"Whatever happens inside, I want you to calm down and ignore them. Okay?"


Riley, and the one leading the cleaners of Aerith's statue, Claire, were now in one of the largest buildings in the settlement; made from wood, flashings, and whatever bleachers were left in the large stadium. It was also the most lit establishment, perhaps a testament to how much the people value the place.

As to why it seemed so important, well, it was obvious—it's a bar.

"I don't think I need to explain this to you again, but everyone here is a firm supporter of Megawoman," Claire was in front of Riley; her hand, already on the door as she had been orienting Riley about the trades and ways of the settlement… which is aptly named Megawoman City for obvious reasons,

"Some are even hardcore fans and part of a cult. So, if I were you, I would avoid talking smack about the Girl Above, okay?"


"I am serious, Mr. Ross—Wait, Ross… You don't happen to be related to the Ross family, are you?"

"Not in this world, no."

"...Huh. Well, you do look different," Claire squinted her eyes as she looked at Riley from head to toe. But as she was lost in thought, however, Riley took the chance to just go ahead and enter the fine establishment.

And as soon as he did so, he was met with unwelcomed eyes of curiosity and suspicion. All of them, looking at Riley as if he was some sort of ghost—which in all honesty, he does look like one.

Some of them started clicking their tongues; their hands which were gripping their drinks, tightening as their stares were soon followed by lowering eyebrows. Before anything could really happen, however, Claire entered the bar.

"Oh, who's this!?"

And like a switch being flipped, the knitted faces of the patrons all light up as soon as they saw Claire's face.

"Claire! We've been waiting for you here!"

"Isn't today the day you're going to buy all of us drinks!?"

"Mr. Ross. I told you to wait for me," Claire whispered loudly right beside Riley's ears, "You—"

"Wait, wait… What's this!? You're the one who brought the handsome albino here!?"

"Is that your new boyfriend? Wait, of course not. How many times have we told you not to solicit young men!?"

But alas, Claire could not really even talk to Riley for another second as all the people in the bar started hollering and heckling her.

"I knew you were into white people, I just didn't know how white until now!"

"You guys should shut the fuck up!" Claire quickly raised both of her middle fingers and started pointing them at everyone like guns, "Fuck you, you, and you too, bitch!"

Claire had told Riley to stay as calm as possible, and yet here she was, not even another step inside the bar and she was already cursing everyone. Riley waited for her to be done, but even after an entire minute had passed, she and the other patrons were still laughing and cursing at each other.

And so, Riley just decided to leave her and head to the bar. And as he did so, Claire finally lowered her arms as she watched as Riley approached the person behind the counter, and it wasn't only her. The other patrons all paused whatever it was they were doing, even spilling their drinks as a certain excitement grew in their eyes.

"Are you Edward Gray?" Riley then asked the bartender, who could be none other than Gary's father judging from how he looked.

Gary was already tall enough, standing at 6'7". His father, however, was probably taller than him by half a foot. Claire had told him to find the tall guy, but Riley wasn't really expecting this.

And he wasn't just tall; his loose and oversized shirt could not hide how muscular he truly was. The glass he was cleaning almost seemed miniature from how large his hands and arms were, not to mention how hairy they were.

He also carried a thick beard; his eyebrows, lush and thick—even then, however, there was no hiding how chiseled and manly his face truly is.

If one were to look at him outside in the dark, they would probably think he was some sort of bear.

'Is this Aerith's type?' Riley thought with his head tilted to the side. Edward also seemed to be the quiet and brooding type, which Riley was not. Whenever he was with Aerith, he talked without pause.

Is this why Aerith did not like him at all? Because he was the complete opposite of the father of her child?

"Hm…" And finally, after what seemed like an entire minute, Edward finished cleaning the glass he was wiping and walked toward Riley. He placed both his palms on the counter, looking Riley in the eyes,

"What do you need?"

"..." All the patrons of the bar started chugging their bears and sipping their whiskeys as they continued to watch the scenario unfold. Their eyes, still filled with expectation from what was about to happen.

As for the one that brought Riley there, she just had her arms crossed. After all, she was really the only one that knew that Riley is a super… and not an ordinary one at that.

"Beer, whiskey, rum and coke?" Edward's voice almost reflected his looks; raspy, husky, and just deep overall, "If not…

…then we also serve milk."

"Pft…" The patrons that were chugging their beers almost spilled everything as they tried their best to stop laughing. And right when they couldn't stop themselves anymore, Riley gave an unexpected reply.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

"Then I suppose I would take the milk, Mr. Gray," Riley said as he also placed his hand on the table. Not, of course, before cleaning it first with the very same towel Edward used to clean the glass,

"With ice, please."

"..." Edward glared at Riley for a few seconds, before letting out a grunt and violently snatching the towel from him. And there and then, the other patrons started looking at each other.

All of them thought this would just be the common scenario—where someone would just try and size up Bernard and back down, but no. This pale white-haired young man that just appeared out of nowhere didn't even seem to care.

"...He looks kinda familiar."

"Shh, shut up."

The sound of Edward drawing milk from a carton whispered in the air without any intrusion; the patrons, even holding their breaths in fear that they would miss something.

"Here you go, kid," Edward placed the glass right in front of Riley, before placing his arm on the counter and once again looking Riley in the eyes. Riley, on the other hand, just grabbed the glass and casually took a sip of his milk.



"So…" And as soon as Riley placed the milk back on the counter, Edward quickly moved it away as he leaned closer to Riley; the smell of booze coming out of his mouth, enough to make Riley increase his telekinetic shield, 

"...Who are you? Are you from the government again?"

"My name is Riley Ross," Riley glanced at the glass of milk, before just letting out a small sigh and introducing himself, "And I am not part of the government."

"...Ross?" Edward's thick eyebrows lowered as he looked at Claire, who quickly shook her head in response, "You're not related to the royal family, are you?"


"You're not from the government. You're not a Ross. You're definitely not a superhero…" Edward scratched his beard, "...I don't know what someone like you would want from me except for a glass of milk."

"Gary Gray."

"...Who?" Edward's eyes slightly squinted as he leaned away from Riley.

"Gary Gray. Perhaps you know where he is?"

"I don't even know who that is, kid," Edward grunted as he shook his head. And now with him standing straight, he completely towered over Riley, 

"Now if you're not going to order anything else anytime soon, I have other assholes to serve."

"Hm…" Riley placed his hand on his chin as Edward walked away. And after a few seconds, he just shrugged and walked back toward Claire,

"Can I borrow money, Ms. Claire? I do not have anything on me to pay for the milk."

"Don't bother," Edward slightly raised his voice, "Milk's on the house."

"...You got what you came here for?" Claire only nodded at Edward, before gesturing to Riley to step out of the bar with her.

"I don't know yet, Ms. Claire," Riley shook his head as he followed Claire out.

"Well, tough luck," Claire sighed, before suddenly giving Riley a set of keys, "Since you did us one when you cleaned Megawoman's statue, you're free to stay at my house for the night."

"..." Riley could really only blink a couple of times as he held the key in his hand. This world… did they have the habit of giving strangers the key to their homes?

"It's the house painted orange on Aisle V, you won't miss it. As for me…

…I'm gonna spend the night in the bar!"

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm And with those words, Claire barged into the bar once more, causing all the people inside to scream and roar.

"..." Riley did not really know what to do now, since he was already staying at Hannah's place back in New York. Should he just leave a clone here so as to not be rude to Claire?

"Hm, I'll do that," Riley nodded to himself as he started walking away. But as soon as he reached a dark park of the stadium, however…

…he noticed a large shadow crawling up from behind him.

"You…" It was Edward, holding a large steel bat as he literally looked down on Riley,

"...You will tell me where you heard that name."

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