"Oh please, if i would not have taken the ring, then mother would not have been here in the morning. So, you should thank me for the love and care she showered on you." she replied with a frown as she held my hands and inserted the ring in my finger.

"Would another auction and a new store be enough?" I asked back and her eyes glittered like stars.

"Did Oliver give you another collection of designs?" she asked with so much affection that i felt bad to lie to her.

"No, but I have a plan, but it will only happen when you make your mother proud by your performance in the academy."

"So, you're finally here. Why do i feel that you do everything except serving me as my knight?" came the sarcastic voice of the prince who already had four men by his side.

I was not here to serve him but to protect him from the attacks I knew he was going to face. But I could not say that since I was still his knight.

"I apologize your highness.'' I replied as I did not want to drag the matter.

"Your apologies are perfunctory little birds. We both know you are not at all sorry." he replied straight forwardly and I nodded the same way, making him stunned.

'Wasn't he the one who started blunt replies. That's why he was looking at me like that!' I frowned as so did he.

"Have you thought about my proposal?" he asked again, leaving the topic behind.

He was asking as if he had proposed a meal or a ride together. He was talking about marriage. Marriage! In the name of lord how could he expect me to accept it.

"I have told you, I already have a love interest." he chuckled as my words left my mouth.

"He did not leave you even if you did. You are not going to end with him. So. it is better that you forget about him." he was looking so sure as if he knew something that i did not know. What could it be! Did he hear Noah talking to someone or did he..

"Do not think too much, little bird. I am giving you a choice. If you are so worried then do not take it." he looked at the parchment in his hands once he finished talking.

And there I was standing with other knights who were looking at me curiously.

"After class, meet me in the training ground. We are going to practice your skills." he added as he stood up ready to leave for the class. I nodded and walked towards my class when I saw Josephine and Leo standing in a corner. 

They were looking stiff. Recently I felt that there was something between them that was not right.

"Your highness." She turned to look at me when I called her and raised a brow.

"So, you finally have time to attend the classes.'' How many times in the past had she tried to embarrass me the same way, had it ever worked that it would do today!? 

"Yes, I was free today." I replied with a nod, making her chuckle.

"Glad to know that. Come, let me show you around then." We both walked in but then as the royal member, she had her separate room and class for her security purposes while I attended the class with other nobles.

"Look who is here. Our special guests have finally arrived." I knew I would get comments if I did not go to classes daily, but I honestly did not get time.

The masters were still not in the class and I was sure they were going to take their time since William was talking to master Theodore again.

"You think you are too special, aren't you? Behaving like the owner of the academy. Whenever you want to come and then forget about the classes as if they never existed!" added the girl once i did not reply to her previous comment.

"I certainly did not think so. It is just that I am busy serving his highness." and planning to take my revenge.' I added in my heart when the girl chuckled.

"Do you think you have the capabilities to do that? Though you have won the competition, it was against her highness. What if you would face real threat by the strong assassins? Do you even have the courage to face us, who are practicing here daily?" she asked in a haughty tone, making me marvel at her. 

"Well, we are not here to fight here, are we?" I asked , raising a brow. And finally she looked deep into my eyes.

"I do not mind having a friendly competition match. But you can always deny it if you are afraid." she smirked as she honey coated her challenge.

"Are you not afraid that you would be hurt enough to cry?" there was a threat and i hope that she would notice that,

I was never a pushover. Not in my past life, not now. I would surely break her bones if she tried to challenge me.

"What happened the opposite way? Would you cry in front of the crown prince that everyone is bullying you? And then behave haughtily when he would punish everyone on behalf of you. It will only prove your weakness and his trynarry yet you are so proud of it that I did not know what to say about that." till now i felt that it was a class issue. Every class has that no matter what the time being was or what was the reason.

But the way she was even dragging the crown prince in it without any fear, I wonder what power she had behind her. Was it really a simple provocation or a planned trap? But then who was I, if I got afraid with these small traps?

"I do not think that I would need anyone's support. But if you are sure too then I would like to see who is better among us. As you said, just a friendly match between the two of us?" I asked back with the same confidence and her eyes twinkled. There was sinister in her eyes and I was sure at that moment that it was all planned.

"Well, then i will see you in the training ground after the class but if you did not come, everyone would realise how weakling you are!" again provocation. She finally sat down after achieving her goal and soon Master Theodore arrived in the room.

Her eyes were still set on me the whole time as if she was afraid that I would vanish if she blinked her eyes.

She bounced on her feet and walked towards me just when the explanation on the types of swords ended and tapped my chair with her knuckles.

"Are you ready or want to back out now?" other students started to gather around us. Everyone was anticipating a good show.

"Why would that be. I have been waiting for the class to end so that I can see how you have got the courage to fight against me!?" I asked with a haughty tone matching hers.

"We will see that." We both stood up and walked towards the training ground while others followed us.

There were whispers in the air and I could feel that most of them were on her side.

"You have taken my place once, I will not let that happen again. I will show you how a capable knight is!" ah! Finally I remembered who she was!

She was the knight who was going to participate in the competition. But due to her accident, I was given the chance.

So, she was trying to take revenge from me, because I took her place?!

"Will you even start or are you just going to talk by standing there?" I asked , holding my hand as my hands reached my sword.

She looked at me with death glare. Her intentions were visible in her sinister eyes.

She took out her sword that stunned me. Not like others or mine, her sword was rusty. It was getting corroded.

"This is my lucky sword. So I use it even when it is corroding." she replied when she saw my eyes getting stilled on the sword and others nodded and cheered for her.

But I did not think that the reason could be that simple.

"Can you cut the grass before we start the competition? I want to be sure that the sword have the capacity to fight or else other would think that i have taken your advantage.'' I replied, though I wanted to see if the grass was fine or would it get affected by her attack. 

If I was right, I think she had used a certain kind of poison on the sword.. If that was the case I was going to die even when the sword would barely touch me.

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