Chapter 419 Defeating The Beasts In Southern Region

As the battle in the Southern Region raged on, Wang Jian's concubines and mistresses continued their relentless assault against the Ancient Beast Races. The Thunderclaw Sabertooths, Galewing Manticores, Stoneshell Rhinogriffs, Frostbite Yetis, and other mythical creatures faced a formidable coalition of elemental prowess.

Kang Huian, the First Concubine, unleashed her signature Flame Tempest, a cyclone of fire that engulfed the Thunderclaw Sabertooths. Their electrically charged fur crackled as they attempted to resist the searing heat, but Kang Huian's fiery onslaught proved relentless.

Bixi Shuyan, the Third Concubine, manipulated the wind to create a Windblade Storm, slicing through the Galewing Manticores with razor-sharp gusts. The avian creatures, known for their agility, struggled against the relentless onslaught of slicing winds.

Meng Xiangyi, the Fifth Concubine, merged her earth elemental power with the terrain beneath her. The Stoneshell Rhinogriffs found their movements impeded by the sudden upheaval of earthen spikes, disrupting their charges and causing confusion.

The Frostbite Yetis, resilient against the icy onslaught of Wang Ying and Hua Qiao, retaliated with chilling breath attacks. The battlefield became a clash of elemental extremes – fire against ice, earth against wind, water against thunder.

Xiao Ling, the Sixth Concubine, weaved through the battlefield with her Ice Lotus Dance, a combination of elegant sword techniques and freezing ice elemental attacks. The Flame Vipers, known for their swift strikes, found themselves entrapped in icy petals.

Yue Yanling, the Seventh Concubine, summoned the Verdant Grasp, an entangling manifestation of wooden vines that ensnared the elusive Shadowstalk Panthers. The creatures struggled against the natural restraints, their predatory instincts thwarted.

Victoria, with her Golden Roc bloodline spirit, darted across the battlefield like a living gust of wind. She unleashed the Skyrend Gale, a barrage of wind-infused feathers that disrupted the formations of the Ancient Beast Races.

As the battle intensified, Wang Jian, observing the entire battlefield through his spiritual senses, teleported across the Southern Region with the mastery of Spatial Laws. He moved swiftly, intervening wherever his wives faced overwhelming odds. His protective presence served as a strategic advantage, allowing his wives to focus on their offensive onslaught.

The Flame Vipers, adapting to Kang Huian's fiery assault, countered with Blazing Serpent Strikes – rapid lunges imbued with scorching flames. Kang Huian deftly dodged and retaliated with Inferno Whirlwind, redirecting their attacks with cyclonic force.

Bixi Shuyan faced the aerial agility of the Galewing Manticores. They responded with Hurricane Dive, a coordinated descent with powerful gusts. Bixi Shuyan countered by creating a Windshield Barrier, deflecting the gusts and maintaining her defensive stance.

The Stoneshell Rhinogriffs, challenged by Meng Xiangyi's earth manipulation, retaliated with Stonequake Stampede – a synchronized charge causing seismic tremors. Meng Xiangyi retaliated with Earthen Pillars, creating protective barriers that withstood the tremors.

Wang Ying and Hua Qiao faced the relentless Frostbite Yetis, whose Frigid Roar threatened to freeze everything in its path. The icy breath clashed with Wang Ying's Frostwave Tempest, resulting in a chilling storm that tested the limits of elemental control.

Xiao Ling, with her Ice Lotus Dance, engaged in a swift dance with the Flame Vipers. They countered with Ember Strike – quick, fiery lunges designed to exploit any opening. Xiao Ling responded with Frostbite Flourish, a series of precise strikes that exploited their fiery nature.

Yue Yanling's Verdant Grasp faced the Shadowstalk Panthers' Shadow Pounce – a rapid, shadow-infused assault. The mystical vines clashed with the elusive shadows, creating a dynamic exchange of natural forces.

Victoria, the Golden Roc, soared through the battlefield, facing the agile movements of the Ancient Beast Races. They countered with Thunderclap Assault – coordinated sonic bursts to disorient their targets. Victoria responded with Skyrend Gale, creating an aerial whirlwind that disrupted their coordinated attacks.

As Wang Jian's protective interventions continued, the Southern Region became a spectacle of elemental clashes. Wang Jian's concubines and mistresses, empowered by their unique abilities, showcased the strength of unity against the Ancient Beast Races.

The battlefield, marked by the remnants of elemental attacks and the resilience of the Ancient Beast Races, unfolded with dynamic intensity. The fate of the Southern Region hung in the balance as the struggle between man and ancient beast continued unabated.

As the battle in the Southern Region reached its climax, the concubines and mistresses of Wang Jian unleashed their ultimate attacks against the formidable Ancient Beast Races. The air crackled with energy as each devastating ability bore a name befitting its power.

Kang Huian, the First Concubine, ignited the Flame Inferno Cataclysm. A vortex of scorching flames spiraled around her, converging into a concentrated blast that engulfed the Thunderclaw Sabertooths. The ferocious felines roared as the searing flames overwhelmed them, leaving only charred remnants in their wake.

Bixi Shuyan, the Third Concubine, summoned the Tempest Rending Cyclone. A colossal whirlwind of razor-sharp winds sliced through the Galewing Manticores. The avian creatures squawked in futile resistance as the winds tore through their wings, grounding them in defeat.

Meng Xiangyi, the Fifth Concubine, invoked the Earthshatter Quake. Tremors erupted beneath the Stoneshell Rhinogriffs, disrupting their coordinated charge. The ground beneath them fractured, creating chasms that swallowed the colossal beasts in the wake of the seismic onslaught.

Xiao Ling, the Sixth Concubine, performed the Frostblade Elegy. Her Ice Elemental Sword danced with ethereal grace as it released frigid waves. The Flame Vipers, entrapped in the icy dance, succumbed to the biting cold, their fiery essence extinguished.

Yue Yanling, the Seventh Concubine, commanded the Verdant Dominion Bind. Lush vines sprouted, entwining the Shadowstalk Panthers in a verdant prison. The elusive predators struggled against the natural restraints, their shadows unable to escape the constricting grasp.

Victoria, the Golden Roc, unleashed the Galestorm Feathers. Feathers infused with wind elemental power rained down on the Ancient Beast Races. The Thunderclap Assault of the Ancient Beast Races was nullified as the swirling feathers disrupted their coordinated sonic bursts.

Wang Ying, with her Frostwave Tempest, clashed against the chilling breath of the Frostbite Yetis. The battleground became a frosty maelstrom as the ice and cold energies clashed. Wang Ying's mastery over water and ice prevailed, freezing the Yetis in place before shattering them into crystalline fragments.

Hua Qiao, the Ninth Concubine, executed the Crystaline Frostblade Dance. Her sword danced with frozen elegance as she engaged in a fierce duel with the Ancient Beast Races of the Southern Region. The deadly precision of her attacks left a trail of frozen adversaries.

Wang Jian, observing the battlefield with his spiritual senses, identified the moment when the strongest experts of the Ancient Beast Races prepared to unleash their ultimate attacks. With swift precision, he utilized his Shadow Attribute to swallow the impending onslaught. The Ancient Beast Races found themselves momentarily defenseless as their own attacks were absorbed into the shadowy abyss.

Seizing the opportune moment, the concubines and mistresses of Wang Jian coordinated their strikes. Each unleashed their ultimate attacks, converging on the momentarily vulnerable Ancient Beast Races. The onslaught was relentless as the cataclysmic forces collided, extinguishing the formidable adversaries.

The aftermath of the battle revealed a landscape transformed by elemental clashes and the resilience of the Southern Region against the Ancient Beast Races.

After the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Wang Jian gathered his concubines and mistresses. With a casual air, he initiated the conversation about the unexpected emergence of the Ancient Beast Races from the Minor Worlds.

"Well, that was quite a surprise," Wang Jian remarked, a wry smile playing on his lips. "I never expected them to come out of the Minor Worlds so suddenly, and they're certainly more powerful than I anticipated."

His concubines exchanged glances, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction evident in their expressions. Kang Huian, her flame-wreathed form now subdued, responded with a smirk, "Tough, but we handled it. Don't you think so, Wang Jian?"

Wang Jian chuckled, appreciating the confidence in her tone. "Indeed, you did. Every one of you has shown significant growth and a better understanding of how to utilize your powers. I'm proud of each of you."

Amidst the nods of agreement, Victoria, the Golden Roc, and Wang Ying exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of determination and contemplation. Wang Jian noticed the subtle shift and directed his attention toward them.

"What's on your minds, Victoria, Wang Ying?" he inquired, his gaze attentive.

Victoria spoke first, her voice carrying the weight of experience, "Wang Jian, I appreciate your praise, but there's room for improvement. The Ancient Beast Races were formidable, and their emergence caught us off guard."

Wang Ying, Wang Jian's elder sister, added, "She's right. We need to be prepared for more challenges. These Ancient Beast Races might just be the beginning. There could be others, smarter ones, concealing themselves in the shadows."

Wang Jian nodded in agreement, acknowledging the validity of their concerns. "You're both correct. We can't afford to underestimate the situation. The emergence of the Ancient Beast Races hints at a larger picture. We have to stay vigilant and adapt to whatever comes our way."

The concubines, except for Victoria and Wang Ying, expressed their happiness at Wang Jian's praise. Well, this was kinda natural since Victoria and Wang Ying still did hated Wang Jian. However, Wang Jian had conquered their bodies so thoroughly that betraying him wasn't in their minds at all. They felt it was completely impossible.

Meanwhile, Kang Huian grinned and nudged Bixi Shuyan, "Looks like our hard work paid off, Shuyan!"

Bixi Shuyan, the Third Concubine and a Seven-Tailed Silver Fox, chuckled, "Indeed, it did. But Wang Jian's right; we can't get complacent. There's more to come, and we have to be ready for it."

Wang Jian, sensing the camaraderie among his women, added, "Stay sharp, everyone. We're in for a challenging ride."

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