Villain Retirement

Chapter 287: The Baby Crew Enters

Chapter 287: The Baby Crew Enters

"Did… you bring her here, Riley?"

"No. She brought me here, Miss Empress."


Inside the landing bay of the Hope Guild; Empress, V, and Butcher were there, standing almost ready to fight as an unidentified aircraft suddenly entered their base. But as soon as Bernard's daughter stepped out of the small jet; the only thing the three could do was look at each other. And soon, their newest member also casually stepped out of the jet.

"We installed a tracker in one of your jets," Hannah smirked as she looked Empress straight in the eyes, tip-toeing the best she could to be at the same eye level as her, but alas, Empress was still the tallest person in the room,

"Quite pathetic that the number one superhero group couldn't even detect it– as expected of a group led by a slut."


V wanted to step forward in Empress's defense… but Hannah was kind of right. Empress is sleeping with a married man, and to defend her in front of the daughter of the woman being cheated on… didn't really sit right with her.

And so, the only thing she could do was place her attention on Riley, waving toward him with a smile on her face. Riley, however, only nodded at her; but instead of being disappointed, she just let out a small giggle.

"You… put a tracker on one of our jets?" Empress's eyes started to twitch; but still, her arms remained still as she stepped forward.

"Oh yeah," Hannah nodded, "And pretty soon, the rest of my team will be here."

"I don't appreciate you doing that, Hannah Ross."

"What are you gonna do, sleep with my dad again?"


"Welcome to the Hope Guild headquarters, Ms. Ross."

And before the sparks between Hannah and Empress could grow any more violent, Butcher stepped between the two; his bald and shiny head completely extinguishing the spark.

"Butcher, what are you doing?" Empress frowned.

"She is already here," Butcher muttered, "And the probability of us making her leave is zero. We should just see this as welcoming the future pillars of our society. We are getting old, Empress– our glory days are over."

"Why are you giving a speech here?" Empress could only click her tongue as she turned around and walked away, "If they cause any trouble, it's 100% on you. I am only letting this be since we have even greater problems."

"...Now shall we head inside?" Butcher gestured to Hannah before also following Empress inside.

"Your new team suc–"


And before Hannah could finish her words, her eyes widened as she saw V suddenly clinging to Riley's arms. And as if that wasn't enough, she even pecked him on the cheeks. Hannah would usually have something to say at moments like this… but since V was practically a stranger, she didn't really know how to react.

V seemed to have noticed this as she quickly grabbed Hannah's hand.

"I've been wanting to meet with you for a long time now, Hannah!" V said with a huge smile on her face; shaking Hannah's hand repeatedly before letting go,

"I hope to be friends with you someday!"

"R… right?" Hannah could really only smile back with a forced smile on her face. V had always been inside her mecha suit whenever Hannah watched her in action– but seeing her right now acting like this in front of her… wasn't she just a kid?

Granted, she should be the same age as Riley. And the two… the two have even slept with each other. Hannah truly doesn't know what to feel about this as Riley's older sister.

"Let's go inside," V then once again clung onto Riley as she pulled him away; leaving Hannah completely dumbfounded as she watched the two walk ahead.

She was about to follow the two when she noticed that V was glancing at her… with a somewhat condescending glare as she tightened her hold on Riley even stronger.


Of course– Hannah thought. Riley… always attracted women with a few– no, with a lot of screws loose in their head.

Tomoe was her friend, but there was something seriously wrong with her head– of course, she couldn't really blame her for the things she'd been through with her parents.

As for Scarlet Mage, she doesn't even need to explain anything about that cougar.

And now, V. Although she doesn't know what was wrong with her yet, she figures it had something to do with her being locked up inside a mecha suit for almost her entire life– she would probably be swooned and infatuated by the first guy of the same age who so much gives her attention…

…but being trapped inside a cage all her life? That's bound to lead to some problems.

"...Ack, who cares. I'm not anyone's therapist." If Riley is old enough to play around with women, then he's old enough to deal with the problems that come with it, Hannah thought as she followed the two inside…

…almost completely forgetting the fact that they were currently being invaded by an extraterrestrial species.

But as soon as she stepped inside the Hope Guild's 'lobby', the lax and calm expression on everyone's faces caused her to remember.

"Wait, why are all of us just relaxing here!?" Hannah stood up as she… pushed the glass of coffee she casually found herself drinking away,

"We're being invaded by fucking aliens right now! Megawoman is here, right!? Wake her up!"

"You don't have to worry, Ms. Ross," Butcher quickly wiped the spilled coffee, "Hera and Tempo are currently responding to the threats."

"Only the two of them!? Then what are the rest of you doing!?" Hannah said as she pointed at Butcher as well as V, who was still clinging onto his brother like a koala.

"We are waiting, Ms. Ross."

"Waiting for what?"

"Waiting for Whiteking to pinpoint where the ship of the aliens are," Butcher calmly said as he took away the glass and wiped the table clean.

"You mean–"

"We're going on the offensive."

And before Hannah could say anything, Bernard suddenly entered the lobby… from the direction where they came from, the hangar.

"I was busy fixing something so I couldn't welcome you," Bernard said as he wiped his unusually dirty face; his arms as well, seemed to be wrapped in grease,

"I welcomed them, however," Bernard then pointed his thumb to the back, and as soon as he did so, several people entered the lobby… quite dramatically.

Led by none other than Monarch. And behind him;

Silvie, aka, Megagirl– her suit, still the same white thick spandex with golden highlights and contrast in her boots and gloves; her mask, only covered around her eyes.

Tomoe Reynolds, aka, Nightqueen– wearing a loose white kimono, only accented by the sunglasses she was wearing.

Katrina Collins, aka, Hurricane Katrina– still wearing a lot of frills around her to hide her pair of glorious mountains, but still failing to do so.

And lastly, Bella Jackson, aka, Black Bell– only wearing a tank top and somewhat tactical pants.

The members of the Baby Crew, all women except Gary Gray.

"No worries, your ancestor is here– oh my god, we're actually inside!"

"We're supposed to be making a good impression!"

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