Abigail pov

My heart skipped a beat hearing these lines. I looked confused as if I had heard of them before, except I couldn't recall where either. It was a fuzzy memory for me when I tried to remember. Yet these words were like a warm blanket covering me with protection.

"Goodbye..." I whispered, looking down on the wet ground. For a split second in a small puddle near me, I thought I saw my child self. When I retook a look at my reflection, it was my current adult self.

"Abigail! What are you doing here?" Nickolas shouted, running out of breath looking towards me. There were beads of perspiration on his face, he must have been looking for me for a long time.

But my mind was still filled with William's words. When had i ever said that to him? Wasn't this my first time meeting him like that?

"Abigail, what are you doing outside of the palace at this time?" asked Nickolas as he finally stood in front of me. Behind him were a few more knights and all of them were looking at me concerned.

"I was just wondering, brother.'' I replied honestly as he looked at my muddy knees and legs but there was no mud around.

"How far have you gone? And that also without telling anyone. Did you not know roaming alone like that is not safe." he scolded, but his voice had more worry than anger.

"I did not go that far, brother. I was just looking at fireflies." his brows furrowed as he listened to me.

"There are no fireflies around. Sigh.. come let's go back now." he held my hand and dragged me back towards the palace. I gave one last look to the direction where William had gone and walked back home with Nickolas.

"Where were you Abigail? Everyone was worried about you." asked my step mother, everyone was gathered in the grand hall. Even Noah was standing in the corner, looking at me with concern.

"I did not go that far father. I was just sitting beside the lake. I was missing my mother. How she used to take us there for picnics." I said and his face turned further gloomy, yet a feeling of regret could be seen there.

"Abi, if you want to go out on a picnic or old spots, you can tell me and I will organize a proper visit for you, but wandering alone at midnight is not safe, and you will be punished for it" he said trying to sound strict and I nodded.

If I had not gone that far away with William, I would have noticed their movements before and would have jumped the wall and gone back to my chamber. But I was not at all regretting, that place was worth getting punished.

"You can not go out for a week, even if it's an emergency. Nickolas or Noah will accompany you everywhere you go." he said, as he stood up and then held me in his arms to see if i was fine.

The cold that I was feeling with his order melted. He once took me in his arms. I smiled as I wondered if they both had the capacity to stop me from moving around.

I walked into my chamber and went to the bath followed by Beth. She rubbed my body and I closed my eyes. The image of hundreds of fireflies filling the sky filled my eyes again, and I smiled unconsciously.

I slept much more peacefully that night.

When the morning rays filled the sky, I was feeling refreshed. Except for a few minor wounds I had nothing on my body. So I could still join the training.

When I walked towards the ground. All the fellow knights who were still on the stage of being a page, were looking at me with marvel. I felt proud in their eyes. They had finally accepted me as one of their own.

Noah looked back at me with ridicule when I was late. "I thought you would not come since you have already achieved your goal now."

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

``Why, you wanted to be the knight in the royal palace serving crown prince, since you have already achieved the target, why are you even here?" he asked in a scornful voice, making me dumbfounded.

  When everyone was praising me and feeling proud of me, why was he getting so angry? His tone was also filled with ridicule. Whatever I had achieved was due to our hard work and my persistence. What right did he have to insult me again and again.

The more I think about it, the more angry I get. I just can't give it a pass.

"… " i stayed silent to control my anger but the man took it as his insult so he continued,

"If that is your behavior then I do not want to teach you anymore. I didn't want to waste my time over someone who is not even serious about learning." his last words snapped me.

"Fine, then I must leave. I should not waste your time further and so as mine" my reply made him frown but I did not care further. If he did not want to teach me so let it be. I could not bear his hot and cold behavior anymore.

"Where are you going now?" he asked, blocking my way.

"It had nothing to do with you since you are not my trainer anymore. You're forgetting that I am the lady of the house and you are just an ordinary knight. So behave yourself and stay within your limits' 'I replied back and left the area leaving him stunned behind me. He was just testing my patience from the start.

Now it was time for him to realize my importance and if i had not made him kneel in front of me then even i am not Abigail! hmph! Just a week, Noah, just a week!

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