Queen Ilyndra held Selena close, her voice a soothing murmur as she comforted her daughter. "I'm so relieved you're home, my dear. Now, tell me about your time in the clutches of those detestable humans. How did you manage to escape?"

Selena's voice quivered as she recounted the ordeal. "It was a trying experience, Mother. I was taken from the Elven Kingdom by a human, Wang Jian, who demanded information about our Fountain of Essence. He was relentless, but I really didn't know anything about it. Over time, I... I had to do things I'm not proud of."

Queen Ilyndra's eyes filled with concern as she listened to her daughter's words. "What kind of things, Selena? You have nothing to be ashamed of. You were a prisoner, forced into a situation beyond your control."

Selena hesitated for a moment, then continued. "I had to share information about the Elven Kingdom with him, Mother. I am really sorry. feared for my life, and... and I had to do more than that to ensure my survival."

Her mother's embrace tightened as she realized the depth of Selena's trauma. "You don't need to say more, my love. You did what you had to do to come back to us safely. That's what matters most."

Selena nodded, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so grateful to be home, Mother, and to be with you."

Queen Ilyndra caressed her daughter's hair and whispered softly, "You're safe now, Selena. We'll get through this together. I promise."

In that moment, as Selena clung to her mother, she felt a profound sense of relief. Her secret was safe, and she was back in the loving embrace of her family.

After talking with her mother for some more time, Selena finally decided to retreat to her room, where she could have some privacy.

Once in the privacy of her room, she looked at the bracelet that Wang Jian had given her. With a mix of nervousness and desire, she tapped the bracelet.

Selena watched with bated breath as the Spatial and Shadow Attributes began to intertwine and seep from the bracelet. Her nervousness was palpable, fearing that her mother might detect something unusual.

She watched as the mysterious attributes seeped out from the bracelet, creating a delicate connection to the realm of shadows.

To her immense relief, there was no commotion, and Queen Ilyndra seemed to remain unaware of her clandestine visitor.

Suddenly, a man materialized from the shadows, right before her eyes. It was Wang Jian. Selena's heart skipped a beat as she saw him step out.

Without wasting any time, he reached out to pull Selena into an embrace. His words were a sultry whisper against her ear, and his hands ventured to her curvy buttocks.

"You've done well, my pet." Wang Jian smacked Selena's buttocks aggressively, leaving her panting and moaning in response.

Selena loved being smacked by him, as it made her feel dominated and submissive to his desires.

"S-s-stop! Don't smack me so hard!" she exclaimed, but her eyes told a different story as she arched her back to present her ass even more.

Wang Jian's smacks grew even harder, and Selena felt a wave of arousal wash over her.

"I am only beginning, my sweet Selena," he hissed in her ear, the heat of his breath causing her to shudder.

As his smacks intensified, Selena felt the boundaries between pleasure and pain blur.

"You love it, don't you?" Wang Jian taunted. Selena's heart was pounding, her eyes half-lidded as she nodded and whimpered, "Yes...I... I love it..."

But as the fiery intensity of their encounter reached its peak, Wang Jian knew he had to leave. He whispered one last promise to Selena before reluctantly stepping away. "Soon, my sweet Selena, we'll continue this. But now, I have to go find the Fountain of Essence."

Selena was left breathless, her body trembling with desire as he departed. She could only watch him leave, her heart torn between the ecstasy she had just experienced and the urgency of their mission.

With determination burning in his eyes, Wang Jian swiftly left Selena's chambers. He had a mission to accomplish. He had to find the Fountain of Essence, and he had a strong hunch that it was located near the World Tree, the colossal entity at the center of the Divine Tree Elven Dominion.

However, as he neared the World Tree, Wang Jian encountered an invisible barrier, a formidable obstruction that blocked his path.

He furrowed his brows and focused his profound Saint Realm prowess on bypassing the barrier, but to his surprise, even his extraordinary abilities couldn't breach this formidable defense.

Wang Jian inquired with the System, hoping for a solution to this seemingly impenetrable obstacle.

The System responded quickly.

[The barrier you've encountered is created by an intense power of Heavenly Energy. It is beyond the capacity of normal means to overcome. Only the one chosen by the World Tree itself can pass through this barrier.]

Wang Jian's expression darkened as he sought further information. "Who is the one chosen by the World Tree at this moment?" he inquired.

The System's response was swift.

[The current Elf Queen is the one chosen by the World Tree. Only she can pass through this barrier.]

Wang Jian let out a heavy sigh as he realized the magnitude of the challenge ahead. Obtaining the Fountain of Essence was not going to be an easy task.

With the current Elf Queen, the only one capable of passing through the impenetrable barrier, the only option was to somehow compel her to bring it to him.

Wang Jian's mind churned with a series of malevolent and devious plans.

One option he contemplated was manipulating the Elf Queen's emotions. He thought about orchestrating a dire situation, one that would threaten her people and the World Tree. By placing the Elves in jeopardy, he hoped to force her to bring the Fountain of Essence to him in exchange for their safety.

Another plan involved killing the Elf Queen and then making Selena inherit the throne as the Queen of Elves. However, this would be a long-term strategy and Wang Jian didn't want to waste so much of his time with this.

Wang Jian also considered taking a more direct approach, using his allure and charisma to seduce the Elf Queen. He would exploit her vulnerability and desires, just as he had with Selena. Once she was under his control, he could manipulate her into securing the Fountain of Essence. However, even this approach at its flaws as he was sure that the Elf Queen would not listen to his commands that she ardently believes would threaten the Elven Race. And since the Elf Queen considered the Fountain of Essence even more important than her daughter, there was a good chance that she wouldn't give it to Wang Jian no matter how badly he ensnares her mind and body.

As Wang Jian contemplated his malevolent schemes, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. Each plan he considered had its flaws and complications, and it was clear that manipulating or coercing the Elf Queen was not a straightforward task.

But then, it struck him—an audacious, out-of-the-box plan that had the potential to succeed where the others might fail. It was a plan so sinister, so unexpected, that no one in the world could see it coming.

Wang Jian decided to target the very heart of the Elven Dominion, the World Tree. Selena had informed him that the Elven Kingdom was nestled within an enchanting forest connected to the World Tree. This connection was their lifeblood and the source of their strength. If this forest could be contaminated or damaged, the consequences for the World Tree would be dire.

His plan was to introduce a poison into the forest, one that was specifically engineered to affect the World Tree. This insidious poison would exploit the direct connection between the forest and the World Tree, allowing it to spread rapidly. As it coursed through the roots and branches, it would gradually weaken and ultimately destroy the World Tree, causing devastation to the Elves.

Wang Jian was aware that this plan was risky and ruthless, but it offered him the leverage he needed. He could approach the Elf Queen with an ultimatum: deliver the Fountain of Essence to him, or he would release the poison into their beloved forest.

The threat would be real, the danger to the World Tree substantial. It was a plan that left no room for negotiation, and Wang Jian knew the Elf Queen's love for the World Tree was unparalleled. The prospect of its destruction would be a powerful motivator, one that might force her to make the ultimate sacrifice for her people.

With this wicked and cunning strategy in mind, Wang Jian uprooted a twig and stored it in his ring before returning to Selena's chambers and used her bracelet to teleport back to his chambers in Verzen Empire.

Once he was back, he decided to summon the Dwarves, the Miracle Angel Tribe, the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan along with the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Clan!

Wang Jian then ordered them all to develop a poison that could affect and even destroy the World Tree along with the enchanted forest of the Elves!

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