Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 379 Ilyndra's Declaration To Elves About Wang Jian

Chapter 379 Ilyndra's Declaration To Elves About Wang Jian

Wang Jian and Ilyndra woke up the next day, the events of the previous night still fresh in their minds. As they lay there, Wang Jian turned to Ilyndra with a sly grin on his face.

"I must say, my dear," he began, his voice oozing with satisfaction, "I had an amazing time with you last night."

Ilyndra, her expression a mix of anger and frustration, glared at him. "You despicable human," she hissed. "How could you defile me in such a way?"

Wang Jian chuckled darkly. "Get used to it, my dear. You belong to me now, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Ilyndra's fury burned within her, but then she noticed something peculiar. She felt a newfound surge of energy coursing through her, and her body felt revitalized. The vitality she had lost due to the Verdant Resurgence Ritual had been miraculously restored after her intimate night with Wang Jian.

She was shocked by the unexpected benefit of her encounter with him.

Wang Jian's sly grin deepened as he gazed into Ilyndra's eyes. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, "You know, my dear Elf Queen, I have the power to completely heal and restore the life force of the elves who lost their vitality during the Verdant Resurgence Ritual."

Ilyndra's breath caught as she listened to his words, and her body shivered as his fingers lightly traced along her curves. He pulled her closer, reveling in the sensation of her seductive form pressed against him.

With a wicked smile, he continued, "But, my sweet Ilyndra, there's a condition. You must completely obey my orders, without hesitation, without question."

Ilyndra's body trembled under his touch, her desire and arousal growing with each passing moment. She hesitated for a brief moment before finally speaking, her voice husky with longing, "I will do anything you say, as long as you heal the members of my elven race."

It was a thinly veiled excuse for Ilyndra to give in to her carnal desires and let Wang Jian explore her buxom, seductive body. She craved his touch, and the promise of restoring her people's vitality was the perfect justification for succumbing to her desires.

Wang Jian's smile deepened as he heard Ilyndra's response. He whispered to her, "I'm delighted that we could come to this agreement, my dear."

He gently stroked her curvaceous body as he continued, "The first thing I want you to do is to order your Elven Race to publicly form an alliance with my Everlasting Mystical Empire. Rest assured, the Elves will be under my direct control, and no one else from the Everlasting Mystical Empire will interfere with your people."

As he spoke, his fingers danced sensuously over Ilyndra's seductive form, his touch igniting her desire. She shivered with pleasure as his caresses grew more daring, her breath coming in short gasps.

"…Yes…yes…I will do that…" Ilyndra responded while taking short breaths and letting out moans of pleasure.

Wang Jian didn't waste any time. He ordered Ilyndra to lead him to her elven people, where she would publicly declare the alliance.

Though Ilyndra whimpered slightly, she complied with his orders. Rising from the flowery ground, she walked toward the door, her gait alluring and captivating. As the Elf Queen, she held herself with grace and dignity, even in this compromising situation.

Following her obediently, Wang Jian noticed the sultry sway of her hips, and he couldn't resist placing a hand on her curvaceous behind as they walked.

They arrived at a clearing where the elven population had gathered, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern. Many of the elves recognized Wang Jian as the man who had abducted Selena, and whispers and murmurs swept through the crowd.

"Why is the Elf Queen with him?"

"Isn't he the one who abducted our Eldest Princess Selena?"

As the questions and concerns grew louder, all eyes were on Ilyndra as she prepared to address her people with Wang Jian by her side.

Elf Queen Ilyndra took a deep breath, her gaze steady as she faced her people. She raised her voice, addressing the crowd, "My fellow elves, hear me!"

As she spoke, the whispers and concerns that had been spreading through the gathered crowd hushed momentarily.

"This man," she continued, gesturing to Wang Jian, "is our benefactor. He possesses the power and the ability to heal the World Tree, our divine entity."

Murmurs of surprise and disbelief spread through the crowd.

"He has agreed to help heal the World Tree," Ilyndra announced, emphasizing the significance of this gesture. "This is a tremendous favor he extends to our kind, as the World Tree has watched over us for centuries."

While some elves were still skeptical, others began to nod in understanding.

Ilyndra went on, "In addition to healing the World Tree, Wang Jian can also restore the vitality that we lost during the Verdant Resurgence Ritual."

Gasps and whispers rippled through the crowd.

A young elf spoke up, "So he's not the enemy? He can help us recover?"

Another elf chimed in, "Could it be that our queen has found a way to secure our future?"

But there were still those who remained skeptical, one elder elf in particular. "But my queen, is this man truly to be trusted? After what he did to our princess, can we be sure he won't betray us?"

Ilyndra turned to Wang Jian, a meaningful look in her eyes. "He will not betray us. I have received the command of the Druid Spirit, who commands control over the entire World Tree Elven Dominion. From now on, we must listen to Wang Jian's orders."

The crowd seemed torn, some elves nodding in acquiescence, while others still wore doubtful expressions.

As the elves deliberated, Wang Jian observed the varied reactions of the elven folk, his expression a mix of curiosity and satisfaction.

Wang Jian stepped forward, positioning himself next to the Elf Queen Ilyndra, the crowd of elves still rife with curiosity, doubt, and a tinge of anger. He took a deep breath and spoke, his voice firm yet conciliatory.

"I am indeed the man who once abducted our Eldest Princess Selena," he admitted, meeting the accusing gazes of the elven crowd. "But I want you all to know that she was never harmed, nor tortured. I was merely curious about your magnificent race and sought to learn more."

A murmur of disapproval and suspicion washed over the crowd. Some elves exchanged concerned glances.

"But now," Wang Jian continued, his lips curving into a sly smile, "now that we stand together in alliance, you have my word that I will not use my abilities to harm the Elves. Instead, you will experience the many advantages of this alliance."

His assurance hung in the air, and the elves remained divided, some still harboring reservations while others slowly began to see the potential benefits of this newfound alliance.

Wang Jian maintained his composure as he continued addressing the elven crowd. "As a gesture of good faith," he announced, "I have already recovered the vitality of your beloved Queen Ilyndra."

The elves exchanged glances and gasps of astonishment filled the air. They couldn't believe their ears, and many turned their attention to their queen, Ilyndra.

Wang Jian's gaze then turned sly and seductive as he locked eyes with Elf Queen Ilyndra. A shiver ran down her spine as she felt the intensity of his stare. She bit her lip and trembled slightly under the heat of his gaze.

Swallowing her unease, Ilyndra nodded in agreement and informed her people, "What he says is true. His ability is genuine, and we should trust him."

The elves were still skeptical, but the notion that their Queen's vitality had been restored was a powerful testament to Wang Jian's capabilities. Some elves began to nod in agreement, and a sense of hope began to spread through the crowd.

Wang Jian's smile grew more pronounced as he observed the reaction of the elves. The foundation of their alliance was being laid, and he knew that over time, their trust in him would only grow stronger.

Wang Jian, his voice carrying through the clearing, declared, "Next, I will heal the Princesses of Elven Kingdom."

A murmur of anticipation and curiosity ran through the elven crowd.

Wang Jian turned to Ilyndra and spoke to her directly. "Elf Queen Ilyndra, I need you to send the princesses to my chamber for the process."

Ilyndra clenched her fists in anger as she heard his words. She knew exactly what the process entailed, and she couldn't believe that Wang Jian would be so brazen as to ask for her permission in front of the entire Elven Race.

She felt trapped. She wanted her daughters to recover their life force and vitality, but this method was truly too depraved for the members of her pure race.

With a forced smile on her face, Ilyndra nodded in agreement and replied, "Very well, Wang Jian. I will talk to the princesses and ensure they are ready for the process."

However, Wang Jian seemed to have another plan in mind as he responded with a sly grin, "No need. I request you to be present in my chamber and observe the process."


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