Villainess Becomes The Knight

Chapter 199 - Contribution To Library!

Abigail pov contd

  To say that I was shocked would be an understatement! How could the man expect me to marry him, just because I used his name once! Isn't it too much?

"Isn't your master an old man? How could he expect to marry me when I am not even 16?" I asked , incredulously stunned.

The man chuckled again, "not at all my lady. My master is just twenty years old. And do not worry, he had said that he would come to meet you personally at your coming of age ceremony. He would be your first dance. Till then you can communicate with him through letters. I will wait for you here daily. Or I can send a boy to deliver you a letter and get your reply if you prefer that.'' He offered, with a kind smile but I seriously could not understand anything at all.

"I have not accepted the offer." I reminded him and he nodded.

"My lady did not need to respond immediately. You can take your sweet time and decide. But for that you need to communicate with the lord, right?" asked the man as he took out another letter and a notepad with the seal and symbol of eastern duke.

"My lord has even said that if you are using his name, you should do it properly. This is the official letterhead of my lord. You should use this to write gossip parchments or letters. He will send another when this one finishes." with that he passed me the envelopes with his seal and letter pad with his symbol.

My mind was working extra yet it was not able to comprehend the process. How could a man like eastern duke who had a lot of power and strong foot in politics propose to me and at the same time give me his seal to use the way i want! Was he not afraid that I would take a loan from the market in his name? 

Or send threatening letters to the emperor, declaring a war between him and the empire. I could even write a love letter to any woman and fix his marriage! He was totally insane, and no matter how i think, i can not understand his thought process.

"You do not need to worry about him, my lady. You can use it as you desire." said the man with mirth in his eyes.

"Who is worried about him?" I asked, puffing my cheeks as I took the letter pad with gleaming eyes.

"Then I shall get going. I will wait for you here with a new letter, my lady." said the man with a bow as he gave the ring and other things.

I continued to look at the ring with stull shock, who would have thought that he was this eccentric! Has he even seen me? Of course, he had. Since his butler was so sure about my looks even when my face was hidden.

I walked towards the well and jumped in when the same guard saw me with gifts. He turned his head to the other side, avoiding my presence and I chuckled. 

"Where have you been, Abi? You missed the first day of your classes!" asked Josephine as he entered. I looked back only to see her alone.

"I have some urgent work suddenly, your highness. But why are you alone. Where are your aides and knights?" I asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Leo has been watching too many dramas recently or has learned to read a lot of books. So I thought he should contribute to the literary development of the empire. So, he is serving in the library. From today onwards, he will do that often." i chuckled at her queer way to punish the man. He must have annoyed her up to this level!

"And that urgent work you are talking about? Does it have anything to do with the letter you received?" asked Josephine, bringing my attention back to her.

"No, that letter was mistakenly given to me. Though the letter referred to Abigail, the surname did not match. The boy realized the mistake and took the letter back with him." I replied with a smile as I looked at Noah who was looking at me with pensive eyes.

"Ah! Were you going somewhere?" I asked as I found him still holding the knob of the door and then glaring at me.

"I was coming to find you only. His highness has asked for your presence at the back garden of the knight's practice area." he said in an annoyed voice. I wonder if William scolded him at my stead! But then he did not scold so easily with his lazy attitude.

"I will be going then." I replied when he followed me.

"Where are you going?" I asked him as he continued to walk behind me.

"Did you forget that I am here in the first place? I am here as your knight. So when you are going to fulfil your duties as your knight, i am going to do my duties as your knight." he replied in a strict tone but all i could see was his tired face and the dark circles on his eyes. He had worked hard on the competition the knights had yesterday.

"Noah, I do not think that I will need protection there. The place is inside the academy and there will be the other knights and his highness too. I will be safe." I assured him but instead of feeling better he glared at me as if I had asked to sacrifice his life for me.

"You are my responsibility, Abigail Essendson. And if I said that you need protection, then you need protection." he said as he held the wall from both sides and I was trapped between it.

I blinked at his sudden outburst, but this was not the way I would let him treat me.

I moved my knees and hit him straight on his stomach. I was expecting him to hold me but he did not.

"I am not a weak and pathetic damsel in distress!"

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