William pov

"The wild girl left the room just after you went, your highness." said Lucas as he looked at me apologetically.

"Where did she go?" I asked with a frown, she was no less than a wild little bird who needed to be caged for her own good!

"I.. do not know. She got lost in the crowd. I think she changed her attire or her look or took an underground passage." he replied with a sigh as he ran a hand in his hair. I knew he was frustrated, but that was not enough.

"You know that she had been attacked thrice! How could you be so irresponsible?" I asked with annoyance.

"I did my best, my lord. I apologize that i underestimated her skills.'' I shook my head as I walked back to our temporary residence. It was filled with so many different kinds of people that it was no less than a zoo! Who would have thought that my most peaceful days would end up in this chaos!

But when we entered the room, she was already there. She was laughing over some joke with Jose, as both Noah and Leo were standing at the side.

"You are back! Where were you?" I asked Noah, who bowed, looking at me.

"I was called by the commander to assist in today's competition, your highness." said the man, bowling his head.

I was sure that the academy had enough staff to do that. He must have volunteered to stay away from us for a while! I could not blame him though.

"You did a good job then." I replied as I walked in.

"Have you heard, all the stores of cousin Gerard burnt last night." asked Jose, looking at me. There was no concern in her eyes, if only, they were filled with curiosity.

"Firstly, he is your cousin, not mine. Secondly, the news is all over the academy. I even heard that all the ordered goods were also burnt so he had to return the money. Your relative is soon going to beg your mother to pay in place of him instead or ask nobles to be considerate enough to not ask for the reimbursement.`` I chuckled in the end but both ladies looked at each other and then at me seriously.

"Do you think he would do that?" asked Jose, but Abi was looking more interested to know.

"Well, as far as i know his father would not help him much. So he can do so or pay through his remittance, but if the amount is large, he will surely be reluctant to pay it." i did not understand why they were looking too happy with the matter.

"I have some urgent work. I will come before night." murmured Abi as she ran towards the door, but before I could even take a step forward, Noah ran behind her and my steps halted.

"You like her, don't you?" I heard Jose speaking again and I frowned.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, with a frown when she gave me that knowing look.

"Leave!" all the servants including Leo left the hall as she looked into my eyes.

"Princess Scarlet is good for you. Another political marriage, that will help in accession to the throne. Abi is not for you. She did not deserve a husband like you, a husband like our father whose lust will ruin families. 

So, you better keep your feelings in control. She will never love you back anyway." her words were colder than her voice. Every one of it pierced my heart and my teeth gritted.

"I do not love her. I am just attracted to her beauty and valor like I am attracted to other women. She is beautiful and brave after all. But I have never forced a girl to be with me. So, you do not need to worry about it." she nodded at my explanation, satisfied that it was another infatuation that will die with time.

"If there is nothing else, i am going for a walk.'' I added as I walked out of the room. 

I walked towards my secret place where I always hide when I feel like running away.

The sun was already setting and I could see the birds leaving for their nest. The sky was painted in a beautiful color of orange. If only I could stay here forever.

"Did you write everything I told you?"  my steps halted as i heard Abi at some distance.

"Yes, you do not need to worry. I will confirm it and make the best gossip out of it." an old man with parchment in his hands replied to her.

I hid myself to know more about it. 

"One more thing, use the name of eastern duke, no one has ever seen him and he had never participated in the politics of the empire, so no one would doubt him and he would not complain even when he came to know about the matter." I wanted to laugh when she betted on me so confidently. 

"Are you sure? I have heard that he has accumulated wealth that could even compete with his majesty." asked the man, a bit hesitating.

"Well, at least one of them is still wise!" 

"Oh, you do not need to worry about it. I am hundred percent sure that no one would complain about it." she claimed again, surprising me.

"Alright then, I will try my best to get down with it in two days." said the old man and she nodded with satisfaction.

"I will meet you right here after two days. And remember to keep an eye around earl Asmund. He would surely be targeted and that new boutique of commoners." only then did i remember that Gerard would not doubt on me, as i was a dumb prince in his eyes. His first doubt will go to his competitors.'

'Shall I send someone to protect them as compensation.'

"One more thing, your tone should be cruel and bloody, the eastern duke is famous for killing a dozen of people daily." came her voice with a smirk again.


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