Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 384 The Battle of Two Great Devils - Wang Jian vs Jiang Chen

Chapter 384 The Battle of Two Great Devils - Wang Jian vs Jiang Chen

Jiang Chen activated his Asura Transformation, and his body underwent a drastic change. His skin turned dark and scaly, his hair turned white and spiky, his eyes turned red and bloodthirsty, and his teeth turned sharp and fang-like.

He also grew six arms, each holding a different weapon: a sword, a spear, a hammer, a whip, a shield, and a dagger. He looked like a terrifying and powerful demon, ready to slaughter anyone in his way.

He charged at Wang Jian, who was still in his human form, and unleashed a flurry of attacks with his six weapons.

He slashed, stabbed, smashed, lashed, blocked, and pierced Wang Jian with incredible speed and force, creating sparks and explosions with every contact.

He also used his Hell Lightning to enhance his attacks, adding more power and damage to his weapons.

Wang Jian was caught off guard by Jiang Chen's sudden transformation and onslaught. He barely managed to dodge and parry some of Jiang Chen's attacks, but he was still injured and bleeding from several wounds.

He realized that he had underestimated Jiang Chen's power and potential, and that he had to use his own bloodline power to match him.

He activated his Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline's Transformation, and his body also underwent a drastic change. His hair turned blue and silky, his eyes turned crimson and piercing, and his skin turned pale and smooth.

He also emitted a cold and mysterious aura, that made him look like a noble and elegant devil, ready to dominate anyone in his way.

With the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline's Transformation, Wang Jian possessed enhanced strength, agility, and resilience.

The battlefield became an arena of power, where the Asura Transformation clashed with the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline's might. Their attacks met in a dazzling display of energy, each move a testament to their power.

Jiang Chen activated his Asura Soul, creating a projection of his Asura form, which fought alongside him and enhanced his abilities. He utilized his Asura Domain, creating a spatial realm where he controlled the laws of lightning and the Asura Realm.

Meanwhile, Wang Jian countered with his Blue Moon Storm Devil Domain! It was a fusion of Moon Element and Storm Attribute, which allowed Wang Jian to control and manipulate the environment. He harnessed the power of the moon, affecting tides and causing powerful storms that struck with devastating precision.

The two Saint Realm experts clashed in a battle that left everyone else on the battlefield in sheer awe. Their maneuvers were not only powerful but also marked by cunning and intelligence. The battle was a mesmerizing dance of wits and strength, and it was clear that neither of them was willing to yield an inch.

Jiang Chen continued to rely on his Asura Transformation, which granted him incredible speed and strength. He delivered a relentless onslaught of strikes and energy attacks, his six arms moving with uncanny precision.

Wang Jian countered with the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline's abilities, which was Moonlit Parry.

Wang Jian's movements were now guided by the serene power of the moon. With impeccable timing and precision, he parried Jiang Chen's attacks, creating a delicate yet formidable defense.

The next ability that he utilized of the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Bloodline was the Storm Surge Evasion.

By Harnessing the power of the storm, Wang Jian evaded Jiang Chen's devastating energy blasts and attacks with fluid grace. His ability to dodge and counterattack was nothing short of spectacular.

The battlefield became a stage for this thrilling confrontation. Jiang Chen's Asura Wrath unleashed a shockwave of fear, but Wang Jian's Blue Moon Storm Devil Domain disrupted the emotional influence of the attack.

Jiang Chen attempted to bind his opponent with the Asura Seal, but Wang Jian's moonlit power resisted the constraints, breaking free from the seal's grip.

The battle raged on, their abilities interweaving in intricate patterns.

Wang Jian revealed his own unique attack, Moonlit Annihilation, an ability that unleashed a barrage of lunar energy beams, each with deadly accuracy.

Jiang Chen, in response, utilized his Asura Blades to deflect and counter this onslaught, their blades clashing in a symphony of sparks.

The clash of their strengths and the intelligence with which they employed their abilities left those watching in sheer amazement.

Jiang Chen's Asura Soul projected alongside him, mirroring his every move, while Wang Jian's Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Bloodline granted him the agility of a moonlit dancer.

Wang Jian countered with Lunar Surge Counter. Whenever Jiang Chen's attacks seemed about to land, Wang Jian used his affinity with moon energy to redirect the strikes away. It was like trying to hit a phantom that was always one step ahead.

Wang Jian also utilized Moonlit Embrace. His command of the moon's power allowed him to create shimmering barriers of moonlight. These barriers acted as a formidable defense, deflecting Jiang Chen's Asura attacks and creating opportunities for counteroffensives.

Jiang Chen, not one to be outdone, as he utilized Asura Mirage ability. He used his spatial manipulation to create illusory duplicates of himself, each mirage capable of launching attacks. The mirages overwhelmed Wang Jian with their sheer numbers, making it challenging to discern the real Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen also utilized Lightning Rush ability. His lightning-infused speed was electrifying. He darted around the battlefield with astonishing agility, landing blows on Wang Jian that seemed almost impossible to evade.

Their abilities clashed in a dazzling display of power and strategy.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen unveiled a new ability – Asura Voidstep. This technique allowed him to teleport instantaneously, appearing beside Wang Jian in the blink of an eye. He launched a ferocious Asura Strike, hoping to catch Wang Jian off guard.

Wang Jian, however, was always prepared. With a quick twist of his body, he executed the Blue Moon Eclipse Dance, a move that allowed him to dance around Jiang Chen's attack.

In the process, he unleashed a powerful Blue Moon Eclipse Storm, a storm of moonlight and energy that engulfed Jiang Chen in its ethereal embrace.

Jiang Chen was not one to back down either. He summoned his Asura Clones, creating illusory duplicates that surrounded Wang Jian.

Each clone prepared to explode, threatening to engulf Wang Jian in a cataclysmic blast.

It was an all-or-nothing move, a final gambit to gain the upper hand in the battle.

Wang Jian, however, was not to be outdone. He launched his Moonlit Annihilation, unleashing a barrage of lunar energy beams with surgical precision. Each beam homed in on the Asura Clones, clashing in a stunning display of light and force.

The moment the Asura Clones were struck, they erupted in a massive explosion, generating a shockwave that engulfed the battlefield. The blast was so colossal that even the warriors at the farthest reaches of the battlefield were sent sprawling by the sheer force of it. Debris and energy rained down upon the soldiers, and the very earth shook beneath their feet.

As the smoke and dust began to clear, Wang Jian and Jiang Chen emerged from the epicenter of the explosion. Their bodies were battered and bruised, bloodied and scarred, and both men were clearly wounded.

Yet, they stood tall and unwavering, their determination and willpower unshaken. The battle had taken a devastating toll on both of them, but neither was willing to back down.

Their auras, though weakened, still radiated an unyielding energy, a silent declaration that they were far from finished.

The warriors on the battlefield looked on in amazement, their respect for these two Saint Realm experts growing with each passing moment.

Wang Jian and Jiang Chen, their bodies battered and weary, were about to continue their epic battle when the heavens above them seemed to crack open. Powerful and intense Holy Arrows descended from the sky with unparalleled speed, striking both of them with precision.

The Holy Arrows, infused with divine energy, were devastating to the two Saint Realm experts in their devil forms. They pierced through their defenses, causing searing pain and significant damage.

Wang Jian and Jiang Chen were left shocked and bewildered by this sudden attack.

They gazed upwards, and their eyes widened as they beheld the sight of Angels descending from the heavens.

Two celestial figures, radiant and majestic, touched down on the battlefield. The first was a Saint Realm Holy Angel known as Angel Eleanor, her presence exuding a divine and sacred aura. Beside her stood Angel Abigail, an equally powerful and holy being.

The two Angels, having descended to the battlefield, had woven a Saint Realm Angelic Barrier that encompassed the area, sealing off any means of escape for Jiang Chen or Wang Jian. The barrier pulsed with sacred holy energy, threatening to annihilate anyone who dared to breach it.

As they gazed at the trapped Saint Realm experts, Angel Eleanor spoke with a sense of purpose. "It is rather fortuitous that we have found both of you here, for you are indeed threats to the harmony and sanctity of our realms. It is only fitting that we bring about your end together, ending the menace you pose to our worlds."

Angel Abigail nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with unwavering determination. "The forces of darkness have no place within the dominion of the Angels. It is time to cleanse this battlefield of your presence, once and for all."

The two Angels raised their hands, their holy energy intensifying, as they prepared to confront the formidable Saint Realm experts who had been battling so fiercely.


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