Chapter 28: Evolving Again

As she watched Reign continue his rampage, she couldn't help but wonder what he would do once he was powerful enough.

'Will he leave me,' Her heart suddenly ache after thinking about it .

This was the first time in her life that she felt afraid . She couldn't lose him now, not when they were so close. But what could she do?

With no good options , she started absorbing the blood of the corpse laying on the ground.

It was the only way she could increase her strength, after all.

Though the increase in her power was not significant due to the low quality of the blood, the quantity of it made up for the lack of quality.

'I need to become more powerful so he won't leave, no, he can't leave me. He will play with me forever...' Anna thought, her demeanor changing from that of an innocent-looking girl to one that showed her true color.




Reign continued his killing spree, paying no heed to the blood that stained his body or the bullets that pierced his flesh.

He was becoming more agile, effortlessly dispatching any guard that dared to stand in his way.

His actions were guided by an instinctual knowledge, operating on a level far beyond that of monsters or humans. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

Looking at him, he resembled a fish finally swimming in the wide ocean.

Killing was ingrained in his nature, and with each repetition, his muscle memory adapted quickly, making him even more dangerous.

As he picked off the guards one by one, the rest of them knew they had to switch things up.

They huddled together, whispering quick plans. Then, they split up, each group taking a different path through the mine's narrow passages.

They knew they couldn't let their guard down for a second, as the monster they faced was cunning and crazy. Every shadow seemed to hold danger, and every echo sent shivers down their spines.

Suddenly, a faint noise echoed through the tunnel—a soft scrape of claws against rock. The guards froze, exchanging nervous glances as they gripped their weapons tighter.

Could it be the monster, closing in on them ?

With bated breath, they listened intently, straining to discern the source of the sound. But all they heard was the eerie silence of the mine, broken only by the faint drip of water from the ceiling.

They felt relieved for a moment, but as soon as they relaxed their guard, Reign sprang into action with the wheelbarrow.

He throw one, then another, to distract them.


As the guards dodged, Reign lunged forward, his claws extending. With a swift, fluid motion, he slashed at the first guard's throat, silencing him before he could even cry out.

'Next one,' Without a moment's hesitation, he quickly pivoted towards the second guard, who had barely registered the death of his comrade.

He slashed the second guard's abdomen, causing a spray of blood to paint the air. He then seized the head of his prey and used it as a makeshift baton, delivering a powerful blow that sent the third guard hurtling into the wall.

Then, for the final strike, he extended his claw , quickly beheading the third guard with a single, decisive stroke

It ended just like that.

'I'm improving,' he thought to himself. He felt more in control of his body, knowing the best way to handle his enemies.

After a few more minutes, he managed to eliminate everyone inside. Those he missed were dispatched by Anna, who guarded the passage.




The sounds of dead bodies hitting the ground reverberated as Reign systematically piled them up, one by one.

It would be too much of a hassle to consume them in scattered locations, so it made more sense to gather them.

George, unable to stomach the scene any longer, decided to step outside for a smoke.

So now only Anna and Reign remained .

Anna was the first to feed, her senses drawn to the fresh flow of blood emanating from the corpses.

As the crimson streams converged towards her, it was as if multiple threads of blood were eager to merge with her body, forming a surreal scene.

She closed her eyes, appearing defenseless in that moment.

'Should I kill her now?' Reign pondered to himself. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to end her life and consume her.

He was confident that devouring her would grant him a significant boost in power.


The moment he took a step forward, his intuition screamed at him to stop. His danger senses were on high alert.

'She's that powerful?' Reign muttered in annoyance. He still needed to tread carefully around her for much longer .

"Anna is finished" she spoke after completing her task.

"Can you give me some privacy while I feed?" Reign locked eyes with her.

"Anna will wait outside," she nodded in agreement and exited the room.

With Anna out of the way, Reign was now free to check his status.


Name: Reign

Level 15

Age. : 18 (+1 year)

Race: Blade Hunter

Strength :C

Agility. :D+

Stamina :F+

Endurance : B

Intelligence: C+


Bite - Level III

Undead Eye - Level I

Night Crawl III

Clawer : III


Attribute Points 20

Skill Points : 11

Evolution Points : 1


Evolution Store

*Toxic Blade Zombie Hunter

*Viral Blade Zombie Hunter

[More Information]

*Toxic Blade Zombie Hunter : Could secrete acidic liquid from its claws, capable of melting human skin and, with enough upgrades, even hard metals.

*Race Skills: Toxic Slash (I). This skill allowed the host to unleash very strong acid when performing a slash.

*Viral Blade Zombie Hunter: This undead creature is extremely dangerous, possessing lethal abilities. Its claws secrete a powerful virus capable of causing various random side effects depending on future upgrades.

*Race Skill: Viral Slash (I) - Enables the ability to create and secrete virus.

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