Chapter 387 Capturing The Entire Barbarian Race

In the face of the Ogre Spirit's dire threats and the impending detonation, Wang Jian remained resolute. He met the spirit's furious gaze with an unyielding resolve.

"I care not for your detonation. The only way I shall allow an Immortal Dominion to exist within the Southern Region of this continent is if it bows to my authority," Wang Jian declared, his voice laced with unwavering determination.

The Ogre Spirit's anger appeared to intensify. It seemed to grit its spectral teeth in frustration before it posed a question, albeit begrudgingly, "Would you withdraw your assault if we were to leave the Southern Region?"

Wang Jian considered the proposition for a moment, contemplating the terms he would demand.

Finally, he responded with a set of conditions, "If you wish to leave the Southern Region, there are terms you must fulfil. First and foremost, you must expel every member of the Barbarian Race from your Immortal Dominion. Secondly, you must abandon all resources and minions you have grown within this realm."

The Ogre Spirit's spectral form seemed to hesitate, weighed down by the enormity of the sacrifice.

Ejecting all members of the Barbarian Race from the Immortal Dominion would undoubtedly disrupt its delicate balance and create difficulties in managing the realm and developing its resources or minions.

Leaving behind the resources and minions it had cultivated was no small price to pay.

Wang Jian, unyielding in his stance, remained stern. "These are the conditions I set. There is no room for negotiation. This is the price you must pay if you seek the salvation of your Immortal Dominion."

The Ogre Spirit had little choice but to acquiesce. In the face of Wang Jian's determination and the imminent danger, it agreed to the terms, though the bitterness of this agreement was palpable.

With the resolution set, the cataclysmic detonation that once threatened everything was averted. The destiny of the Barbarian Race's Immortal Dominion teetered on the brink as the agreement's provisions took effect.

As stipulated, the Ogre Spirit of the Barbarian Race's Immortal Dominion began executing a series of actions that would irrevocably change the course of the Barbarian Race's history.

In a gut-wrenching scene, the spirit carried out its orders with a cold, mechanical precision. One after another, every member of the Barbarian Race was expelled from their Immortal Dominion. The moment was filled with heartache and anxiety as they faced the harsh reality of being torn away from the sanctuary that they once called home.

No matter their strength or status, each Barbarian Race member was unceremoniously forced out, their cries of grief echoing through the air. Their hearts ached as the entrance to the Immortal Dominion closed behind them, sealing off their once-protected haven.

The aftermath of their expulsion sent shockwaves through the Barbarian Race. It felt as though the very ground had abandoned them, and fear and uncertainty clenched their hearts as they grappled with their new reality.

However, the terms didn't end with the Barbarian Race's exile. Following Wang Jian's conditions, the Ogre Spirit began disgorging a trove of treasures, artifacts, and rare resources.

These were the culmination of centuries of effort, painstakingly collected and preserved within the Immortal Dominion.

The treasures included ancient relics, enchanted weaponry, mystical herbs, and extensive caches of precious ores and gemstones.

Notable among the trove were items like the Primal Fireheart Stones, blazing with fiery power and capable of enhancing the elemental power of the Barbarians, and Heavensoul Iron, an exceedingly rare Saint Realm material with which the Saint Realm Barbarians made their weapons.

These invaluable artifacts, along with myriad other treasures, were scattered across the desolate landscape.

Then came the Immortal Dominion's minions, modest yet vital. While they weren't renowned for direct combat abilities, their auxiliary talents had significantly bolstered the Barbarian Race.

Their flames had honed the Barbarian Race's physiques. They eliminated impurities while enhancing their physical might.

Minions like the Flameforgers, skilled in manipulating molten lava, and the Stormcallers, capable of controlling raging thunderclouds, were among those expelled from their homeland.

With the Immortal Dominion's resources, artifacts, and minions stripped away, it began to ascend into the sky, a massive and timeless structure defying gravity. Its colossal presence cast a shadow over the desolate ground it had once graced.

A profound abyss remained at the spot it vacated, an aching void in the heart of the Southern Region. The land itself seemed to grieve the absence of the Immortal Dominion, a void that once brimmed with power and vitality.

Wang Jian and his contingent emerged before the disheartened Barbarian Race members. As they faced the oncoming tide of defiance, Wang Jian raised his voice, his tone resolute.

"Barbarian Race, it is time to acknowledge your new master. Submit, and your lives shall be spared."

The words provoked an initial wave of defiance. Many members of the Barbarian Race met the declaration with defiant looks, refusing to bend to this newfound rule. In a fervent rush, they launched themselves into the fray, their anger and pride fueling their attack.

But Wang Jian was no ordinary adversary. With a sheer display of unbridled strength, he overpowered them all, rendering their defiance futile. One by one, the Barbarian Race members crumpled before his might, their spirits humbled, and their resistance extinguished.

The battle had made one thing clear: it was unwise to challenge the absolute authority of Wang Jian.

With that, all of the members of the Barbarian Race were captured and thrown in dungeons across the many cities in the Southern Region.

Now…Wang Jian could certainly claim to be the greatest ruler in the Southern and Northern Regions of this continent.

However…This fact didn't please him one bit. This was because in that battle against Jiang Chen, he understood that his strength was still only equal to that of Jiang Chen.

And considering the fact that Jiang Chen was still in the process of recovering his complete battle prowess as his powers had been sealed into numerous artifacts, it made Wang Jian a bit cautious about facing him.

It was from the mouths of the Elf Queen Ilyndra that Wang Jian came to know of the seven artifacts that each race possessed which sealed Jiang Chen's abilities.

The one containing the core strength of Jiang Chen, which included many rare abilities along with the purest essence of his cultivation base, was kept by the Heavenly Court of the human race.

The second was kept by the Angel Race, which contained a part of his cultivation and insights of Laws of Annihilation.

The third was kept by the Elven Race, which contained a small part of his cultivation base along with his minor Devil Draconic Bloodline.

The fourth was kept by the Sea Monster Race, which contained a small part of his cultivation along with the Pure Ice Essence of the Frost Giant.

The fifth was kept by the Barbarian Race, which contained a small part of his cultivation along with his Pure Flame Essence of Vermillion Bird.

The sixth was kept by the Giant Race, which contained a small part of his cultivation along with his Heavenly Asura Devil Bloodline.

And the final one was kept by the Dwarven Race, which contained a small part of his cultivation along with his Hell Lightning Essence.

According to his battle against Jiang Chen, Wang Jian guessed that Jiang Chen had only recovered the artifacts containing his power from the Dwarven Race and the Giant Race.

This meant that he had five more to go.

And considering how Wang Jian had forced the Ogre Spirit to leave behind all treasures and resources of the Barbarian Race, the artifact that contained pure essence of Jiang Chen was also among them.

It didn't take long for Wang Jian to find that artifact. This was because it contained a similar qi signature as that of Jiang Chen.

This was actually a small bangle. Once he found it, Wang Jian tried to absorb the energy within this bangle, but unfortunately, there was no response.

Even the system was helpless as it seemed that if the seal of this bangle was broken, this energy would return straight to Jiang Chen. There was just no way around it. It couldn't be absorbed forcibly.

Wang Jian wasn't overly disappointed. It was the same thing that occurred when he tried to absorb the energy from the artifact that the Elves safeguarded.

After testing out his luck, Wang Jian wrapped his Lunar Energy around it to ensure its aura wouldn't leak out before storing it within his Spatial Ring.

The bangle was soon sent to the Elven Forest within the Northern Region.

Wang Jian knew that if he kept it in the Southern Region, it would just be telling Jiang Chen to come and attack him. It would be a huge threat to his Empire.

But the Elven Forest was different. It was an Immortal Dominion and there were lots of ways Wang Jian could use the Immortal Dominion to defend against Jiang Chen's attacks if he ever did attack someday.


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