Villain Retirement

Chapter 242: Changes Outside… and Inside

Chapter 242: Changes Outside… and Inside

"The prison… served as their grave? What do you mean by that?"

Charlotte's question fettered the air; she probably already knew the answer, but still– hearing it coming from someone who has been in the prison for probably more than a few decades would make it formal.

"I meant it as I meant it– most if not every female prisoner that came in here died, with Alice the only one I know actually leaving alive."

The old prisoner still answered dutifully; his eyes slightly jumpy, glancing at Riley from time to time, "The prison said the government ordered for their release or they were set free for confidential reasons. But we all know that was a bullshit excuse; almost all the prisoners here are–"


Hearing Charlotte continuing his words, the old prisoner immediately nodded his head; sighing as his mind seemed to be remembering its past,

"And that's pretty much all I know about Diana Ross," he then said, "If you want to know more, then you can ask the guy sitting at the top."

"Warden Yakovich?"

"No," the old prisoner let out a small scoff,

"The Rank 1 Prisoner," he then said, "He basically knows more than Yakovich since he has some… dealings with the guards that may or may not be legal."

"...Legal?" Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows, "Like what kind?"

"That–" The old prisoner was about to say something, but his eyes suddenly strayed towards the surveillance camera that was hidden in plain sight at the ceiling,

"I can't really say more," he then sighed, before turning his eyes towards Riley, "Just climb up to the rankings– you're basically filling in the Rank 42 spot now anyway. And with your strength, I have no doubt you'll reach it in a few months."

"Rankings?" Charlotte once again furrowed her eyebrows, "That's shit is still alive?"


"What rank are you, fellow prisoner?" Riley then suddenly butted in the conversation.

"...39," the old prisoner answered, "I'm Prisoner 613, since you've already asked. I don't use my name anymore."

"Are you sure you don't know anything anymore, Prisoner 613?" Riley asked.

"I still know some things," Prisoner 613 sighed as he stood up from the sofa, "But nothing that would really interest you since it's just some random information about the other prisoners."


"If that's all, then–"

And as prisoner 613 was about to leave, he found himself suddenly being pulled back to the sofa; almost as if there were straps around him being pulled by almost a hundred horses– the only thing he could do was let it happen.

He was usually the one controlling people with his abilities; this time, however, there were almost literal strings attached to him; not letting him do whatever it is he wanted. His eyes then scanned the 3 people in the room.

He could probably try and control the young girl; but for some reason, the brace behind her back was giving him a bad feeling. He wouldn't even attempt to control Charlotte– after all, she was the one who put him here; and judging by the way she was looking at him…

…she doesn't even remember.

As for Alice's son– well, he still wanted to live. He seemed to have inherited Alice's raw power; and if anything, Alice had a sort of resistance to mind-controlling and altering abilities; if his son also has one… then he wouldn't be happy.

There was also something off with him; it wasn't his lack of color– the life in prison might be becoming boring, but it was better than suffering Fred's fate; who was tortured and then later disappeared into a mist of blood on the very first day that Alice's son appeared.

"Did… you still need something?" And with all of those thoughts lingering in his mind, prisoner 613 could only gulp and once again comply.

"Can you give me your spot?"


Hearing those words, prisoner 613 quickly focused his eyes on Riley, only to see his smile reaching from ear to ear.

"I have been meaning to join the battles for almost a week now, prisoner 613," Riley muttered, "Living with Victoria has been getting repetitive. I thought she would at least approach me to initiate sexual intercourse, but it has not happened yet."

V, who heard Riley's… slightly staggering words, almost choked in her own breaths,

"W… what!?"



"Would you give me your spot, prisoner 613?" Riley, on the other hand, did not even follow up on his words, only focusing his attention on prisoner 613.


"We can set an official match, prisoner 613," Riley did not let 613 say another word as he stood up, "I have been watching how the battles work for a month now. You don't have to worry about anything, I will set the match myself."

"...No," prisoner 613 quickly cleared his throat before raising his hand and also standing from his seat, "There's no need for that. I know the limits of my power and I know that fighting with you would only embarrass me."

613 then once again turned his eyes towards the camera hanging on the corner of the living; raising and pointing his palm towards it before nodding his head.

"I give up my position to prisoner 666."

[Are you sure, 613?]

And as he said that, a voice quickly resounded throughout the entire house.

[You will replace Prisoner 666 and be pulled back to Rank 42, is that alright?]

Prisoner 613 only nodded in response.

[Alright. Prisoner 666, you're now at Rank 39.]

"Hm…" Riley slightly squinted his eyes,

"So the prisoner I met a few months ago lied," he then breathed out, "He told me that I need to climb the rankings one by one."

"You can jump rankings if your opponent just gives it to you," prisoner 613 could only sigh, "Like what I just did. Now, if that's all, then I really need to get back to my–"

"One last question, prisoner 613."

But alas, once again, before prisoner 613 could leave; he could once again feel his entire body being pulled back to the sofa,

"Did Megawoman stay in this place?"

"...Megawoman?" Prisoner 613 furrowed his eyebrows as he heard Riley's words. But after a few seconds, he let out a faint gasp, "I did hear that… But I wasn't in the Super Max yet during that time."

"Is… that so?" Riley whispered; his breaths, clearly containing hints of his utter disappointment, "Do you at least know where she might have resided when she was here?"

"Only thing I know is that she probably stayed where the top 3 are," Prisoner 613 answered; his words, slightly waving and showing the uncertainty in his words.

"You mean they are not staying in the subdivision, prisoner 613?" Riley blinked his eyes a couple of eyes.

"Pft, no." And for the first time, prisoner 613 seemed to relax as he let out a slightly chuckling scoff, "They are basically royalty. Yakovich allows them to do whatever they want as long as they stay in prison."

"Like Cookie Olivo from Rocky the Wrestler," Riley quickly replied.


"It's a spin-off of Italian Mafia Reborn, prisoner 613," Riley sighed before waving his hand, "You may go, I apologize again for requesting your presence."

"..." Prisoner 613's eyes started to twitch upon hearing Riley's words. But still, he no longer had any courage or strength to rebuke as he just nodded; calmly walking away before saying his goodbyes.

As soon as he was out of sight, however, his steps quickly hurried as he rushed to get away from Riley as fast as possible.

"Right," Charlotte then also stood up from her seat, patting her pants as she nodded at Riley, "I'll be off now– your father and I have a lot to discuss."

"Okay, grandmother Charlotte," Riley also nodded, "Please do tell me the specifics of your conversation if you plan to visit again."

"Or you can just tell me outside," Charlotte sighed, "Just join the Hope Guild, child. You'll only be gaining with the deal– plus, your sister and your other friends have graduated from the Academy already."


"They are also forming their own superhero team," Charlotte chuckled, "They kept your group's old name– the Baby Crew. Even if you've only been here for like 5 months or what, a lot of shit has changed outside, child. There's also the Superhero Association now."

"Superhero… Association?"

"The World Government is making the Grades for superheroes official," Charlotte muttered, "And they're also asking for the mandatory registration of all Supers. It's a total shit-show out there…

…and then there are the monsters."

"Monsters?" Riley blinked a couple of times as he heard Charlotte's words.

"Megawoman's clones," Charlotte sighed.

"I thought they were all dealt with, grandmother Charlotte?"

"Heck no," Charlotte sighed, "Turns out there are more, a fuck ton more. The Government is even begging me to get out of retirement to deal with them. Now stop relaxing here and get the fuck out. That child is needed out there as well."

Charlotte then pointed towards V, who had been keeping quiet ever since Riley's earlier… provocative words.

"And right, before I forget," Charlotte then grabbed something from her pocket– a clear headband, "I didn't really know what to get, but happy birthday, V– it is our birthday, right? Tempo told me it is."


"V?" Charlotte snapped her fingers several times to try and get V's attention, but she remained… unresponsive.

"...Right," Charlotte then squinted her eyes before once again turning towards Riley, "Think about what I said– there are a lot more activities out there than you know now."

And with those words, Charlotte left; leaving V and Riley alone once more in the large house.



"R… Riley."

Riley was about to leave the living room, but before he could do so, V finally woke up from her stupor.

"What you mentioned earlier…" She then whispered, her words slightly stuttering,

"Do you…

…want to?"

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