Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 373 Strange Incineration Energy Afflicts Enchanting Elven Forest

373 Strange Incineration Energy Afflicts Enchanting Elven Forest

Elf Queen Ilyndra sat regally upon her exquisite elven throne, which was carved from the rarest wood found in their Enchanted Forest. Her hair, like spun gold, cascaded down her shoulders, a stark contrast to her sapphire-blue eyes that held both wisdom and ageless beauty. She was attired in a light, ethereal dress that clung to her curves, accentuating her seductive beauty.

In the midst of her serene court, a group of concerned Elves approached the throne, a mixture of worry and uncertainty etched across their faces.

"Your Majesty," one of them spoke, her voice quivering slightly. "There have been strange occurrences in the Enchanted Forest. A faint incinerating energy seems to have seeped into and spread across many of our trees."

The Elf Queen's elegant brows furrowed in deep concern, her blue eyes filled with worry as she regarded her subjects. "Incinerating energy? How could such a thing happen within our sacred forest?"

Another Elf stepped forward. "Your Majesty, the energy has already affected a significant portion of our Enchanted Forest. It is as if an unseen force seeks to harm our beloved trees."

Elf Queen Ilyndra's mind raced as she considered this revelation. Her connection to the Enchanted Forest allowed her to sense its pulse, but there was something about this incinerating energy that seemed ominously familiar.

The Elves exchanged nervous glances as their queen appeared lost in thought, her concentration directed inward as she sought to understand the nature of the malevolent energy that was harming their precious forest. Slowly, a realization dawned upon her, and her eyes narrowed in anger.

She turned to her subjects, her voice laced with a quiet fury. "This energy... it bears a resemblance to the flames of the human who once abducted my daughter, Selena. The flames that bested me in battle."

The Elves gasped in horror as they heard those words. The human who had brought suffering to their princess had now dared to defile their sacred forest.

Elf Queen Ilyndra's anger grew, her slender fingers clenching the arms of her throne.

"We cannot allow this abomination to persist," she declared.

Elf Queen Ilyndra approached one of the afflicted trees in the Enchanted Forest. She extended her graceful hand towards the tree's bark and closed her eyes, drawing upon her Qi and her innate bloodline ability to dispel the strange incinerating energy that had taken hold.

As she channeled her powers into the tree, a soft, soothing aura radiated from her. The incineration energy began to dissipate, swirling away like scattered embers carried by a gentle breeze. The Elves who had gathered around watched in awe, their faces lighting up with hope.

One of the older Elves in the crowd cried out, "It's working! Our beloved queen is driving away this malevolent force!"

The joy in their hearts was palpable, and they began to dance and sing, celebrating the impending salvation of their forest. The music of the forest, the birdsong and the rustling leaves, joined in their jubilation.

But then, a shiver of dread coursed through the Elves as the same incineration energy, like a stubborn ember, rekindled within the tree, this time from a different spot. Their joy turned into confusion and then fear as the malevolent energy returned to their beloved tree.

Elf Queen Ilyndra, though vexed by the persistent nature of this energy, remained resolute. She focused her powers once more, directing an even stronger current of her Qi and bloodline ability to 15:25

dispel the incineration energy.

focused her powers once more, directing an even stronger current of her Qi and bloodline ability to dispel the incineration energy.

However, despite her heightened efforts, the result was the same: the energy kept returning.

Her comrades, the Elves who stood by her side, began to frown with worry. They exchanged concerned glances as their queen battled against this relentless force. Fear began to seep into their hearts, whispering of an adversary that could not be vanquished.

Elf Queen Ilyndra's brow furrowed, and a realization slowly dawned upon her. She turned to her comrades, her expression a mix of frustration and understanding.

"It seems that this malevolent energy has fused with the core of the tree. As long as the core remains untouched, the incineration will persist."

The Elves grew anxious, realizing the implications of their predicament. The Queen's gentle eyes clouded with sorrow as she spoke once more.

"This strange energy has fused with the tree's core to such an extent that it's impossible to purify it by my ability. In fact, we can only break its connection with the World Tree to prevent this strange incineration energy from affecting the World Tree."

The hope that had briefly blossomed in their hearts was extinguished. Their forest remained in danger, and the challenge they faced was unlike any they had encountered before.

Elf Queen Ilyndra's heart weighed heavily as she contemplated her next move. The fate of the Enchanted Forest and the World Tree hung in the balance.

Knowing that she had no other choice, she reluctantly decided to sever the connection between the afflicted tree and the World Tree to prevent the incineration energy from spreading any further.

It was a painful choice to make, but it was necessary to protect their sacred lifeline.

As she used her abilities to break the link, a rush of anguish washed over her, and the tree shuddered as the connection was severed. A deep, ancient bond was broken, leaving the tree's leaves withering and its branches sagging. The Elves around the Queen watched with heavy hearts as the once-vibrant tree began to deteriorate.

However, what Elf Queen Ilyndra soon realized was even more distressing. As the tree's connection was severed, the malevolent incineration energy didn't vanish.

Instead, it lingered within the soil, as if the earth itself had become a vessel for this sinister force.

The soil beneath the tree's roots had absorbed the incineration energy, turning it into a malevolent conduit that threatened to corrupt more of the Enchanted Forest.

A sense of despair washed over Elf Queen Ilyndra as she comprehended the extent of the threat they faced.

The Queen knew that time was of the essence. To protect the Enchanted Forest and the World Tree, they would have to find a way to cleanse the soil and stop the insidious incineration energy from spreading any further.

She turned to her comrades, her resolve unwavering, and issued a solemn command.

"We must act swiftly. This evil energy has seeped into the very soil of our beloved forest. It threatens to spread and corrupt our entire land. We must find a way to cleanse the soil before it's too late."

The Elves nodded, their faces etched with determination as they prepared to face this new and daunting challenge.

As Elf Queen Ilyndra and her comrades deliberated on the best course of action to cleanse the soil and protect the Enchanted Forest, a sense of foreboding loomed over them. Their contemplations were interrupted by a group of distressed Elves who approached the Queen.

One of the Elves stepped forward and began to speak, her voice filled with concern and anguish. "My Queen, we have received alarming reports from across the forest. Many of our kin who consumed the fruits from the affected trees have fallen gravely ill."

Elf Queen Ilyndra's heart sank as she listened to the grim news. She gazed at the group of Elves, her eyes reflecting the worry that now plagued her. "Tell me everything you know," she urged, her voice trembling with apprehension.

Another Elf chimed in, her words quivering with distress. "My Queen, those afflicted by this curse describe it as an insidious incineration that courses through their bodies. They are in agony, their insides burning as if consumed by fire."

The reports continued to pour in from the distraught Elves, describing the pain and suffering that their kin now endured. Elf Queen Ilyndra felt a profound sense of helplessness as the magnitude of their predicament became apparent.

Turning to her comrades, Elf Queen Ilyndra saw the reflection of her own anguish mirrored in their eyes. It was not just the trees and soil; now, the Elves themselves were being targeted. She spoke to her advisors, her voice heavy with concern and determination.

"We must find a way to lift this curse from our people. We cannot allow our kin to suffer in such agony," Ilyndra spoke resolutely. She further added, "Broadcast my order to all the elves to halt them from eating anything that has been plucked from the forest!"

Elf Queen Ilyndra's decree rang out across the dominion as her subjects hurried to spread the message, ensuring that no more of their people consumed the tainted fruits from the forest. The urgency was palpable, and the Elven Kingdom had to focus on containing and solving the crisis that had befallen them.

Meanwhile, in Selena's chamber, Wang Jian and his concubine were engaged in a heated exchange. Selena's frustration was evident as she confronted Wang Jian, her gaze narrowed.

"Why did you break your promise not to harm the elves?" she asked, her voice tinged with annoyance. She had hoped that their agreement would spare her people from suffering.

Wang Jian, his arms slyly encircling Selena's thin waist as they spoke, chuckled darkly. "My sweet Selena, I haven't broken our promise. I promised not to kill them, and they won't die. They'll only have to endure a little pain."

As his hands wandered over Selena's body, her annoyance began to wane, replaced by desire and longing. Her moans filled the chamber as she arched against him, her resistance fading. She whispered back, her voice breathless with need, "I'm holding you to your promise, Master. Don't harm my people."

Wang Jian chuckled darkly as he whispered in her ears, "…Aren't you getting a bit brazen by talking to your Master in such a demanding tone? Looks like you need to be punished again."

As he uttered those words, Wang Jian's hands grabbed hold of Selena's curvy butt and smacked it strongly.

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