Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 394 Sending Experts To Defeat Sea Monster Race

Chapter 394 Sending Experts To Defeat Sea Monster Race

Once the night of passion concluded in the depths of the Elven Forest, the trio lay intertwined, basking in the lingering warmth of their shared ecstasy.

With the sunrise casting its gentle glow, Wang Jian, Ilyndra, and Selena rose from the ground, bodies marked by the symphony of their desires.

As the sun heralded a new day, Wang Jian, ever the multitasking powerhouse, decided it was time for a little post-coital productivity.

He tapped into the immense power of his Soul Board, a tool that could rewrite abilities of an individual. Focused on elevating the capabilities of his ethereal companions, he began the intricate process of upgrading the cultivation and abilities of both Ilyndra and Selena.

The energies swirled around them as Wang Jian orchestrated the enhancement of their powers. The Soul Board was successful in amplifying the inherent strength of the Elf Queen and her fiery daughter.

When the process was complete, both Ilyndra and Selena found themselves imbued with newfound prowess, a gift from their enigmatic lover.

Satisfied with his impromptu power-up session, Wang Jian stretched luxuriously. "Well, ladies, that was a night for the books, but the day is calling. How about a refreshing bath to kick things off?"

The trio made their way to a secluded natural spring, its waters reflecting the vibrant hues of the surrounding forest. The steamy bath awaited, promising both relaxation and intimacy. Wang Jian, ever the gentleman, let the ladies take the lead.

As they soaked in the warm embrace of the spring, the enchanting atmosphere echoed with laughter and whispered conversations. The water, bubbling with a magical essence, seemed to cleanse not only their bodies but also the remnants of the night's passion.

Once thoroughly rejuvenated, they emerged from the bath, steam rising from their glistening forms. The air was filled with an unspoken understanding – it was time to get dressed.

Draped in clothes that seemed almost regal in contrast to the enchanted forest backdrop, the trio took a seat. The aftermath of their shared experiences lingered, weaving an unbreakable bond between them.

Wang Jian, still exuding an air of nonchalance, turned to Ilyndra with a playful grin. "Now, my lovely Elf Queen, I've got a task for you."

Ilyndra, her eyes still reflecting the love and satisfaction from their night together, looked at Wang Jian with a submissive eagerness. "What is it you desire, my Lord? Your wish is my command."

Wang Jian chuckled, appreciating the enchanting mix of submission and affection in Ilyndra's gaze. "Well, my dear, it's quite a straightforward task. I need you to ready your forces and imbue them with your own power."

Ilyndra, intrigued, nodded in understanding. "For what purpose, my Lord? How may my forces serve you?"

Wang Jian's grin widened. "We're about to crash another party. You see, I've decided to have your forces assist the Three Sects of the Radiant Oasis Immortal Dominion. They are currently engaged in a fierce battle against the Sea Monster Race."

Ilyndra's eyes widened in both surprise and determination. "Assist the Three Sects? Of course, my Lord. Consider it done. I shall prepare my forces immediately."

Wang Jian nodded in approval. "Good. Your powers, when infused into your forces, will make a substantial difference in the upcoming clash."

Amidst the echoes of their passionate night, Ilyndra embraced Wang Jian's command with an eagerness that spoke of both submission and devotion. She rallied her Elven warriors, their forms shimmering with the power bestowed upon them by their queen. With an air of regal authority, Ilyndra addressed her assembled forces beneath the age-old boughs of the Elven Forest.

"Listen well, my brethren," she spoke, her voice a melodic command. "We embark on a mission that intertwines our destiny with the Three Sects of the Radiant Oasis Immortal Dominion. Let our arrows find their mark, and may our blades dance to the rhythm of victory."

The Elven warriors, bearing the grace of their queen's power, embarked on their mission. The forest seemed to breathe with their collective determination as they advanced toward the battlefield, leaving the whispers of the enchanted woods in their wake.

Wang Jian, orchestrating this symphony of realms colliding, had more moves to make. His message resonated through the realms, reaching the Three Great Sects of the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion. Urgency dripped from his words, and the response was swift.

The Wind Cloud House, with its mastery over tempests, the Spirit Affinity Sect, a beacon of spiritual prowess, and the Heavenly Lotus Sect, radiating both grace and ferocity, mobilized their forces quickly.

As the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion and the Elven forces merged on the battlefield, the Sea Monster Race faced a dire predicament. The clash of elements and the resonance of potent techniques painted a tumultuous masterpiece on the canvas of conflict.

The Aqua Sirens' illusions, once an ethereal dance, faltered under the onslaught of the Spirit Affinity Sect's spiritual prowess.

The Thunder Leviathans, masters of electrical might, found themselves ensnared in cyclones summoned by the Wind Cloud House, disrupting their ferocious onslaught.

The Venomous Krakens, wielders of corrosive poisons, encountered an unyielding assault from the Heavenly Lotus Sect, their profound arts countering the noxious tides.

In the heart of this maelstrom, the Sea Monsters grappled with the relentless forces of the Radiant Oasis Immortal Dominion and the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion.

As the battleground quivered with the intensity of the clash, unexpected reinforcements surged forth from the ocean depths to aid the beleaguered Sea Monsters. New clans, veiled in aquatic mystery, emerged with a resolve to turn the tide against the alliance of humans and elves.

The first to surface were the Abyssal Marauders, their scales gleaming with an otherworldly iridescence. These warriors wielded the power of Abyssal Shadows, allowing them to meld seamlessly with the dark currents and launch surprise attacks. As they engaged the Radiant Oasis forces, their shadows flickered, making them elusive targets.

On another front, the Vortex Serpents spiraled through the waters, creating whirlpools that disrupted the precision of the Celestial Nexus forces. Their Tidal Vortex Bloodline enabled them to manipulate water currents, turning the battlefield into a chaotic dance of unpredictable tides.

The final reinforcement, known as the Coral Wardens, rose with regal poise. Their Coral Harmony Bloodline bestowed upon them the ability to create protective barriers woven from the essence of living coral. These barriers, resilient and ethereal, became formidable obstacles for the advancing Elven warriors.

The alliance of the Three Great Sects of the Radiant Oasis Immortal Sanctuary and the Three Great Sects of the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion, combined with the Elven warriors, faced a daunting challenge. The battlefield, now more chaotic than ever, became an arena where the clash of powers and elements unfolded with breathtaking complexity.

The Luminous Sun Sect, bathed in golden radiance, clashed fiercely with the Abyssal Marauders. The celestial brilliance of the sect's disciples became a beacon in the tumultuous waters, countering the elusive nature of their shadowy adversaries.

Meanwhile, the Celestial Moon Sect engaged in a celestial dance against the Vortex Serpents. Moonlit techniques weaved through the whirlpools, countering the aquatic chaos with a serene and calculated grace. The delicate dance of light and water formed an intricate ballet of conflict.

The Eclipsed Star Sect, masters of celestial formations, orchestrated arrays to counter the Coral Wardens. Arcane symbols adorned the battleground, clashing against the living barriers of coral with dazzling displays of mystic energies.

The Elven warriors, infused with the power of Elf Queen Ilyndra, moved with an ethereal grace. Their arrows, imbued with the essence of the enchanted forest, sought out the Abyssal Marauders with unerring accuracy. The wind whispered through the trees, guiding the arrows to their elusive targets.

The Wind Cloud House of the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion created cyclones to disrupt the movements of the Vortex Serpents. A ballet of air currents clashed with swirling water, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that unfolded with deadly precision.

The Spirit Affinity Sect, comprised entirely of women, faced the Coral Wardens head-on. The female cultivators, skilled in the art of spiritual energy manipulation, created barriers of their own. A dance of spiritual essence clashed against the living coral, a clash that unfolded with an almost poetic elegance.

The Heavenly Lotus Sect, another all-female sect, showcased their prowess against the Coral Wardens. Lotus petals, imbued with potent energy, formed a shield that absorbed the impact of the living barriers. The battlefield, now a canvas of lotus blossoms and coral, bore witness to a clash of opposing forces.

As the clash intensified, the warriors unleashed unique artifacts to tip the scales.

The warriors of the Radiant Oasis Immortal Sanctuary deployed the Starfire Arrows, each imbued with the essence of solar radiance.

Meanwhile, the warriors of the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion wielded the Zephyr Blades, weapons of unparalleled speed and precision. The Elven warriors utilized the Sylvan Shrouds, cloaks that granted them fleeting invisibility in the enchanted woods.

In response, the Sea Monsters brought forth their own arsenal. The Abyssal Marauders unleashed the Shadow Spears, projectiles that melded with their shadowy forms for deadly accuracy. The Vortex Serpents wielded the Tidal Tridents, weapons that harnessed the chaotic power of whirlpools. The Coral Wardens, in turn, summoned the Barrier Orbs, artifacts that fortified their living barriers.


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