Villain of my own novel

Chapter 380 379. Horror House.

Each pair experienced constant jump scares, which was amplified due to the state of fear that they were affected by merely being present in the domain of the dreamer.

Of course, Eshwar and Isha were an exception to the status affects, as they merely needed to shake off whatever uncomfortable feeling enveloped them, but he still got scared whenever he faced a jump scare as Isha teased him, laughing heartily.

There were only very few moments that they could enjoy and these were a few moments that they could consider precious, of course, their time together, with their daughter, their friends, everything felt precious and it was true for most of the time, but they weren't new.

They experienced relief, comfort, and secure in each other's arms and presence, but due to the time difference in Eshwar's domain, everything soon became just another day.

They had learnt to cherish them as those "just another day" extended, but everything was too comfortable, so comfortable that they began to miss those moments of unpredicted and abrupt chaos, that chased after them since they had gotten together in their new lives.

One day; Eshwar had also abruptly stated that his career as a teacher was cursed, and it strangely sounded true upon pondering over it. It was the when they, he and Isha, had talked over how they missed the chaos that seemed to never leave them alone.

He hadn't taught those he called students for more an a few mere classes, back on Earth, while the academy in the planet Antinoüs collapsed as soon as they had talked about appointing him as a professor, his start as a teacher or a professor seemed to be the cue for chaos to invade their lives.

As Isha's teases continued, Eshwar navigated through the maze while getting scared of the jump scares of the horrifying clown faces and abrupt chills that seemed to wash over them out of nowhere.

The giggles of the children, their cries, their calls, everything terrified him, and as if they weren't enough, creepy a*s dolls began to appear in front of them out of the blue, only to disappear as soon as his gaze landed on them.

He needed his sheer will power not to crush every horrifying thing he saw, and even if it seemed like he was about to lose control, Isha was there to stop him.

Creepy screeches would resound from time to time when it seemed like they neared a turn, tensing Eshwar, who wanted to do nothing but hide behind Isha, but his pride waned his fears and forced him to stand in front of her.

It was a pathetic sight considering how arrogantly his titles described him, but since the emotion "fear" had different affects depending on the situation, so you couldn't really blame him.

And noticing how Isha was enjoying his actions, he couldn't help but want to exaggerate his emotions, but he never faked it.

It wasn't long until the jump scares became physical, attacking them at the moment of jump scare, but Eshwar and Isha, who were constantly on guard with the remainder of them being in an enemy's territory, thought it was about time something like that happened and began to smash through everything that attacked them, while also enjoying the horror house.

But other pairs didn't have everything as peaceful, as the pairs that were in the same room without the other's knowledge began to fight while trembling in utter horror while traumatic illusions of what they feared the most began to affect them together with the constant jump scares that scared the sh*t out of them.

Many had paled in horror while traumas began to affect a few pairs as they began to wield their weapons wildly in hopes of getting rid of the source that affected them. They had unknowingly began to hurt the person they had walked in with, but their partner's pained groans managed to stop them from hurting each other too much.

Those in the mirror room had it worse because their own reflections in the mirrors where coming to life as they hunted down the pair, they had even noticed that another three pairs, their friends, had also began to appear out of the mirror, but since they were attacking them, they quickly understood that they too were nothing but illusions that were created to mess with their minds.

Mannequins also came to life without a question in the mannequin room; faces of what they feared the most began to manifest on either side of the bridge as they walked to reach a certain end; ropes came loose from the unseen ceiling together with the heads of clowns as the ropes they held become tongues of the clowns that descended upon them, giggling hysterically.

Killer clowns, Jasons, psychopaths, and many other role playing dolls adorned in ribbon gowns that were dripping blood threatened them while wielding weapons, scaring then hypothetically and literally.

The attacks of the dolls were strong, strong enough to threaten to break their weapons with a single clash, that forced them to focus on parrying; that focus cleared up the illusions albeit slightly, but they still fell for faints, and the weird combinational attacks of the dolls and the illusions.

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm Mirror room seemed to have the ability to mirror the expressions and voices of the people it mirrored, but the mirrored clones were weak individually while strong in numbers.

The mirrored clones were managing to express expressions individually that made it harder for them to determine whether the clones they were facing were real or not, but since it wasn't a place that allowed them to have enough leisure to hesitate, they slashed through the hoards of mirrored clones without a second thought.

They were thankful that those that were attacking them were weak enough for them to be able to hunt them even without their mana, but their differences in numbers still seemed to be enough for the dolls to win the mental battle.

All while the domain owner stood in the middle of an endless hall, that indicated the centre of the horror house, with a ribbon gown adorned doll in his arms that was kissing his neck with hot breaths, that it strangely was able to produce, it wasn't long until footsteps began to resound as the pairs that managed to survive began to walk towards them through the dark.

The first to arrive were Eshwar and Isha which even Vine expected, and gradually the rest walked into the hall where light fell, with dazed expressions marring their faces as they gazed down at the blood that covered them, ignoring their own near fatal injuries.

Seo Hana, Katline, Grace, Neal, Louie, Arngrim, Frostine, Amanda, Dominic, Core, and Belinda were the only ones that had managed to survive.

The rest....

Well, they died in the confusion.

Reynolds, Hannah, Gerry, Greg, Simon, Ash, Clifford.

A total of seven casualties.

Grace and Neal had fought off against Reynolds and Hannah, while Louie and Arngrim fought against Simon and Ash, each pair had killed off the other before they found each other; they had created a cut on their forearms to understand that those in front of them were their friends, and not the mirrored clones that dispersed upon "death."

The realisation that they had killed off their own friends bore down on their minds heavily and put them under a strange daze.

Were they knew to losing those close to them?

No, absolutely not.


It was the first time they themselves had killed one.

Clifford and Belinda had to fend off for themselves as small but creepy children had rushed at them after scaring then for a while, while Belinda didn't hesitate to slash through the creepy children after minutes of dodging and hesitating, Clifford, who was unable to get over his hesitation had died due to those creepy children and heavy blood loss caused by the deep cuts from Belinda's weapon, which was the cause of Belinda not pulling back her swings to protect herself, but after realising that her actions has also played a part in Clifford's death, she was unable to hold in the thoughts of wanting to hurt herself that wandered in her mind even now.

She wanted to feel something,

Something that could make her feel and understand that she had survived.....

After killing her friend that she had known for two decades.

Dominic and Core had killed Gerry and Greg assuming them to be merely another pair of mannequins, whose heads they ever never able to see until the "dead" mannequins laid on the ground before dispersing into thin air. They had managed to survive by killing them only out of pure luck, which if by chance had shone upon Gerry and Greg, it would have been them that survived after killing Dominic and Core.

Compared to what everybody else had to go through, Hana, Katline, Frostine, and Amanda had it relatively easy. Hana and Katline experienced sever trauma but we strong enough to hold themselves together, while Frostine and Amanda merely Tarzan-ed through the whole way.

While Eshwar and Isha had really enjoyed their horror house experience, and would probably come again if they could.

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