Gerard pov contd.

The room was filled with the stench of alcohol and the air was heavy. I looked at the empty bottles yet I was far from being able to handle or forget the humiliation I have faced today.

Not even my plan to kill that bitch failed, but she was even announced as the future wife of William. Did the duke forget that my father had asked her hand before. That time he had made the excuse that she had not come to her age, she is not an adult yet. Now! Did he forget that she was still under age?

"My lady lord has denied everyone entry into his chamber." I heard many maids trying to stop her and plead that I didn't want to meet anyone.

Then the sound of a slap resonated in the air. Another one after a few seconds as I drank another glass in one gulp.


"Who do you think you are to stop me from meeting my own brother? Huh! Do not forget that you are nothing but a pest that we were trying to bear!'' The sharp and loud voice filled the room and I knew that she would not listen but enter the room. 

These maids are all useless. Taking the bottle, I filled another glass when I heard the sound of the door opening.

She came in with a tear stained face and her eyes were looking red. She stomped her feet in the thick carpet and stood in front of me with anger filled eyes

"I could not believe that Abigail seduced William! That snake! All the time she promised me that she would help me in coming closer to the crown prince and like a fool I waited for his signal only to hear that they both were going to marry. No! I would not let that happen. He has been mine since the start. The poison of the empress is mine. If i would kill anyone who would come in between." like always she continued to blabber. I was sure if I would give her my dagger and ask her to go and kill that bitch she would only cry more and cower in the corner of the room. All she knew was to complain like a dumb girl who was pampered a lot.

And why wouldn't she! After all, mother had pampered her senseless, filling her all wishes yet ingraining the thought that she was going to be empress one day, this was bound to happen yet i could not accept it too.

The post of empress was never hers as I would be the one to rule the empire yet I could not accept that a girl had rejected me only to accept that bastard of a prince who was famous for being a wastrel! We couldn't even be compared. The thought blazed me again as I threw the bottle in my hand on the table. The glass of the table shattered into a thousand pieces and spread all over the floor.

"Brother. I want you to kill her." she ordered as if i was her servant. With that nasty attitude of hers, I would have been surprised if someone had taken interest in her. I just shook my head as I picked up the glass and drank it in a single gulp.

She frowned as I did not reply.

"Don't tell me that you would let her live. After all, everyone knew that you were interested in her. The whole empire would laugh on you. Like always, you have lost to the crown prince even when you have done everything you could! 

Would you let her trample your ego like this?" she asked with a smirk and I stood up and held her hair tightly in my hands.

I pulled them harshly and her eyes gazed into mine, "no one, and I repeat no one has the audacity to trample on me. I would kill each and everyone who would try to do so. Do not forget that you are also a piece of chess in the whole battle. So, better keep your mouth shut or it would take me only seconds to close this filthy mouth of yours." her eyes widened as she continued to look at me with those fear filled expressions I enjoy most. I pulled her hair with more pressure and she winced.

"Did you get my point?" she tried to nod but her neck was strained more than she could bear. Tears rolled her eyes again and she looked so vulnerable that my soul felt at peace.

"Did you understand or not?" I growled and she cried.

"I.. I understand, brother." she replied in a wet voice and i finally let her go. The pressure was too much for her to handle and she fell straight on the floor. Her hands are holding the floor to maintain her balance.

Soon the hand turned red due to the shards of glass piercing her skin and her muffled cries became clearer and noisy!

"Just get out of my room." i shouted and she shivered yet she stood up with her shaky legs and ran out of the room covering her mouth. Yet the sound of her crying was clear as day!

Did she think I was not trying to kill the girl! I attempted to kill her the moment I came to know that she had taken the place of the knight I had planted. At that time it was just anger.

But when i met her in the championship ground. The way she had fought, i knew that either she should be on my side or she should die! The power and stamina she had showed was impossible for the girls of her age. So, I tried my best to bring her to my side. Through appointing my son to even go to her father to ask for her hand in marriage, I tried every possible thing yet she was not ready to accept my affections.

She continued to insult me, humiliate me either by comparing me with the crown prince or denying to spend time with me and chose him over me. If that was not enough, she even defeated me in fencing in front of everyone. That girl had to die!

"Asmund.. Asmund.'' I shouted with anger as the man should be here without even calling him.

"Yes, my lord." he came running and kneel on the floor with his one leg and waited for my instructions.

"I want you to burn the whole palace of duke Essendson." I instructed and he fell on the ground.

  He looked at me horrified with the pale face. It was as if I had asked him about his life.

"My lord, duke Essendon is the head of the knight. We are from the administration. They have more knights than us and stronger ones too. There was no way that we could burn their palace." he shook his head like a maniac as he continued to deny me.

"I can see you have developed the courage to deny me now! Do you think you have more authority than me?" my words made his face drained of all colors and he started trembling. I could see fear building in his eyes.

"But my lord.. It would be suicide attempt if we got caught the whole family would be called to the royal palace in case of treason. Lady Abigail is the future empress of the empire.'' As soon as the words left his mouth, I threw the glass of wine on his forehead.

Blood oozed out instantly and the glass broke and its pieces fell all over his body.

"Do not dare to call that bitch the empress. The empress would be the girl whom I will marry. I have given her a chance to be one but she was a fool to not realize and grab the opportunity. Now she had to die for her mistake!'' I told the man who was a fool, did he think that William, the fool, had the qualification to be the emperor? No! Only I could sit on the throne. Only I have the capability to rule!

"Yes.. yes, my lord." he replied with his trembling voice making me sneer.

"Now tell me do you have the courage to support the future emperor of the empire?'' I asked and he finally took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yes, my lord. I have finally realized that I was a fool till now. I have to be courageous enough to support the future emperor of the empire and show my loyalty towards him. I apologize for my foolishness." he bowed his forehead and I finally nodded with satisfaction.

"It is fine. Go and make the plan. I want their palace to burn before the duke would be able to return the home. Let Abigail die there without any help." I laughed at the thought of her crying helplessly as she tried to save herself from the fire that would swallow her alive.

"Do not worry, my lord. I will make sure to make no mistake this time."

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