Chapter 417: A Mistake

"Why are they suddenly fighting!?"

Prince Val stood up from his seat as he saw Riley and Vera suddenly fighting each other.

The two seemed to just be having a leisurely chat just moments ago as they explored the vast sea of grass. But then, without even as much as a scream or a leading argument, Vera's hair lit up as she rushed towards Riley.

As for Tomoe and Paige, the two just glanced at Riley, before just shrugging their shoulders; with Tomoe bringing out a large camera from under her kimono and started filming what was happening.

Now that she was back as Riley's Second Subordinate, the task of taking videos and live streaming have been passed down to her— yes, Riley was still streaming on the Paige and Paragon agency's account even after everything that has happened.



"How fast are you compared to your sister, young prince?"

"...what?" Val could really only blink a couple of times as he saw Paige and Tomoe just casually sitting there.

"If I give you this camera, is it possible for you to follow your sister's movements?"


"Useless," Tomoe said as she placed the camera on the table, facing it towards Riley.

"If you want to capture the princess, maybe I can do this?"

And out of nowhere, a hologram of a… flat screen suddenly popped out above the table; a screen showing princess Vera with everything around her seemingly blurry.

"What… what is that?" Val once again blinked a couple of times as he saw the floating screen, "Isn't that Vera? How… what?"

It wasn't only Val, even Tomoe's eyes showed hints of shock as she saw the screen. She was already aware of Paige's slightly quirky power— after all, as soon as Tomoe realized that Paragon is Riley during the very first stream when he cut off Matchstick's hand, she researched everything about Paige.

She knew of how incredible and ridiculous her illusions were, and the fact that she was able to interact with them.

"Oh, I made like… a camera that could follow her around. Well, I suppose it's attached to her but not really? Then I made it so that it would appear here," Paige only shrugged, as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Hm…" Tomoe squinted her eyes as she turned the camera towards the screen, "Imagine if you could kill with that ability, you will be more useful to Riley."

"Oh, it's fine," Paige shrugged again, "Riley can interact with my powers, so that already makes me as useful as he wants me to be. I guess… we just have a connection that can't be replicated, no?"

"...You're just a replacement for Hannah."

"...You really are jealous, aren't you? You and Riley like, have one of the biggest toxic relationships I have ever seen. But I guess… I can't really comment on that," Paige forced a small chuckle,

"I'm the same with him. Even the teacher, I forgot what her name was. His obsession with Aerith is unhealthy… we're all just in a web of toxicity."


"So you're wrong, Tomoe. I can't replace Hannah because she was, by all accounts, really the only one that had a healthy working relationship with Riley," Paige sighed as she turned her eyes towards Riley who was just standing as a green and golden blur surrounded him,

"But I guess you really can't beat family… why would you, right? So I am just trying to fill the void she left behind."

"You're taking advantage of the fact that he's staying as far away and distant from Hannah."

"I am," Paige said without any hesitation as she turned to look Tomoe straight in the eyes, "As I said, I'm toxic like that. I am doing it, because like you…

…I am madly, and crazy in love with Riley."


"And I have always been honest and upfront with that," a small smile slowly crawled on Paige's face, "And maybe you should too."



"That is where you are wrong about me, Paige Pearson," Tomoe let out a small sigh as she returned Paige's gaze,

"There might have been a time when that would have been true, but I am not in love with Riley. What I have for him is respect. And while I might hold love for him— the respect and awe I feel for him far exceeds it…

…I have never confused what I feel for him, and I have never confused what I am to him; now, in the past, and probably even in the future."



The two just stared at each other for a few seconds, before just nodding and proceeding to focus on what was happening between Riley and the princess of the evaniels.

As for Val, however, he could barely control his breaths with what he just heard from these two women. He had never heard anyone talk like that about anyone— even his parents to each other.

Just… what kind of man is Riley Ross to invoke this much feeling to his opposite sex? What sort of secret does he hold?


Val then quickly turned his eyes towards the floating screen. His sister—

If this continues on, then wouldn't it be possible that Riley would also get his sister? If so… then Riley was going to be his brother-in-law?F

If so, then he would have all the time in the world to learn Riley's secret. This…

…this is good.

"Riley! Beat her ass!" Val roared, "Y—"

But before he could say another word, he felt his head suddenly slamming on the table; a palm print, now painted on his cheek.

One might be confused as to what just happened, but it was clearly shown on the screen that followed Vera's movements— she slapped her brother at blinding speed.

Val was going to curse his sister because a trickle of blood started to trail on his cheek… but quickly realized that it wasn't his.

"..." Vera just continued to run— only stopping and turning as soon as she felt the slightest resistance anywhere near her because she knew… she knew there were invisible walls just waiting for her.

"..." A few more seconds of this, however, she stopped and just stood in front of Riley again; her hands, bleeding as they were the first to make contact with the invisible walls Riley had laying around everywhere. There were, however, no open wounds as they seem to have already healed.

"You're strong, Riley of Earth."

"You are too, Princess Vera. The other evaniels I have faced would have already killed themselves a thousand times over if they were you."

"Hm," Vera smirked, "But invisible walls and barriers? Why don't you face me for real?"

"You will die, Princess Vera," Riley shook his head, "Aerith wouldn't like that. If you want to know what humans are capable of, I suggest fighting with Tempo. He—"

And before Riley could finish his words, Vera's fist was suddenly in front of him… as well as above him, behind him, to his sides, everywhere— hitting him all at once.

These fists continued to strike Riley like a machine gun, a torrent of an endless raging barrage. Soon, however, the fist started to show signs of redness, bruising.

As for Riley— he just stood there like a rock. A mountain unperturbed by the violent hurricane that blanketed him whole; not even a single strand of hair affected and moved.

"I don't know if you are hearing me because you are moving too fast," Riley then shook his head and sighed, "But I am going to stop you now. Okay, Princess Vera? Don't worry, I have the means to cancel any momentum you have without harming even a single strand of your hair."

Riley then slowly raised his hand, before suddenly closing it into a fist.

And as soon as he did so, the fists surrounding him quickly faded away as Vera's silhouette could finally be seen in its entirety, floating and hovering a foot above Riley with her green hair still glowing and her golden tattoos still emitting sparks of lightning.

Soon, however, even the light around her started to fade as her sighs traveled throughout the entire field.

"Just… what are you, Riley Ross?" Vera then said as she found herself slowly descending back to the ground.

"A monster, a human," Riley shrugged, "That entirely depends on you, Princess Vera."

"Heh. I am starting to like you more and more," Vera smiled as she looked at Riley's face, "I feel like my stay on your planet would be rather eventful if I stick with you."

"You are free to do so, Princess Vera," Riley then said before stretching his hand towards the princess, "In truth, I also find you very interesting."

"...Hm?" Vera could really only blink a couple of times as she looked at Riley's hand.

"I can tour you around Earth, but you will have to become my Third Subordinate."





Somewhere. Surrounded by nothing but silver walls, two women stood— their very presence, almost bending the space around them.

No, perhaps their surroundings truly were bending; as one could see hints of a crack where light seems to be unable to exist floating everywhere near them.

"Why… why the fuck would you resurrect me, D?"

"Because you didn't deserve to die, Alice."

"You don't know what you've done. You… you have no idea what you've done. I… I'm not well…"

"...I know."

"You don't know, Diana. You know nothing."


"I hear it, the whispers. The whispers. They… they're telling me to kill everything. I… I can't hurt Riley anymore. I remember it… No, I am experiencing it happening right now. I… I am killing my baby again and again…

You… just kill me, please."



…this is a mistake."

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