Amidst the chaos and destruction caused by the arrival of the Leviathan of Eternal Abyss, a battle of titanic proportions was about to unfold.

The Vice-Leader of the Heavenly Court, an Immortal Realm cultivator, stood on the shoreline, his gaze fixed on the colossal sea monster that reared its head from the depths.

The Vice-Leader's aura was nothing short of awe-inspiring. His presence alone seemed to command the elements, and a profound energy exuded from his being.

In his mind, he knew that he was humanity's last hope against this monstrous threat.

The Leviathan of Eternal Abyss, a deity of the sea, responded to the challenge. Its colossal form rose from the waves, water cascading off its shimmering scales.

This creature had existed for millennia, its age alone attesting to the immense power it possessed.

Its control over water was godly, allowing it to command the seas and the countless Sea Monsters that lurked beneath.

The battle began with a clash of power that sent shockwaves across the landscape. The Vice-Leader extended his hand, and a massive palm seal, called the "Seal of Celestial Dominion," materialized in the air.

It was a manifestation of his control over the heavens and the earth. As he thrust his hand forward, the seal shot toward the Leviathan with incredible force, cutting through the air like a comet.

The Leviathan countered by summoning a colossal tidal wave, a manifestation of its divine water control.

The wave rose higher than any mountain, bearing down on the Vice-Leader with relentless fury.

As the seal and the tidal wave collided, a cataclysmic clash of power erupted.

The world trembled as a massive shockwave radiated outward from the point of impact. The sea churned and surged, swallowing whole islands in its roiling tides.

The heavens themselves seemed to weep, releasing torrents of rain that added to the chaos.

This battle was unlike any other. Each of their attacks carried the essence of the world, a power beyond the understanding of mortals.

It was a stark reminder of the vast difference between an expert of the Saint Realm and one of the Immortal Realm.

The latter could manipulate the very divine essence of the heavens and earth, a level of control that transcended the elemental manipulation of those at lower realms.

The Vice-Leader's Seal of Celestial Dominion clashed against the Leviathan's tidal wave. The collision sent shockwaves of energy rippling across the sea's surface. Thunder rumbled, and the sky darkened as if the heavens themselves mourned the impending devastation.

As the two titans continued their battle, the Leviathan unleashed its water manipulation abilities with devastating precision.

Whirlpools formed around the Vice-Leader, threatening to pull him into their watery depths. Fierce jets of water, infused with divine power, shot forth with the intent to obliterate him.

Yet the Vice-Leader remained unwavering, his focus solely on defeating the sea monster. He disregarded the loss of human lives around them, a testament to the single-minded determination that drove him.

The battle raged on, a testament to the power of these Immortal Realm beings.

Each move they made seemed to rend the very fabric of reality, as the world itself became a battlefield. Their attacks caused earthquakes, tsunamis, and storms that raged with unparalleled fury.

Back on the Central Region's mainland, news of the confrontation had spread like wildfire.

Cities and towns lay in ruins, and countless lives were lost to the relentless fury of the Leviathan.

The people could only watch in awe and terror as the battle of the ages played out before their eyes.

As the battle reached its crescendo, the Vice-Leader unleashed his ultimate technique, the "Heaven-Scorching Palm."

A colossal hand, wreathed in divine flames, extended toward the Leviathan.

The heavens themselves seemed to bow before this overwhelming power.

The Leviathan responded with a final, desperate surge of its water manipulation, summoning a colossal waterspout that threatened to engulf the Vice-Leader.

Their ultimate attacks collided, causing an explosion of cataclysmic proportions. The world trembled, and the very fabric of reality seemed to shatter.

In that moment, a blinding burst of light consumed the battlefield, illuminating the entire Central Region.

When the light finally subsided, the Leviathan of Eternal Abyss had been defeated. Its colossal form lay still in the waters, its scales dimmed, and its immense power extinguished. The Vice-Leader stood, battered and weary but victorious.

The people who had witnessed the battle couldn't help but cheer for their savior, the Vice-Leader of the Heavenly Court. He had faced the mythical sea monster and emerged triumphant. Humanity had prevailed against a force of nature, but at a great cost.

Despite the jubilation, the devastation was evident. Countless lives had been lost, and entire region lay in ruin. The battle had been won, but the scars it left behind were a somber reminder of the cost of such a victory.

The Vice-Leader of the Heavenly Court, battered but victorious, stood amidst the aftermath of his intense battle with the colossal Leviathan of Eternal Abyss. The cheers and admiration of the onlookers filled the air, a testament to his triumph.

However, the celebration was short-lived. As the Vice-Leader gazed at the spot where the defeated sea monster should have lain, his brows furrowed. Something was amiss. The Leviathan was gone.

Perplexed, he looked down and discovered a human standing precisely where the sea monster's massive form had disappeared. This intrusion had gone unnoticed in the midst of the battle's tumult. The Vice-Leader's eyes narrowed as he assessed the unexpected presence.

The Vice-Leader's keen senses detected the unmistakable aura of the Saint Realm radiating from the mysterious figure. It was a level of power that placed him among the elite of humanity, a force to be reckoned with.

What troubled the Vice-Leader was not the strength of this unknown individual but the fact that he could not identify him. There were only a handful of Saint Realm experts who had not aligned themselves with the Heavenly Court, and this man did not appear to be among them.

"Who are you?" the Vice-Leader inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity and suspicion. The stranger's unexpected presence and their formidable cultivation left him with more questions than answers.

The enigmatic smile that graced the lips of the human only deepened the Vice-Leader's unease. Rather than providing an answer, the stranger chose to disappear in the blink of an eye, vanishing from the Vice-Leader's sight.

The Vice-Leader's eyes widened as he watched the Saint Realm expert's vanishing act, his senses telling him that the human was no longer there. But this was no mere party trick, and the Vice-Leader knew it. He was baffled by the stranger's display of extraordinary abilities and the audacity to approach the battlefield and disappear without a word.

Intrigued and somewhat irritated by the situation, the Vice-Leader decided to take action. With the flick of his hand, he initiated a technique that would distort space itself. It was a manifestation of his divine essence, an ability that allowed him to control spatial dimensions with ease.

Spatial channels shifted and twisted around him, an attempt to ensnare the elusive Saint Realm expert who had eluded his grasp. But to his shock and frustration, the human remained invisible, and none of the spatial channels revealed his presence.

The Vice-Leader cursed under his breath, realizing that he had fallen victim to an elaborate ruse. The Saint Realm expert had employed an illusionary ability to divert the Vice-Leader's attention, allowing him to escape unnoticed.

"That was a costly error," the Vice-Leader muttered, his voice tinged with frustration. He had battled fiercely to defeat the Leviathan and had looked forward to claiming the spoils of his victory. Now, someone else had brazenly seized the prize right under his nose.

It had been a long time since the Vice-Leader had experienced such frustration and humiliation. He clenched his fists and, with a deep sigh, focused on the aftermath of the battle. The people around him celebrated his victory, but he couldn't shake the sense of defeat that gnawed at him.

In the end, he acknowledged that the human Saint Realm expert had outwitted him, and the spoils of victory had slipped through his fingers. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but he vowed to be more vigilant in the future.

The Vice-Leader of the Heavenly Court, though frustrated by the events on the battlefield, realized the pressing need to return to the Heavenly Court to recover from his injuries. The battle against the colossal Leviathan had taken a toll on him, and he needed time to recuperate and heal.

Upon his return to the Heavenly Court, he was immediately attended to by healers and received the necessary care. His injuries were treated with the utmost care and precision. In addition to tending to his wounds, he needed to recover the divine essence that he had expended during the fierce battle.

The divine essence, a source of power unique to Immortal Realm cultivators, was not to be wasted as it took quite some time to gather it even with a good cultivation technique.

The Vice-Leader focused on absorbing and replenishing this essence, taking time to rebuild his strength.

In the meantime, far from the Heavenly Court and the Central Region, a human figure wandered through the Eastern Seas with a knowing smile on his face. It was none other than Jiang Chen, who had orchestrated the audacious act of snatching the spoils from the Vice-Leader of the Heavenly Court.

With his inscrutable smile and a sense of triumph, Jiang Chen reveled in the outcome of his cunning maneuver.

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