William pov.

"Noah?" That was incredulous!

She nodded with a blushing face.

"Blushing does not even suit your personality." I replied in a cold voice, shredding all my pretense.

She rolled her eyes at my reply and then took a sip of the tea nonchalantly. 

"So, what is your decision?" she asked as i did not reply.

"Noah does not work under me. And he is not a thing to play with!" he might be the one i thought i have lost.

"I am serious about it. I will marry him and then he will be the future king of the empire of the north kingdom. As the sole heir of the empire, do you think I am careless enough to take these kinds of decisions impulsively or as a joke? 

I am a proud princess, and for me, my citizens are first and everything else is secondary. If I marry you, I will be the empress of your empire and my kingdom will be part of your territory. It may sound like a lucrative offer but I did not want my empire to lose its independence and sovereignty. 

Noah is a kind and self respected man. He did not care even when I was a princess so he is not greedy and the way he avoided me even when I proposed, he is not a womanizer. And the way he made excuses and took our help as if doing a favor on us, he is witty. He has all the qualities I want in a lover and the king.

So, I will marry him only." she replied with a smile on her face.

"But he doesn't love you or want to marry you." I reminded him and she nodded.

I was amazed at how calmly she was taking even the matters of her heart.

"I know he doesn't love me. But he does not love anyone else either. So, I will take my chance and try to win his heart. There is no way that a man does not like a woman like me. I will convince him. I just need some time and a facade for my family." she replied and then she finally looked back into my eyes.

"So, are you in it or not?" I knew that Abi liked Noah, but does Noah have the same feelings for Abi! This  was the best way to confirm his inner feelings and loyalty towards Abi.

"I am ready but I have one condition. That if the man does not like you or has someone else in his life, you will accept your defeat and let him go." she nodded easily.

"I do not want a loveless marriage or future troubles for myself too. So, since the deal is done. I want you to bring him lunch tomorrow and then leave due to any reason. So that I can spend time with him.`` I sighed as I nodded.

"Good. then i will see you tomorrow." she replied with a smile and stood up. I raised a brow at her blatant way to throw me out. 

"You should learn to bear those whom you need." I said with a chuckle as I turned to leave.

"My lord, can we trust the princess." asked Lucas and I shook my head.

"We can not trust anyone in this game. But i want her to test Noah. if he is loyal enough, the whole scenario only help us in getting rid of this new trouble.'' I replied as I looked back at her hut one last time.

"Did Theodore contact me?" 

"Yes, your highness. The aide of archduke died in the accident on the next day of the hunting accident.`` We both knew what it meant!

"Then it is time to return the favor. These days lanterns are easily catching fire. What if the whole store of the clothes that is about to supply goods catches fire. After all, laborers can be careless a few times and clothes catch fire easily. The store is too far from the river so the fire can not be extinguished." I shook my head at the loss and the man chuckled.

"You are getting better at foretelling my lord. But what about the lady. She was making a fuss in the morning that she is your relative and should be allowed free entry in your room anytime.`` His face was red with anger and I chuckled.

"That girl, Abi's sister, is the one who got bullied by lady Sophie, right?" I asked, ignoring his wish to punish Sophie.

"Yes, your highness." he replied with a sigh.

"And she is staying with us now, right?" he frowned by sudden curiosity towards the little girl but he nodded.

"Yes, your highness."

"Hmmm, next time Sophie comes to meet me, let her in. tell her that i am out and will be back soon and ask her to wait. And then inform Isabella to entertain her as the host of the house."

"Your highness, Sophie will tear down Isabella."

"Well, I am giving Isabella a chance to show her superiority. If she gets bullied again then it has nothing to do with me. But inform me when you invited her so that i can spend my whole day in the room"

"Yes, your highness"

"One more thing, I want you to discreetly get all the information about Noah too. Especially where he was until the age of seven years!"

"Yes, your highness."

"Ask Theodore to be my proxy in the classes. I have a very important thing to do."

"Yes, your highness."

I indeed and we both separated our ways. I walked towards the library and sat in the darkest corner where there is not a single ray of light.

"I thought you would not come." came the voice from behind. I wanted to turn but the man denied, shaking his head as I slightly looked at his shadow.

"You do not need to see me, for talking to me. Do you?" he asked in a grim voice and I shook my head.

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