Amidst the tranquility of the Giant Race's Underworld Giant's Immortal Dominion, the majority of their members were seemingly at ease, unaware of the impending upheaval about to unfold.

Meanwhile, the leaders of the Giant Race convened in a strategy meeting, striving to devise more effective ways to counter the human forces that had become a growing threat.

Yet, their contemplations were disrupted by the telltale tremors that reverberated through the earth. These seismic ripples bore an ominous message—forces of considerable magnitude were converging near their dominion.

"An assault on our dominion!" one of the Giant Race's leaders exclaimed, his urgency palpable. "Gather our forces swiftly! We must repel this invasion."

As the Giant Race's formidable experts mobilized, the very leader of their race ventured into a concealed chamber, intent on consulting with the enigmatic Blessed Land's Spirit.

Within the chamber's shadows, an unsettling transformation had overtaken the once luminous spirit. A dense shroud of dark energy engulfed it, an eerie manifestation of the Annihilation Law of Devil Qi—an annihilating force capable of decimating entire worlds.

"What... is this?" The leader's voice trembled, echoing his disbelief as he questioned the transformed spirit.

With a frigid demeanor, the Blessed Land's Spirit responded, "This is the Annihilation Law of Devil Qi—a cataclysmic power capable of consuming everything in its path. To neutralize it, I must focus my efforts and harness the entirety of the domain's Laws. I may even need to draw upon the lingering Immortal Qi within the Blessed Land."

Before the leader could offer further inquiry, the spirit's voice grew resolute. "Now, leave."

In an instant, the doors to the secret chamber slammed shut, forcefully expelling the Giant Race's leader. It was evident that the Blessed Land's Spirit was intent on containing the perilous Annihilation Law of Devil Qi within the chamber, grappling with its potential devastation.

As the door closed behind him, the Giant Race's leader discerned the purpose behind this calculated attack. The synchronicity of the Annihilation Law's manifestation and the ambush on their dominion was no mere coincidence. The human and devil forces had forged an alliance, orchestrating this assault with meticulous precision.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm As the clash between the devil forces, human armies, and the experts of the Giant Race unfolded, the battlefield erupted into a cacophony of combat.

The Saint Realm members of the Giant Race found themselves taken aback by the sheer might displayed by the devil forces. The strength of Saint Realm experts among the devils was an eye-opener, leaving the Giant Race's own experts momentarily astounded.

Curiously, there wasn't a single Saint Realm expert from the Human Race among the ranks of their opponents. This perplexed the Giant Race's experts, sparking speculations as to why the devils would align themselves with humans lacking such high-level combatants. Could it be merely a numbers game?

However, considering the pride and self-assured nature of the devil race, this seemed an unlikely motivation.

Yet, contemplation was a luxury they couldn't afford. The clash raged on, and the Saint Realm experts of the Giant Race swiftly organized their efforts.

With determination etched across their features, the Saint Realm warriors of the Giant Race issued orders to their compatriots. "Listen closely everyone! Do not rely solely on our size and brute strength in this battle. The humans and devils possess formidable abilities and artifacts that can exploit our vulnerabilities. Our stature makes us susceptible to their attacks. Utilize your elemental prowess and combat skills to the fullest extent. We are on familiar terrain here, enabling us to unleash our full potential. Fight with every ounce of determination and eliminate these intruders!"

As the battleground unfolded within the heart of the Underworld Giant's Immortal Dominion, the native terrain provided a substantial advantage to the Giant Race.

The laws of this land acted as a potent catalyst, magnifying their abilities and even endowing their physical strength with a noticeable surge.

In stark contrast, the forces of humans and devils experienced a distinct suppression, where their talents, physical attributes, and spirits were dampened by an otherworldly force.

These passive effects, intrinsic to the Underworld Giant's Immortal Dominion, exerted their influence on all individuals within its boundaries, operating independently even as the Blessed Land's spirit grappled with the Annihilation Law of Devil Qi.

While this battle was going on, Jiang Chen wasn't actually busying himself with fighting against the members of the Giant Race.

While the frenetic battle raged on, Jiang Chen refrained from immersing himself solely in direct confrontation with the Giant Race's members.

Instead, he took charge of a specialized team, composed of elite devil experts at their peak.

Among their ranks stood a particular devil whose extraordinary talent lay in pinpointing the potential locations where the Giant Race concealed their invaluable treasures.

This uncanny ability, akin to Bixi Shuyan's gift, was, in fact, markedly superior within the ranks of Jiang Chen's team.

This devil's capability extended over a far broader range and, crucially, was employed consciously—a clear distinction from Bixi Shuyan's more unconscious utilization of her comparable skill.

Nevertheless, Jiang Chen's team faced the daunting task of scouring through hundreds of potential locations in their quest to discover the treasure capable of breaking the restraints on his body.

Along the way, their objectives extended beyond this singular goal—Jiang Chen was keen on appropriating the Giant Race's invaluable treasures.

In his astute calculation, these rare and precious items could serve as potent bargaining chips in future negotiations, should the need arise.

Remarkably, the Giant Race's resistance against Jiang Chen's team remained surprisingly subdued. This was largely due to their strategic teleportation between positions, facilitated by Jiang Chen's Spatial Abilities.

Meanwhile, the Giant Race's members found themselves taken aback by the unforeseen alliance between the human and devil forces, prompting many of their powerful experts to engage directly on the frontline against this unexpected onslaught.

Curiously, the Giant Race's decision to leave their treasure chambers momentarily unprotected was fueled by two key factors. Firstly, these chambers were meticulously concealed using intricate Talisman Formations and fortified with Elemental Seals, rendering them nearly impervious to intrusion.

Additionally, the pathway leading to these treasure troves was reinforced with specialized materials, further deterring potential interlopers.

The second factor lay in the fact that the Giant Race's members could not have predicted that amidst the heated clash between their own forces and the human-devil coalition, an audacious attempt to pilfer their treasures would occur.

This oversight left their precious chambers relatively unguarded, opening an opportune window for Jiang Chen's team to exploit.

Amidst the raging clash of battle, word swiftly reached Wang Jian's ears about the audacious joint offensive launched by humans and devils against the dominion of the Giant Race.

This revelation, however, wasn't confined to Wang Jian alone; it reverberated across the echelons of power within the entire world.

The sheer audacity of this massive coalition between humans and devils to mount a formidable assault against the Giant Race left everyone flabbergasted.

What added an extra layer of astonishment was the impeccably timed nature of this attack.

It had been unleashed right on the heels of the reported decimation of Jiang Chen and his devil cohorts at the hands of the Angel Race's elite warriors.

The astute minds within the influential factions of the world swiftly pieced together the puzzle. They recognized the irrefutable fact that Jiang Chen had not only survived the onslaught but had orchestrated this ambitious campaign.

Only Jiang Chen possessed the sway and charisma to gather such an extensive legion of devils.

Furthermore, it was he alone who could marshal the Saint Realm experts of the Devil Race, rallying them to confront their enemies from the Giant Race within the confines of the Underworld Giant's Immortal Dominion.

In the ordinary course of events, for Saint Realm experts to willingly plunge into battle within the Blessed Lands of their adversaries seemed imprudent, thanks to the stifling limitations imposed upon them by foreign laws and stifling constraints.

However, the participation of the Devil Race's Saint Realm experts in this confrontation revealed the presence of an influential figure capable of rallying their support, even when the odds seemed overwhelmingly against them.

And in this intricate tapestry of events, that influential figure could only be Jiang Chen.

Wang Jian pondered silently, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. 'Jiang Chen's survival, despite the Angels' assault, confirms the existence of that rumored technique, the one enabling him to resurrect within another's body. But who is that vessel?' The question loomed large, casting a shadow of uncertainty over Wang Jian's musings.

The list of potential candidates was dauntingly long – demons, ordinary humans, or perhaps even an entirely different entity. Wang Jian realized that speculating on Jiang Chen's choice of vessel was akin to chasing shadows.

'After his revival, Jiang Chen would have surely contacted the three Emperors of the Western Deserts' Empires. The rift between these rulers and the Giant Race is deep-seated; persuading them to wage war against their sworn enemy, with the promise of devil forces, must have been relatively uncomplicated.'

The conundrum lay elsewhere. Wang Jian's brow furrowed as he grappled with the enigma. 'But why take the gamble? Why endanger the Devil Race's Saint Realm experts by pitting them against the Giant Race's counterparts within their own domain, where the odds were so heavily against them?'

Thoughts raced through Wang Jian's mind, each scenario and possibility scrutinized, yet none revealing the elusive answer he sought. He sighed inwardly, conceding to the puzzle's complexity. 'There's a piece missing for this puzzle. I need to keep my focus sharp and stay updated on the unfolding events.'

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