Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 342 Heavenly Lotus Sect (All-Female Sect) Seeks Assistance Of Wang Jian

The news of the tumultuous events in the Central Region had reached Wang Jian through his alliance with the Heavenly Lotus Sect of the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion. He had been following these developments with a mix of astonishment and curiosity. The notion that there were alternative methods to gain control of an Immortal Dominion, rather than outright conquest, had ignited a fire of strategic contemplation within him.

As the sovereign of the Southern Region, Wang Jian was acutely aware of the existence of the Immortal Dominion controlled by the Barbarians. The notion that the tactics employed in the Central Region could be replicated in the South held the potential to drastically alter the region's balance of power.

Amidst these ruminations, Wang Jian received a delegation from the Heavenly Lotus Sect. Fairy Zhi Luan, the esteemed leader of the sect, stood before him, her demeanor conveying a sense of urgency. Their ensuing conversation would sway Wang Jian's decision.

Fairy Zhi Luan, her eyes filled with concern, began, "Emperor Wang Jian, I beseech you to consider the dire situation. The events in the Central Region have sent ripples throughout the Immortal Dominions, and we in the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion have reason to believe that we might be the next target of such audacious tactics."

Wang Jian regarded her seriously, prompting her to continue. "The balance of power in the Central Region is shifting rapidly, and the small sects are uniting to challenge the Great Sects. This upheaval has prompted me to seek your assistance."

Wang Jian leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Go on, Fairy Zhi Luan. Explain your concerns."

Fairy Zhi Luan elaborated, "Our Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion, while strong, may not be able to withstand a concerted effort by a coalition of smaller sects. The Heavenly Court seems unwilling to intervene in conflicts among humans, as evidenced by its inaction in the Central Region. We fear that we might face a similar challenge, and we lack the knowledge and means to defend ourselves effectively."

Wang Jian contemplated this information for a moment. He turned to Fairy Zhi Luan. "What do you propose, Fairy Zhi Luan?"

Fairy Zhi Luan's eyes sparkled with determination as she spoke. "We humbly request your assistance, Your Majesty. By accompanying me to the Heavenly Lotus Sect, we can share information and devise a strategy to protect the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion from potential threats."

Wang Jian considered her words thoughtfully. "You propose that I accompany you to the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion. What would you have me do there?"

Fairy Zhi Luan replied with conviction, "Your presence would serve as a deterrent for the devils because of your special Solar Flames. If the devils find out that we have the backing of a powerful ally like you, they may reconsider their aggressive stance. Furthermore, your insights into the recent events in the Central Region could prove invaluable in formulating a strategy for our defense."

Wang Jian nodded in acknowledgment. "Your arguments hold merit, Fairy Zhi Luan. I am willing to accompany you to the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion."

Fairy Zhi Luan bowed deeply in gratitude, her heart heavy with appreciation. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Wang Jian raised his hand in response, his tone taking on a more serious note. "Hold on, Fairy Zhi Luan. Before you offer your thanks, there's a condition I must make clear. My agreement is not without terms. You must understand the implications."

Fairy Zhi Luan met his gaze, fully aware of the underlying complexities. She nodded, acknowledging his point. "I understand, Your Majesty. Please go on."

The emperor's expression grew intent as he continued, "I agreed to accompany you because you made the request in person. I want you to comprehend the significance of that. Had it been anyone else from the Heavenly Lotus Sect, I would have unequivocally rejected their plea. Do you grasp the implications of my words?"

Fairy Zhi Luan couldn't help but smile wryly. She was acutely aware of the unique and intimate relationship she shared with Wang Jian, one that remained a secret from the rest of the world. Their night of passionate intimacy was a vivid memory that lingered between them.

Wang Jian's voice took on a more lascivious tone as he voiced his condition. "My condition, Fairy Zhi Luan, is simple. I desire to relive that unforgettable night with you."

A flush crept onto Fairy Zhi Luan's cheeks as Wang Jian's eyes roamed over her voluptuous figure. However, she didn't shy away from his gaze; instead, she felt a strange sense of anticipation.

With a bashful yet willing expression, she replied, "As you wish, Your Majesty. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to secure your assistance for my sect."

It was an excuse she willingly embraced, but deep down, she acknowledged her true desire. She yearned for that night of intense, passionate lovemaking with Wang Jian once more, and this condition provided the perfect pretext to indulge in those desires.

After a night of passionate and intense lovemaking, Wang Jian and Fairy Zhi Luan were finally prepared to embark on their mission. They made their way to the teleportation array that linked Wang Jian's Everlasting Mystical Empire to the Heavenly Lotus Sect.

Stepping into the array, the world around them blurred and shifted, and within moments, they arrived at their destination—the Heavenly Lotus Sect. The aura of tranquility and power that enveloped the sect was palpable, a stark contrast to the events unfolding within its borders.

Wang Jian and Fairy Zhi Luan wasted no time and quickly sought out Fairy Qian Shui, the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Lotus Sect. They found her in the midst of an urgent discussion, and as they approached, her eyes met theirs with a mix of relief and apprehension.

"The situation is dire, Your Majesty," Fairy Qian Shui began with a grave expression. "Hundreds of camps, representing various small sects from the Central Region, have sprung up around the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion. Our dominion is connected to five Earth Veins, along with 19 Yin Veins and 17 Yang Veins. These sects have set their sights on each of these connections, vying to take control of our Immortal Dominion."

Wang Jian absorbed this information, recognizing the gravity of the circumstances. It was evident that the tactic deployed in the Central Region had inspired similar aspirations among the smaller sects. The delicate balance of power in the region was on the verge of upheaval, and the Heavenly Lotus Sect was now under threat.

He turned to Fairy Zhi Luan, his thoughts racing, "We need to act swiftly and strategically to protect the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion."

Fairy Zhi Luan nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting determination. "Your Majesty, we have to plan our response carefully. The small sects are resourceful, and we must anticipate their next moves."

Wang Jian took a moment to contemplate their approach. "Indeed, we should consider all possibilities and fortify our defenses. It won't be long before these small sects make their moves."

Fairy Qian Shui interjected, her voice resolute, "Your Majesty, your Solar Flames are known throughout the region for their incredible power. I suggest that we harness that power to assist our sect members in developing Solar Incineration Arrays. This technology will provide a formidable defense against the impending threats, particularly from the devil race. With the Solar Incineration Arrays in place, we can keep the devils at bay and protect our interests."

Wang Jian regarded her proposal thoughtfully. "An excellent suggestion, Sect Leader Qian Shui. We will devote our efforts to this endeavor, ensuring that the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion remains secure."

With their shared understanding of the tasks ahead, they commenced planning a multifaceted strategy to safeguard the Heavenly Lotus Sect and its Immortal Dominion in the face of mounting uncertainty.

wasn't just the Heavenly Lotus Sect that was gearing up for the impending challenges. The two other major sects within the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion, the Spirit Affinity Sect and the Wind Cloud House, were also actively preparing the entire dominion for the imminent onslaught. Each sect had taken measures to fortify their defenses and create an array of deterrents at critical locations where the experts from smaller sects intended to strike.

Fairy Ming Lan, the Sect Leader of the Spirit Affinity Sect, met with her trusted advisors to discuss the strategies for safeguarding their dominion. She stressed the importance of unity and cooperation among the three major sects, understanding that the threats they faced were greater when faced individually.

"Remember, we are not alone in this challenge," she urged. "The Heavenly Lotus Sect and the Wind Cloud House are our allies, and together, we can protect our dominion."

Meanwhile, in the Wind Cloud House, Sect Leader Xue Yi was overseeing the deployment of their defensive arrays. "We must be vigilant and prepared," he emphasized to his fellow sect members. "Our combined strength and our defenses will ensure our dominion remains under our control."

In unison, the three sects established numerous defensive and suppression arrays at the key points that the smaller sects aimed to target. These arrays would serve as both a physical and magical deterrent against any potential threats, creating a formidable line of defense.

Together, they were determined to protect the Celestial Nexus Immortal Dominion from the encroaching small sects and maintain their dominion's stability.

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