"You don't know anything!"

"I suppose."


There was no Italian Mafia Reborn in this universe, but Riley would be lying to himself if he did not admit that he was slightly entertained with what he was seeing on TV. It was almost as if the people in his life were in some sort of movie, a movie in which he didn't exist.

Perhaps that was the best way Riley could really explain this universe—a different movie with the same cast, same premise, but a completely different writer… and it was interesting.

"Do not be pulled in, he's just trying to mess with you!"

And as Riley watched as Bernard pulled Empress away from the camera, he could not help but let out a small chuckle.

"But I am not trying to mess with anyone," Riley then let out a small sigh as he continued to look at the sky and right at the lens of Bernard's satellite, "I am merely stating what I know to be true in my universe, and apparently the same could be said here…

…There are hardly any reports or news regarding the death of Adaeze's child—but one thing was for sure—she wasn't there when the child died. It makes one curious, no? If it is true that there might be an infinite number of universes out there…

…Do you think there are also an infinite number of times that Adaeze left her child to die?"


"I have only seen two different versions of Adaeze, and seeing as both neglected their child—the odds of my assumption are true would be higher than—"

"Enough," Bernard completely pulled the camera away as he once again looked through the lens as if he was looking right at Riley, "We will meet again, Riley Ross…

…and it won't be as civil."

"You hijacked Alice's TV, Bernard Ross. I do not see how that is civ—"

And before Riley could finish his words, the TV suddenly switched to a different channel. A channel with… lots of moaning and stuff that should not be easily accessible on the TV.

pandasnovel.com "Riley?"

"..." And almost as if on cue, Alice and Diana finally returned to the living room; their eyes, moving back and forth between Riley and the obscene show being streamed on the TV.

"What…" Alice covered her mouth. But contrary to what one would expect, she was just trying her best not to laugh, "...What are you watching!?"

As for Diana, she just had one eyebrow raised as she looked at Riley, waiting for him to explain what was going on.

"Bernard Ross contacted me through the TV."

"What!?" The tone of Alice's voice completely changed as she lowered both her arms, "That's even worse, I wished you were just watching porn instead."

"..." Diaa slightly veered away from Alice as she gave her a judging look.

"What did that nerd want from you?" Alice then snapped her fingers, turning off the TV as she looked Riley straight in the eyes.

"He asked about Aerith and a way to defeat her, Alice," Riley shrugged as he stepped away from the window.

"Ack, what a creep," Alice stuck out her tongue as she shivered, "Your best friend is really up there in the demented department, Dee."

"He's not my best friend."

"Okay, your husband from another universe then," Alice rolled her eyes.

"You really should stop acting like a child," Diana could really only shake her head as she approached Riley, "Anyway, I knew he would do something like this. I just don't appreciate him hacking my home. As for you…

…we decided you can stay here for now."

"That is unwise, Diana," Riley also shook his head, "As I told you before, my mind is deteriorating due to the illnesses I inherited from my biological mother—I might end up accidentally torturing someone, flaying their skin and feeding it to their loved ones."

"That's… oddly specific," Alice blinked.

"You did mention that," Diana placed her hand on her chin, "But the results that came back from testing you say you're not sick—the MRI shows you're… different, but you're not as sick as you said you are."

"I do not have schizophrenia or any other form of dementia, Diana?" Riley also placed his hand on his chin as he heard Diana's words. It is true that he hasn't experienced any lapses during his stay in this universe… but do diseases just disappear if you're in a different universe?

"I detected nothing," Diana confirmed.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

"Hm, this multiverse fiasco truly is such a curiosity," Riley nodded.

"Don't worry, Riley Ross. We're learning how to send you back to your universe."

"I thought we already discussed that he could stay here!?"

"Until we find a way to send him home," Diana shook her head as she started walking away, "He was thrown away by his own mother, my other version, for a reason, Alice—I do not want to experience the reason why."

"Wait, where are you going!?"

"Unlike you, Alice, people actually have jobs to do," Diana just waved her hand as she just left the house, not even bothering to look at Riley again as she stepped out.

"Darn it. Why does she always have the last word on things?" Alice let out a very long sigh that traveled across the small house. She didn't lament for long, however, as she returned to the living room with a smile on her face,

"So, son. Where do you want to—Oh…"

But alas, Riley was no longer there.



The Hope Society, it was weird. In fact, this entire world was weird, but Riley couldn't really judge it by his own standards. Even if, for example, the humans of this world breathed fire, he shouldn't really be surprised as the rules of his universe do not apply here.

An entire island floating above the clouds—the only instance that Riley could think of similar to his own world was when he lifted up Toronto. Could it be… this entire island was also being kept afloat by Alice?

"I really should not be thinking about things that do not matter."

"...Why are you following me?"

"Hm?" And as Riley snapped himself out of his thoughts, he turned to look at Diana, who he had been following ever since she stepped out of the house. She has only been walking through the streets, perhaps because of Riley,

"Alice's weird affection toward me is somewhat suffocating, Diana. I am not used to it."

"You never will get used to it," Diana sighed, "But why are you following me?"

"I wanted to watch how you will find a way to bring me back to my universe, Diana."

"That's… going to take a very long time."

"Time is something the two of us have, Diana. And also, perhaps I can see the device you made for Alice?"


"The device that amplifies her telekinetic abilities. I want to try it, Diana."

"She told you about that?" Diana sighed in disappointment, "And no—do you think I am going to let a mass murderer even get close to a weapon like that?"

"Oh, so it's not on this floating island, then?"

"Perceptive," Diana hummed as she looked at Riley, "Did you really come out of someone like Alice? What would you even use the device for, anyway?"

"I am going to find Aerith and pull her here," Riley casually said.


"I am confident, Diana. Wherever Aerith may be in this universe…

…I will be able to find her."

"...I'm not going to let you use the device."

"Hm," Riley shrugged before just looking up at the sky and smiling, "But…

…I am sure Bernard will give me permission. You are listening, right...


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