Abigail pov

"Are you nervous, Abi?" asked Isabella for the nth time as she continued to look at her notes. Her hands were sweaty and her face had lines formed on her forehead. She continued to look at the notes as if they were her mortal enemies.

I have to muffle my laughter looking at her worried face. It was just a test and I knew she would get the highest marks in the whole academy. Well, in the past she did. 

She wanted to show all the higher nobles that she was better than them. So she did hard work day and night and defeated all the other nobles. While i..  I had barely passed the exams.

"You would do wonders. Beating everyone in the exams, you will be the one to get first position.`` I replied and she looked at me with an embarrassed and nervous face.

"I am content as long as I get to study well and get a chance to enter the council," she replied with a sigh and I chuckled.

"So, you want to rule the academy, huh?" The council has the nobles who make rules for all the students and manage them. In my past life we did not reach that point as our family was already at that time. 

Though I still did not remember where Isabella was at that time, was she saved or died in fire?

"My lady, we have reached the academy." We both looked at each other with a nervous smile due to different reasons and descended the carriage.

A large crowd was collected in front of the entrance. Noble men and ladies were chattering, revising and looking around at the crowd.

Nickolas was not with us, since he was already in his last year of the academy. I should be in the second year too, but I wasted my last year. So Isabella and I would study together now. 

We both walked silently towards the entrance. Many eyes were set on us as if waiting for the drama to ensue.

If it would have been past, I would have found a chance and pushed Isabella so that everyone can mock her. I would have then insulted her that she was not even able to walk properly, how would she study among the elites or any other way to show her her place.

But it was past me. Under the scrutinizing gaze of everyone. I held her hand and just when they were expecting a push. I pulled her in my arms and hugged her with a bright smile. She was looking surprised too.

"Best of luck my dear sister, i know you will he the one to make the whole family proud.'' I said, patting her back and she flustered.

"I.. i will try my best, sister Abi" she replied blushing, and an amused but doting smile formed on my lips.

"I just want to see you happy, Bella.'' I replied, patting her shoulders affectionately.

The whole crowd that was waiting for the drama looked confused and stunned. I just smirked looking at them.

We both walked further away when our paths divided.

"Sister Abi, you have to go left." she told me as i continued to walk with her.

"I know Bella, I will drop you to your building first. Then I will go for my entrance exam." she blinked while listening to my words.

"I can go alone, Abi. you will be late if you do so." she shook her head and gently pushed me towards the other side.

I looked behind her. The building was almost there. She would be fine right? Last time when she came to give the entrance exams she was badly injured but i was the one who had pushed her so if i did not do that, she would be fine right?

I nodded my head and left her. 

"Alright then. If there is any problem, come to me.'' I reminded her once again and she nodded like an adult tired of the kid's whims.

I turned to leave and walked towards the building where knights were trained.

It was more of an open ground where many men and women were taking training. I looked at them with marvel as they flipped in the air and their  attacks were so pressed.

"You will be like them soon. In fact, you are already like them. You will be better soon '' I turned to see a young man looking at  me with a smile.

"I apologise, but do I know you?"He was talking about me like he had known me since ages.

He shook his head with a smile. 

"No, but I have seen you sparring with lord Gerard and in the annual knight's competition too." he replied, taking my hands in his hands and kissing the back of my hands.

"Ah, so, I assume that you know my identity. Would you be kind enough to give your introduction too?" I asked with a smile, though I was sure he was somehow related to Gerard. The way he called him Lord so affectionately.

"Ah, my bad. I did not introduce myself. I am the main aide of Lord Gerard, my name is Alfred van Haste.. I came here with them. We have met before in the tea party of Lady Sophie. But I think I have not left enough of an impression on you to remember me, Lady Abigail." he replied with the same charming smile. 

Though I did not remember him well. Nothing good could come from him  if he served Gerard and Sophie. I tried to maintain the same smile when I asked, "Is there something that matters, Alfred? If not, I shall go in. i am getting late for my exam.`` 

"Oh, there is, I have been waiting here for you only to pass a messenger of lord Gerard. He had asked you to come meet him at the roof of the building after the exam. He would personally give you a tour of the whole area."

I took a deep breath to hide my annoyance and smiled brightly.

"How kind of him. Pass my gratefulness to him and tell that i would be waiting for him there.'' I bowed a bit and the man passed me a triumphant smile.

"I know my lady. Not everyone gets the grace of lord Gerard. You are wise enough to cherish it." 'Such a piece of trash' I continued smiling when the man gave me a last bow and left.

I turned to walk towards the building when I saw Kirian standing tilting his head. It was not at all a coincidence that he was always around me.

He did not walk towards me or say a word when I walked past him towards the building, but I could feel his eyes were set on me only.

When I entered the hall, there were only a bunch of girls standing at the side. While the whole room was filled by men, both nobles and commoners.

There were a few known faces while others were all strangers. A bell rang and everyone moved to take a seat. I moved and took a seat near the window. Everyone adjusted themselves in the seat and soon the chatter silenced when three men with stacks of parchment in their hands entered.

They all three stood on the stage in front of the room. They looked at the room with their sharp eyes. The left one was the head trainer of the knights, Lord Theodore. He was a tall man with 7'1 feet and long blonde hairs that reached up to his shoulders. He had a board frame and his eyes were sharp and keen. There was a scar on his forehead that made him more intimidating. He was known as a giant that was always thirsty for blood in the whole empire. He just needed a reason to cut the limbs of his opponent and it was believed that he tasted the blood of every opponent. No one knew if it was true or not. But no one wanted to irk him to confirm this theory.

The middle one was, Daniel. He was the one who taught the war tactics to the knights. It was believed that he was the one who had made all the strategic planning for the wars our empire had fought. His face had three visible lines and strong aura.

Though he was 6'4 in height, in front of lord Theodore, he was looking normal. He was leaner but his eyes were filled with wisdom and his looks were not intimidating but it was like he could read everyone here easily.

Last one was my father. He was standing there with the cold face that he has while training the new cadets. He was the most detached person in the room. His green eyes that were usually filled with so much emotion looked blank. He was 6'10 but his broad structure gave enough competition to lord Theodore. 

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