Abigail pov contd

When my father had said that he would keep me home arrested,  I thought that he was joking or just worried and soon he would be fine. But who would have thought that I was so wrong. It had been a week since i had won the competition but i was here, at home. Not even once had he let me go out.

I was just allowed to go to the training area and then back to my chamber. I didn't even receive the royal decree that I was appointed as the knight of the prince. It was all bizarre as it was looking.

Noah looked at me with apprehension these days as if I had done something. Even his behaviour was getting strange day by day.

"You are not doing it right. Do it again." he said as I moved my sword in the air.

I looked at him with confusion yet nodded. And did the step again, but he still shook his head. 

"You are still doing it wrong, Abigail." he said as he moved towards my back and held my hand that was on the sword. 

His arms were wrapped around my shoulder as he taught me the steps. Jane that was practicing with us flushed and coughed. His face was so red that blood could be seen dripping through it and I frowned.

"Why are you so red, are you feeling hot?" I teased as I looked at her but the one who coughed this time was Noah, his face was red too and only I was the one standing there with a straight face.

"I thank you for being able to do so now. Try again." he said as he tried his best to sound neutral, but failed miserably. 

I nodded and did the step again the way he taught me and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Now try to attack the left part of Jane while your action should show that you are aiming his shoulders. Try. and Jane you have to go by your instincts and save yourself." he said as he stood at the side as i and Jane continued to practice. 

I moved and targeted her shoulder. She kept protecting her left side till the end moment but when she saw that my sword was still at her shoulder when I was just an inch away, her eyes widened and she covered her shoulder. I kept my sword at her shoulder but used my legs to raise height and kicked the left side of her torso.

She winced and took two steps back and then tried to attack me again.

"That was better Jane but you were still not able to stop her even when you knew it was deception. You will do one hour extra practicing today." said Noah and she puffed her cheeks but nodded.

"Oh, Jane, did anyone tell you, you are so cute?" I mumbled as I pinched her cheeks and she blushed. 

"That is it. You need to focus more on the sword rather than her cheeks" he grumbled and I blinked. What was his problem? Could he not spend a day without complaining?!

"Why are you staring at me? Concentrate on your practice." he said as I continued to stare at him.

"Nothing, I was just looking at your blue eyes that were so deep that I could drown in them. Noah, had anyone told you that you look so handsome that any girl can die if you really smiled at her? ``I said with a dreamy look on my face and his eyes widened. He looked at me as if I had asked him to date me or I had taken his first kiss.

"Abigail you are shameless" he grumbled as he left the area.

And I chuckled. he was still the same no matter what. 

"Come, jane. I earned you a break." I said to the sweating girl who was on the verge of flailing. she looked at me gratefully but then concerned filled her eyes.

"You should not have teased the instructor. Do you not feel embarrassed at all?" she asked me with a flushed face.,

"Oh my. I just told the truth. Don't tell me Jane that you did not find Noah handsome. He is one piece of art.'' I asked and she nodded but then shook her head and that was the point when the man returned.

All his hard work to keep his face neutral died when he heard our conversation and his ears turned red again.

"Both of you 30 laps. start running right now." he shouted in a cold voice and I fumed.

"Noah, if you continue to behave this way, you will not get a wife." i mumbled 

"40 laps"


"45 laps" i was about to argue more but Jane pulled me with full force and i cursed him under my breath as i started running.

After completing the circle I fell on the grass completely tired as if my soul had left my body. But when I saw him coming close my desire to tease him took better of me.

"Instructor Noah. My ankle sprained while I was running and now I can't even stand up.`` I said in an upset voice as I could cry any moment.

He looked at me as if trying to make sure that i was telling the truth and bent to check my ankle when i spoke again, "you are not a physician you would not be able to see and help me. Why don't you take me to the infirmary so that the physician clouds see how much i am hurt.'' I said as I opened my arms for him to carry me princess style and he looked at me stunned.

I was having a hard time controlling my laugh but all the mischievousness left my face when I saw a royal messenger walking toward my fathers office. I stood up and ran towards my fathers office leaving the two stunned persons behind. 

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