Villain of my own novel

Chapter 352 351. Prototype-X26.

In an abandoned building on a floating island.

A countable crowd of people were seen walking around calmly yet sternly as they gazed at the humanoid figures floating in the humongous cylinders that were scattered around the room randomly, in curiosity, as a load of research materials and tools for experiment purposes were scattered accordingly, with one old, bald man working vigorously.

The humongous cylinders were filled with blue-green gooey liquid to the brim, with the humanoid figures floating in it with extreme numbers of stiches counting on them, some even had two pairs of additional limbs attached to them, with masks and many thin pipes connected to them, through which some strange brownish liquid was seen cruising.

The crowd in the room only existed to gaze at the progress of the experiments, as Sir, no, Dr. Ecrirn carried out his plans to create a perfect existence.

The crowd were the people from Honour-bound Federation and the Abominations which had came into contact with Ecrirn due to their end goals assigning in similar paths. These groups wanted stronger forces, to bring their apocalyptic world under their control, while Ecrirn wanted to become a perfect existence, that was human yet wasn't human at the same time.

And if Ecrirn's plan bore fruits, then the core members of the groups would also get experimented on, to become the so-called perfect existences. And the reason they even had gotten the idea of contacting this crazy doctor was because they heard the voice of their God, who advised them to awaken to the maximum limit of their existences as humans, so as they searched desperately for the means and methods, one certain day, their God took pity on them, and gave them the location of Ecrirn, who had made a certain level of progress on the limits of human capabilities and potentialities.

After leading them to the path they searched for, their God's voices disappeared, and their assumption—that their God would speak to them if they were every strayed from their destined paths—which soon turned into to a strong belief continued to spread under their influence, which, soon after, gave birth to a large enough but strong group of fanatics.

And gradually, after their contact with Ecrirn, he too was influenced and had become a part of this group of stubborn, headstrong fanatics.

That had destroyed a large number of survivor groups, to make up their lack of "materials" required for their experiments, and currently, they had killed at least a thousand people, without a shred of remorse.

"How many more days until the release of these prototypes?" A man with dark red hair asked Ecrirn, who glared at the man in response, even hissing at him a bit.

"Three days at max." Ecrirn replied in a huff and turned towards a prototype floating in a cylinder and made way towards it, pushing aside piles of important, ground breaking information containing documents.

Shrugging his shoulders at the crowd behind him, the red-haired man gazed around curiously and this time being careful to not disturb the crazy old man, fully knowing that if he annoyed the old man too much, then it would him in one of those containers.

Slight shudder cruised through the red-haired man when he imagined himself in the position of those humanoids.

Ecrirn gradually appeared in front of a humanoid figure in the cylinder as he gazed at the prototype with an expectant vigour burning fiercely in his gaze. The figure had three arms, and two legs, a head, and stiches filled body, if you think it couldn't get worse, then you're about to be enlightened, because the insides—organs of this certain prototype were replaced by those of the beasts roaming in their apocalyptic world, compatibility and many other things that had to taken into account had been done so, and this was the first, still breathing, prototype. Its name being Prototype-X26.

He then gazed at a red button at the cylinder's right side, and slammed it hurriedly. The liquid in the cylinder drained, yet the figure floating in it continued to float even without any liquid that seemed to have been keeping it afloat, then Ecrirn's fingers flitted across the keyboarded control panel which prompted the cylinder to be filled with reddish gooey liquid this time, which was soon filled to the brim.

The brownish liquid cruising through the vein-like pipes also drained, as Ecrirn manually replaced them with eight bottles of blood, with the pipes still connected to the prototype, and he walked back towards the keyboarded control panel and his fingers flitted across it again, this time, blood began to flow into the prototype as its old, dead blood came out of the other side, a few of the dead blood was released into the reddish liquid, but it was soon, dissolved entirely.

And just like that, the now ashen body of the prototype, began to be filled with blood again, profuse amount of dead blood was seeping out of the stiches, but due to being in the reddish liquid, the unfortunate, was halted. But that still didn't change the fact that the liquid was being contaminated rapidly and if the same continued, then it would certainly cause problems with the prototype, which would only garner failure, so Ecrirn's fingers flitted across the control panel rapidly as many series of complex calculations were being solved in his mind at terrifying speeds, as his flitting fingers brought life to the calculations in his mind, though the computer speed hadn't entirely caught up to the speed of his mind.

And soon, a newly created command was used, and the cylinder blinked a few code reds, but with a blink of green, the computer carried out the newly created command, as the reddish, contaminated, liquid was being drained at a corner, while pure reddish liquid was being released back into the cylinder, which increased the purity of the contaminated liquid as the process of blood replacement continued on.

This was the one method that Ecrirn was able to carry out currently without destroying our damaging the prototype, if he succeeded this time, then he would have taken the longest and hardest step forward, towards one small, final step towards the success he ever-so eagerly yearned for, for the past 33 years!

Soon, with a vigorous thump, Ecrirn slammed at the red button again, and soon, the cylinder was devoid of the reddish liquid, which had forced the prototype to turn red under its strong concentration.

A bright smile broke out in his face, but he managed to control his emotions soon enough, because the prototype had only survived the easiest step, which was the third step, and now, it was time was the final step.

Ecrirn's fingers flitted on the control panel again, as the cylinder with a floating prototype turned to his left side, and began to shift horizontally, after the shift neared its end, Ecrirn's active fingers tapped across the panel as the dense magic power compressed inside the cylinder was gradually oozed out of it, and now, the prototype was laying down in the cylinder which was lowering down.

Pulling the dense mass of experimenting cylinder, Ecrirn went into a strong, reinforced room and left the cylinder in there, with all of its functions cut off, walked out of the room, sealed the door and walked towards the dense glass wall, from which he, together with the crowd, were able to gaze at the horizontally laying prototype with stern expressions dyeing their faces.

With a click of the button in Ecrirn's hand, the fate of that prototype would be decided, because now, the cylinder would release the atmospheric structure and pressure into it, the results of which could be explosion, if the experiment was a failure, but a violent trembling, a strong bounce, and an abrupt jolt of an unknown consciousness being forced into the body were expected to take place if the experiment was a success.

Praying to their God excessively, they glared holes into the consciousness less body,




Expectations filled atmosphere was responded with eerie silence, which was making them anxious, and

"Haaa...." Ecrirn sighed regretfully as he gazed at the red-haired man with a shame and disappointment dyed face.

He opened his mouth to announce the result of his experiment, "My apologizes, the experiment was a failur-"


  "!!!!!" Their eyes widened in surprise, because it was the loudest explosion they head ever heard, and even the vibrations of the explosion could be felt, and this wasn't supposed to happen even if it was a failure, but.....

It exploded.

Meaning? The experiment failed, and there were many changes that required to be made in the documents that were recording everything about his prototypes. The current one was Prototype-X26, so the next one was going to be Prototype-Y1.

Mumbling his complaints to himself, Ecrirn ignored the crowd that had utter shock dyeing their faces and walked towards the records, to note down and recheck if there were any problems that he hadn't taken into account yet.

"E-Ecrirn...." The red-haired man called out, and with a hiss, Ecrirn tuned to face the man, noticing that the man wasn't gazing at him, he followed the man's gaze and his eyes dilated in shock.

Behind the dense wall of glass was a standing, expressionless man with three arms and stiches covered body, which was gazing around in child-like curiosity and soon, its face twisted menacingly, it gazed before clenching an handle of sorts on the cylinder, and yanked it off, before beginning to feed on it.

These were the characteristics Ecrirn observed, the prototype he created was an extremely curious being, and had

Catastrophic level of hunger.


In a certain cosy house, a white-haired couple were laying on a comfortably fluffy couch as they cuddled with each other, gazing at a many system windows that displayed stomach churning scenes with smiles on their faces, which either meant that they were used to such gory details and they didn't affect them,


They were so invested in each other that they cared for nothing else and nothing more.

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