Jun Tianyun looked at Risa as he nodded. Risa quickly led him to the library.

" Risa chan, Why do you want the assistant music instructor position?"

" Well, That position got some benefits," Risa explained. " If I became an assistant instructor, I will get a certificate after I graduate from high school. That thing will help me in my future job. I wish you be a musician, you see."

" I see, Risa chan is so beautiful. With your talent, you can become a celebrity."

Jun Tianyun wasn't lying. Risa's stature was pretty good even as a high schooler. Her face was truly a piece of craftsmanship. Her curious eyes and small lips can make anyone adore her.

" Aww, Jun, You are praising me too much. You are not lesser than me. In fact, You might be considered the most handsome young man in this school."

" Really? I think I am pretty mediocre."

" No! How can it be?!"

Jun Tianyun was startled when they reached the library. It was pretty big, almost the same as the library of Purple Star academy.

" Jun, Thank you for helping me. I really owe you a favor this time."

" It's fine, Risa chan. I am actually new here. I hope you can help me in the future."

" Sure, Here, This is my number."

Jun Tianyun smiled as he save the number of Risa chan. After that, He reported to the librarian.

" Alright, I already got the news from the Principal. Well, I will have a day off then."

" I will handle everything. Please, Be at ease."

Jun Tianyun sat on the chair as he looked around. Although it was a big library, there weren't many people inside. Jun Tianyun activated his Eyes of Fortune as he scanned the library.

" Sure, There is some good stuff here." Jun Tianyun walked and picked a book.

" The list of herbal medicines? And, This is a book about music composition."

As Jun Tianyun was wandering around, he saw two books gleaming with violet light.

" Eh? What's this? Devilish Magic book and Book of Souls?"

Jun Tianyun was surprised when he saw the books. " Really? You got books about hypnosis here? Sounds like hentai."

Jun Tianyun didn't have any doubt regarding the content as he was pretty sure the books are legit. He first opened the Devilish Magic book and read it.

" Mastering the darkness and sacrificing the living, one can attain great power. Hmm, Although most content in this book is bullshit, I actually found two magical spells in it."

Although the spell acting method is different, the basics are all same. With Jun Tianyun's Celestial Comprehension, He easily learned two spells.

" First spell is Dark Tracking. Using a seed of darkness and planting it on a person or an object, I can easily track it. Although it works the same as the Mark of Foresight, buts much more convenient."

'' The second spell is called Demonic Seal. With this seal, One can absorb negative energy and transform it into one's strength. Moreover, One can even suppress ghosts and devils with this." Jun Tianyun nodded as he opened the Book of Souls. There was only one useful thing inside it.

" Whew, Hypnosis, eh? It's really here. But for the sake of girls, I will destroy such an evil book. But well, Let me learn it first."

Jun Tianyun tried to understand it. But he couldn't grasp the hypnosis spell.

" Well, Better keep this with me."

Jun Tianyun threw those two books inside his God's Space.

[ Ding! Host acquired a plot item! Random hypnosis protagonist's destiny -50! Host gets +50 Destiny points! Host gets 1000 Fortune points!]

Jun Tianyun sat in the chair for an hour as he read books about local geography and other stuff. But then, He got bored.

" Hmm, Risa chan is one of the two heroines of Hiroto. Should I go and check the other one?" Jun Tianyun chuckled as he got up. His Eyes of Fortune scanned across the school as he looked around. School time is almost over as Jun Tianyun got out. He saw Risa getting out of her classroom.

" Hey, Jun! You are here!"

" Risa chan, Are you going home?"

" Mhm, It's already time." Risa nodded. Jun Tianyun smiled as he nodded. " Actually, Risa chan, Would you mind if I drop you off by your house?"

" Drop off? Hmm..."

Jun Tianyun hastily added when he saw the thoughtful expression of Risa. " I... I don't have any mean intentions. I just wanted to talk with you more."

" Haha, Jun, You look so cute. Alright, I will accompany you this time. But, Let me tell Hiroto first."

" Sure."

Jun Tianyun called Blacky as he brought his car. Jun Tianyun waited at the entrance as he saw Risa was coming.

" Wow! Jun, Is that your car?"

" Well, It's my friend's. He lent it to me for a few days."

" Your friend must be pretty rich." Risa's eyes sparkled as she sat in the car.

" Risa chan, I don't know your way home. You can guide me, right?"

" Haha, Sure."

Blacky stood outside as Jun Tianyun drove the car. Risa was excited as she looked around. " My dad also got a car, but he is always busy."

As they chatted, Jun Tianyun appeared outside a big apartment.

" Well, Sinc you already come, Why not visit my house?"

" I can't deny that." Jun Tianyun nodded as he followed Risa.

" Risa, You are back? Ooh, Who is this handsome young man?"

An alluring voice startled Jun Tianyun as he looked at the owner of the voice. Only one word came out of his heart.

" What a hot blonde bombshell!"

With a curvy figure, a woman stood wearing a green dress with a cooking apron. Her face was exquisite like a model. With a mature charm, she gave off a seductive aura.

" Mom, He is my new friend, Jun Tianyun."

" Ah, Little Jun, Are you a foreigner?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Jun Tianyun nodded. " You can say like that. I am half foreign and I grew up abroad."

" Good. You look pretty handsome. Risa, Is he your boyfriend?"

" Mom! You are again teasing me!"

Jun Tianyun chuckled as he saw Risa's mom. " Eh? Are you sure she isn't also a harem member? Hmm, I don't think so. Maybe she was for dumb fan service?"

" Little Jun, My name is Ichika. Looking at Risa, It seems she is in a good mood?"

" Well, Thanks to Jun, I manage to get the assistant instructor position in the Music department."

" Really? Little Jun, Thank you for your help." Ichika nodded as she smiled at Jun Tianyun.

" Ichika san, It's fine. I was just trying to help Risa chan.

" But Risa, You must take care of your studies as well. Just because you are focusing on Music, you can't neglect your studies. You need to pass the highschool, right?"

" Mom, I am trying!"

Jun Tianyun heard that as his ears perked up.

" Ahem, Ichika san, I have a proposal. Do you want to hear?"

" What is it, Little Jun?"

Jun Tianyun nodded as he spoke. " Actually, I am trying to freelance. If you want, I can tutor Risa chan."

Both Risa and Ichika became startled when they heard Jun Tianyun.

" Tutor? Little Jun, Are you sure?" Ichika was slightly doubtful.

" Yeah. Also, With tutoring, I can even help her in her music lessons."

Risa's eyes sparkled when she heard the word 'Music'. " Yeah! Mom, Jun is really a great pianist. You must hear his tune."

Ichhika rubbed her cheeks as she nodded. " Risa, If you think it's better, I won't object to it."

" But, Ichika San, I have a condition" Jun Tianyun added. " Little Jun, Are you asking for payment? Sure, We can..."

" N-No, no! It's not about money." Jun Tianyun smiled. " Actually, I don't have a place to stay since I am staying at the hotel. Also, I am having difficulties eating... Ichika san, If you allow me, Can I stay here as paying guest?

Ichika laughed when she heard that. " Oh, Is that so? No need to pay. As long as Risa does well in this weekly test, You can stay here."

" What? But the test is just two days away."

Jun Tianyun laughed when he heard that. " No need to worry. Risa chan will do well. I will take the guarantee."

But then, The door opened as another young man entered.

" Ah! Hiroto kun! You are back."

Hiroto was startled when he saw Jun Tianyun. " Eh? This guy..."

" He is Jun Tianyun, He will be our paying guest." Risa spoke. Hiroto looked at Jun Tianyun as he stretched his hands to handshake.

" Hello, I am Hiroto."

" I am Jun Tianyun. A pleasure to meet you, Hiroto san. You can call me Jun."

" Haha! Jun, You got some strength, eh? Your grip is very good."

" You also, Hiroto."

Jun Tianyun sneered when he saw Hiroto. Look at the leisure reincarnation of Modar. He was acting like he didn't commit mass genocide.

" Well, Since everyone is here, Let's have dinner."

Jun Tianyun learned that Hiroto's parents were long dead. His grandparents lived in the village. Since Risa and Hiroto's parents were friends, Hiroto also got a room in the apartment. So, they are basically neighbors.

Jun Tianyun gazed at Hiroto as he saw the golden radiance around him slowly increasing. " Does that mean he will be soon getting the second golden finger?"

Jun Tianyun decided to keep an eye over him.

After finishing dinner, Jun Tianyun got up. He already read the course-related books in the library.

" Risa chan, Since I will be tutoring you, I will prepare some questions for you tonight." Jun Tianyun took Risa's textbook and marked some portions.

Ichika laughed when she saw that. " Little Jun is sure hardworking. You already started teaching her, eh?"

" Ichika san, Since you trust me, I can't be lazy." Jun Tianyun spoke with a serious expression. Ichika was pleased when she saw that.

[ Ding! Ichika's favorability toward Host increased! (2 stars) Host gets 300 Fortune points!]

" Then, I shall be taking my leave. Let's meet tomorrow."

" Alright! Take care of yourself, Jun."

Jun Tianyun smiled as he walked out. However, Driving his car is a bit far. He parked it and started to observe the apartment.

Soon, The evening went on as it was already late at night. Jun Tianyun was feeling bored. But then, His eyes sparkled when he saw Hiroto coming out of the apartment and walking outside.

Jun Tianyun jumped out of his car and followed Hiroto. He used his mind reading skill and looked at Hiroto.

" Sigh, I need to buy egg and soy milk. How did I forget that?" Hiroto thought.

Jun Tianyun followed him all over to the departmental store. He brought the ingredients and was on his way back home.

" What is happening? Where is the second golden finger?"

As Jun Tianyun was getting frustrated, Something unusual happened.



" Hmm, Too many girls, eh?"

The scholar adjusted his glass as he fell into contemplation.

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