

"Pesky bastard, you are pretty fast."

A man snorted as he pointed his gun at Jun Tianyun. Jun Tianyun could see it wasn't a regular gun as it glowed blue on its wide nozzle.

" A laser weapon, huh? Jun Tianyun was interested.

" You are really a tough Ability User, huh? But, You think you can survive my Laser Gun?"

" What is so hard about that?"

Jun Tianyun shrugged as he snapped his fingers. A golden thread of light shot toward the man with a bulky body.

The man jumped as he tried to dodge the attack. However, the golden thread of light didn't attack him but pierced his laser gun.

" Bastard! How dare you!"

The bulky man looked at Jun Tianyun with an angry face as he pointed his gun at him and pulled the trigger.

The blue-colored light on the tip of the gun glowed, but it dimmed suddenly. The man was surprised as he clicked several times, but the gun didn't work at all.

" Bastard! Do you know how much that cost!" The bulky man's eyes turned red as he looked at Jun Tianyun. Suddenly, his muscles expanded as a pale grey color layer covered his skin.

" Die!"

The man jumped as he punched Jun Tianyun. Jun Tianyun was slick as he moved from his position.


A huge crater formed where the man had punched. Jun Tianyun couldn't help but be surprised by his strength.

" Fuck, I don't have my physical defense. I have to avoid getting punched at any cost!'

He mumbled in his heart as he looked at the man. The man raised his hand and pointed at Jun Tianyun. Suddenly, Jun Tianyun felt danger as he used his Reinforced Earth Shield Spell.


The fingers of that bulky man turned into stone shrapnel as they shot toward Jun Tianyun like bullets. Dozen of stone shrapnels are embedded on Jun Tianyun's shield.

" I see. So This is an Ability User, huh?" Jun Tianyun looked at the bulky man.

" Punk, I got a B rank ability, Stone Monster. Don't think like you are going to escape today." The man laughed with a sinister tone.

Jun Tianyun pondered as he looked at the man's stone-covered skin. The room was small, and the man's defense was pretty high.

" Well, Since magic isn't going to work, I will use a sword." Jun Tianyun chuckled as he pulled out his Dark Nebula Sword.

The sword glinted with a dark ray as it gave off a bone-chilling aura.

" You! Die!"

The man felt a sense of uneasiness as he rushed at Jun Tianyun with all his strength.

" Dark Illusion!"

Jun Tianyun snapped his fingers as the bully man felt his vision fading. In just a few seconds, he was blinded.

" Wh-Where am I? What have you done?"

He screamed as he frantically moved around. However, he couldn't see anything at all.

But at that moment, he felt a stabbing pain in his heart. When his vision returned, he saw the dark sword stabbing deep in his heart as Jun Tianyun twisted it.

" Yo-YOU!"

The bulky man coughed a mouthful of blood as he could feel his stone skin crumbling. Jun Tianyun gave him a vicious kick on stomach as the man blasted backward, tumbling and falling dead.

" Damn, I accidentally killed those girls."

Jun Tianyun looked at the girls who were serving that bulky man. Due to a stone slab falling from above, they got crushed and died.

" Boss! Boss!"

When the men came back, their expression changed drastically. Jun Tianyun stepped on their boss's dead body as he looked at the men.

" Well, Due to some unfortunate circumstances, your boss is dead." Jun Tianyun patted his coat as he spoke in a calm voice.

" Now, You have two choice: 1st is, follow me and gain all sorts of benefit."

" Second, show your loyalty and follow your dead boss to underworld."

Jun Tianyun looked like a otherworldly being with his calm composure. His tone was light and smooth. However, those who heard, they felt like it was demon whispering from hell.

" Bastard! You think we will agree-"

A gentle breeze blew as the person speaking suddenly stopped midway. His neck fell on the ground as only his headless body stood.


Everyone hurriedly took a few steps back. Their heart was chilled with horror when they saw Jun Tianyun's nonchalant expression.

" Fuck! What sort of ability was that?"

" Can't you see? He killed out boss and still unscathed. You all are fools to go against him."

Jun Tianyun looked at them with a smile. " So, I would like to hear your decision."

ALl of them dropped their weapon and knelt on the ground.

" We pay respect to new boss!"

Jun Tianyun clapped. " Very well, You all are intelligent. Now, take this contract and sign with your blood."

A scroll appeared in Jun Tianyun's hand as he threw it at them. The members were startled when they heard the scroll. It was practically a slave contract.

However, looking at Jun Tianyun and the corpse lying around him, they gulped a mouthful of saliva and signed it off.

No matter what, it's just a paper contract anyway. Does it matter in this doomed world?

However, the next moment, their expression changed as they saw the scroll exploded into golden particles and absorbed by Jun Tianyun.

" Alright, Who is the best among you?" Jun Tianyun looked at them. A middle aged man got up as he walked toward Jun Tianyun and bowed.

"I am Ah Da. I am the one who generally look after the shelter." Ah Da spoke in a trembling voice.

" Very well, Clean everything here. Ah Da, who me the food storage." Jun Tianyun spoke. Ah Da nodded as asked Jun Tianyun to follow him.

Jun Tianyun went to the warehouse as he couldn't help but frown. They got some unknown meat jerky, hard black colored bread and some liquified food in packets.

" So, I guess these are from mutant beasts?" Jun Tianyun asked. Ah Da nodded. " Indeed, the amount of food is enough for a week. Not to mention, the water is going last for another four days at most."

Jun Tianyun looked at the pale yellow water as he couldn't help but shake his head.

" How many men we have now?"

" After the amount you killed, we still have 50 men." Ah Da spoke. " Also, we have twenty or some slaves."

" Do we have technicians?" Jun Tianyun asked. Ah Da gave a bitter smile. " Well, They got killed."

Jun Tianyun nodded. " We can always purchase some, right?" Ah Da nodded. " I am sure we can get some in the market."

Jun Tianyun chuckled as he looked at Ah Da. " Call everyone for meeting. Tell them the new boss got gifts for them."

Everyone were confused when Jun Tianyun asked them for meeting. They all stood in rows, with their heads lowered. Jun Tianyun stood in the stage as he looked at them.

" Greetings, Everyone. First of all, I shall introduce myself." Jun Tianyun spoke with a smile.

" I am Jun Tianyun. But you can call me… God."

With that, Jun Tianyun snapped his finger as bottles of mineral water, beer, bread, canned food and cigarettes appeared.

" So as my followers, you deserve something better, no?"

At that moment, everyone's eyes glued at the things that appeared out of nowhere. They truly felt like a treasury of heaven opened right before them.

" God…"

Jun Tianyun raised his hand as his voice boomed.

" From today, This base shall be called, Heaven's Sanctuary!"

" Heaven's Sanctuary!"

" Heaven's Sanctuary!"

However, Jun Tianyun's eyes shone when he saw a woman. There was a bright silver aura around her.

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