Wang Jian, as the head of the alliance of Empires in the Southern Region, had a cunning plan in motion. Utilizing the unique talents of the four Saint Realm experts he had captured from the Heavenly Court, he set about creating an array of powerful barrier and offensive formations. These formations would be powered by the pure qi of the Saint Realm experts, effectively turning them into living batteries of energy.

With this strategy, Wang Jian ensured that the Saint Realm experts wouldn't have to engage directly with the Barbarian Race or the Sea Monster race, effectively masking their presence from the prying eyes of the Heavenly Court. It was a strategic masterstroke, allowing him to harness their incredible battle prowess to protect the Empires of the Southern Region without raising undue suspicion.

However, Wang Jian had more ambitious plans unfolding in parallel. He had cultivated intimate and sensual relationships with the Empresses of four powerful empires: Charlotte, the Empress of the Golden Sun Empire; Rebecca, the Empress of the Ebon Star Ascendancy; and two more Empresses, each belonging to the Jade Sea Empire and Amber Horizon Dynasty. The task he had entrusted to them was to consolidate their influence within their respective empires.

With time having passed and the influence of these Empresses having taken root, Wang Jian saw an opportunity to harvest the fruits of his strategic investments. His approach to seizing control of these empires was not one for the faint-hearted, and his motives were cloaked in lust and ambition.

Wang Jian embarked on a covert journey to visit each of these Empresses in their respective empires. His intentions were far from noble; they were cloaked in lust, ambition, and a ruthless desire for power. The emperors of these empires, husbands to the Empresses, were the primary targets of his sinister plot.

The act of assassination, one that would be monumental for anyone else, was a menial task for Wang Jian, who now possessed the formidable cultivation of the Saint Realm. The emperors met their ends swiftly and silently, their deaths shrouded in darkness and secrecy.

The aftermath of each assassination sent shockwaves through the empires. Panic gripped the general populace as they grappled with the sudden loss of their rulers. It was at this very moment of vulnerability that Wang Jian's diplomats from the Everlasting Mystical Empire made their entrance.

These diplomats, bearing Wang Jian's proposal for the empires to be absorbed into the Everlasting Mystical Empire, presented the Empresses with an enticing offer. With the emperor deceased and no clear successor, it was the Empresses who held the fate of their empires in their hands.

In a calculated move, each Empress chose to accept Wang Jian's offer, and one by one, the empires became assimilated into the Everlasting Mystical Empire. The balance of power had shifted, and Wang Jian's dominion expanded, all while hidden under the guise of diplomatic strategy.

But Wang Jian's sinister deeds did not end there. Instead of dispersing the harems of the emperors whose empires he assimilated, he collected these beautiful and alluring women and transported them to a newly constructed palace in the capital of the Everlasting Mystical Empire. Here, they were kept under his control, their fates sealed within the walls of the palace, where they would serve a new master and feed his insatiable desires.

Amidst the shadows of his sinister exploits and the ever-expanding scope of his dominion, Wang Jian found himself in a peculiar conversation with Victoria.

As they conversed, Wang Jian broached a subject that was sure to catch Victoria off guard. "Victoria," he began, his tone casual yet filled with intent, "I have a proposition for you."

Victoria, who had experienced the full force of Wang Jian's dominance in the past, was visibly startled by his words. She had not expected any proposition, especially considering their history. "What do you mean?" she inquired cautiously.

Wang Jian leaned closer, his eyes locking onto Victoria's with a predatory glint. "I have recently assimilated several territories into the Everlasting Mystical Empire," he explained, "and I'm considering entrusting one of them to you."

The shock on Victoria's face was evident, as she couldn't fathom why Wang Jian would place such faith in her. " would trust me with such responsibility?" she stammered.

Wang Jian's lips curled into a faint, enigmatic smile. "I have my reasons," he replied cryptically.

Victoria's uncertainty persisted, and she couldn't help but voice her reservations. "But why, after everything that has transpired between us? Why would you believe I won't betray you?"

Wang Jian's response was as confident as it was chilling. "Victoria, you should understand the vast difference in our abilities by now," he began, his voice dripping with a promise that sent shivers down her spine. "And if you still have doubts, well, I can certainly provide you with a vivid reminder."

Victoria knew all too well that defying Wang Jian now would be nothing short of suicide. She had lost to him once before, even when his cultivation had not yet reached the Saint Realm. The chasm of power between them had only grown more vast, and she had no illusions about her chances in a direct confrontation.

Reluctantly, she nodded her understanding and acquiescence to Wang Jian's proposition. "Very well," she said, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and resignation. "I will accept the responsibility you offer, Wang Jian."

Wang Jian gave a single nod of approval, his eyes never leaving Victoria. "Good. You are a wise woman, Victoria," he remarked, his tone carrying a hint of sinister satisfaction.

As the two of them reached this uneasy understanding, far away in another corner of the realm, Jiang Chen was making his move. His initial plan to seize control of the Three Immortal Dominions had fallen short, and the news of Wang Jian's ascension to the Saint Realm had sent shockwaves through his plans.

Jiang Chen had been banking on gathering enough martial strength from the humans, devils, and other races to eventually challenge the Heavenly Court's formidable Primordial Yin-Yang Immortal Dominion. However, the emergence of Wang Jian, who had not only attained Saint Realm cultivation but had also subdued four seasoned Saint Realm experts, had thrown a wrench into his calculations.

It was a testament to Wang Jian's unprecedented talent and power, something that left Jiang Chen both astounded and wary.

Given the complications of his previous plan, Jiang Chen had decided it was time to unleash another scheme—one that would reverberate through the entire realm. His intent was to awaken one of the Ancient Beasts, a creature so fearsome that even the Immortal Realm experts would tremble in its presence. This beast was none other than the Golden Eyed Black Dragon, a symbol of pure destruction.

The dragon had been sealed away for centuries, and while its strength would undoubtedly have waned during its long imprisonment, it remained a force to be reckoned with. Jiang Chen understood the destructive power it possessed, and he was determined to harness it for his own purposes.

Gathering the mightiest experts of the Devil Race, Jiang Chen ventured underground through the network of tunnels connected to the Elemental Nexus Immortal Dominion. The accessibility of these tunnels had been one of the primary reasons behind his desire to conquer one of the human Immortal Dominions in the Central Region.

Jiang Chen stood before the colossal Golden-Eyed Black Dragon, its massive form enchained by crimson bonds that had held it captive for untold years. The dragon's eyes gleamed with a mixture of rage and desperation as it longed for freedom.

In the eerie underground chamber, Jiang Chen spoke to the imprisoned beast with a sense of determination in his voice. "We have a common goal, my ancient friend," he said, his gaze locked onto the dragon's golden eyes. "I need your power to rally the beasts under my rule and exact vengeance upon those who have wronged us."

The Black Dragon rumbled in agreement, its deep voice reverberating through the chamber. "I have waited centuries for this moment. Free me, and I shall aid you in your quest."

With a nod, Jiang Chen approached the chains that bound the dragon. He drew one of his Demonic Swords, a weapon infused with dark and corruptive energies. As he slashed at the crimson chains, they resisted, their Celestial Might proving formidable. However, instead of breaking the chains, the Demonic Sword began to corrupt their essence, sapping their strength and reducing their power.

The Golden-Eyed Black Dragon sensed the weakening of the chains and seized the opportunity. With a surge of pure draconic bloodline power, it unleashed its might, and the crimson bonds that had held it captive for so long began to crack and splinter. The dragon roared with triumph as it broke free, the chains falling away in shattered fragments.

Jiang Chen watched in awe as the dragon spread its immense wings, its form radiating an aura of raw power.

Meanwhile, the Heavenly Court became aware that another one of their seals had been broken and the Evil Black Dragon was free now.

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