"...What the fuck?"

"What the fuck!?"

This seemed to have been happening often in Riley and Hannah's life. But for the others that were in the room, specifically Chihiro and Gracy, this was the very first time they were experiencing an encounter with a variant from another universe.

"There's… two of you?" Gracy could not help but point her finger back and forth between the Hannah on the elevator and the Hannah whose breasts were currently pinned down on Riley's chest, "Elevator Hannah… and Shirtless Hannah!?"

"What the fuck is this?" Elevator Hannah's nose twitched, snarling to the point where her vexation was already literally painting her face. She seemed to want to say something else than the words she had already repeated twice, but there was nothing escaping her half-opened mouth.

She and Shirtless Hannah were just staring at each other; their eyes, both showing shock but for different reasons. Shirtless Hannah could not help but just look at Elevator Hannah from head to toe, finding it hard to believe that there was a variant of her just reflecting on her eyes without any warning or notice coming from the AI.

As for Elevator Hannah, well… how could she not be shocked when her brother was currently motorboating and suffocating between her variant's breasts? A million thoughts repeated in her mind like clockwork as she tried to think of reasons why something like this could happen.

She then turned to look at the other people in the room, only to find that she recognized someone else.


"!!!" Chihiro quickly covered her face as she thought that she lost her mask during the rumble when she was trying to prevent Gracy from doing something she would regret. To her relief, however, the golden fox mask was still firmly planted on her face. She quickly focused her attention back to Elevator Hannah, using her abilities to identify who she truly was—and to her shock, it truly was also Hannah Ross.

One of Chihiro's abilities allows her to analyze and store certain information about people. If she meets a person for the first time, then the letters that will appear above that person's head would be a bunch of question marks—question marks that would start to fill as soon as the person tells her their name.

And so, for two people that looked alike to bear the same name… wouldn't that mean they were basically the same person? This was the first time this had happened to her, and she couldn't quite figure out what to do but just… watch things unfold.

Chihiro, however, does have an idea of what was happening—the Hannah that was shown in her memories, the chance of her being Elevator Hannah was extremely high, especially since she knows Golden Fox's true identity.

And while everyone was confused as to what was happening, Shirtless Hannah finally began to move; she lifted up both her arms from the sofa, causing her breasts to pin Riley's head even further. She was a bit uncomfortable with what was happening, but taking action took priority as she tapped her wrist… completely forgetting that she was not wearing the bracelet which stored her nano-armor suit.

"Shit…" And finally, Shirtless Hannah pulled herself away from Riley; some of his hair, stapled on the garters of her bra. And even as Riley's long white hair slid across the skin of her breasts and almost tangled around her teat, Shirtless Hannah fought the urge to shiver as she focused on Elevator Hannah.

Shirtless Hannah then quickly somersaulted back behind the sofa, rushing to grab her phone from the bar and dial something on it.

"I have made contact with a Trespasser," Shirtless Hannah said as her eyes did not leave Elevator Hannah for even a single moment, "Reporting a possible leak with our portals. I require immediate backup."

"Fucking…" Elevator Hannah's eye started to twitch as she watched as Shirtless Hannah started tumbling and running around the penthouse with her bra out in the open; her snarls, turning into a full-on scowl, "Stop fucking running around with my tits out in the open, you fuck!"

"Trespasser is getting angry, fuck!" Shirtless Hannah dropped the phone to the floor as the air around her started to distort, "I will deal with the threat accordingly. You guys, hide in my room! There's another elevator hidden in the closet left of my bed!"

"...What?" Both Chihiro and Gracy could really only… dumbfoundingly look back and forth between the two, with nothing really registering in their minds but more and more confusion.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm "Stop waving your hands with my breasts exposed!" Elevator Hannah once again screamed as she finally fully stepped out of the elevator; her finger, violently pointing at Shirtless Hannah as the door behind started to close.

And before the doors could completely close, Shirtless Hannah's feet left the floor as she carefully flew closer to Elevator Hannah. As she did so, however, the air around Elevator Hannah also began to distort—the floors, also melting.

"..." Shirtless Hannah could not help but stop in mid-air; her eyes, squinting as she stared at the melting floor.

Her entire penthouse was made of Starcarbide, a material from a different galaxy that could withstand the maximum heat Shirtless Hannah could produce. Which means only one thing—Elevator Hannah's abilities were far stronger than hers. And the fact that only the floor near her was melting also means that her control was also even more extraordinary.

Still, if Shirtless Hannah had her armor right now, then this Hannah would be nothing. But alas, she had to make do with what she had—and what she had wasn't bad at all.

And after a second of thought, Shirtless Hannah once again rushed toward Elevator Hannah. The two of them were immune from each other's abilities, and so, all Shirtless Hannah could really do was turn this into a dog fight…

…and she was confident that she won't lose against herself, because she never has.

"I don't know where the fuck you spawned from," Shirtless Hannah smirked as she gathered heat on her leg, "But you're going home dead or alive!"

Shirtless Hannah's leg then shot from the floor, swinging over her head as she slammed it like an axe aiming straight for Elevator Hannah's right shoulder. Elevator Hannah, however, just calmly tilted her body and very slightly stepped to the right to dodge it.

The smile on Shirtless Hannah's face did not disappear as the path of her kick suddenly changed direction. As soon as she did so, however, a smirk also started to crawl on Elevator Hannah's face as she ducked forward and proceeded to slam her fist down on Shirtless Hannah's toes.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"!!!" And with Shirtless Hannah wearing nothing but the skin of her foot, she could really only grit from the pain. Sadly for her, that was the only time Elevator Hannah needed as she slammed her head on Shirtless Hannah's chin.

It wasn't over, however. With Shirtless Hannah's head slightly lifted up, Elevator Hannah quickly slapped the back of her hand toward her throat, flicking her fingers for maximum force.

"Kh…!" Shirtless Hannah took several steps back as she grasped her neck.

Elevator Hannah, who saw Shirtless Hannah's breasts swinging around as she struggled, once again snarled as this time, she was the one to rush over—mercilessly grabbing Shirtless Hannah by the face and slamming her down straight on the sofa right beside Riley.

"Stay the fuck down, fucking… Alabama hoe!"

"W…what?" Shirtless Hannah could not really think straight; the only thought in her mind was that she lost. She lost without even putting up much of a fight, "I…

…I lost?"

"You lack training," Elevator Hannah scoffed and rolled her eyes, before a slightly smug smile painted her face, "The perks of having a younger brother to beat off every day."

"You… beat off your younger brother?" Gracy commented on the side; her face, filled with disgust.

"That's not what I fucking meant and you know it, whoever you are!" Elevator Hannah pointed at Gracy, before violently turning her finger toward Riley, who seemed to be in his own world as he was looking at the TV instead of the commotion literally happening near him,

"We're going home! You've only been gone for like what? A week!? And you're back to causing fucking problems!?"

"...What?" Shirtless Hannah looked back and forth between Riley and Elevator Hannah, "You… brother?"

"Fuck!" Elevator Hannah groaned in frustration as she heard Shirtless Hannah's words, "Fuck! I'm fucking glad that you're not actually aware that he's my brother. Because, oh god… if you knew and you just motorboated him, that's… oh, fuck!"

"Hm…" Riley finally turned his attention away from the TV as he looked at his sister, "...It would seem my sister still wins over her variants when it comes to having a loud mouth."

"The fuck you say!?" Elevator Hannah snarled, "You're coming home, now."

"Okay," Riley shrugged, before just casually standing up and walking away.

"It was quite short," Riley then turned to Shirtless Hannah and the others, "But I did have fun with our adventures, everyone."

"Wait… wait," Shirtless Hannah finally recovered as she stood up while still caressing her neck, "You… you're from another universe?"


"You… lied to me?" Shirtless Hannah's breaths almost became gasps as she stared at Riley.

"No," Riley shook his head, "Perhaps a little, but no."

"What the fuck is happening…?" Gracy leaned closer to Chihiro, whose eyes were now slightly watering as she looked at Riley.

"Could it be…" Chihiro's hand trembled as she pointed at Riley, 

"You… you're the one in the memory?"


"...I suppose."


…are you here because you wanted to see me again?"

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