However, Wang Jian's stratagems to counter Jiang Chen were far from reaching their conclusion; they were merely the opening moves in a grand game of wits.

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm And now, it was Jiang Chen's turn to make his move.

At this juncture, Jiang Chen had taken a pivotal step by dispatching a cache of devil crystals to the depths of the Underground Giant Divine Dominion.

These devil crystals served as a conduit, granting the Giants access to a cache of artifacts capable of gauging the sheer number and strength of experts that lay in wait upon the surface.

This knowledge armed them to prepare a strategy befitting the impending confrontation.

Yet, the mechanics were not as straightforward as one might assume. The devil crystals couldn't be harnessed all at once, an intricacy that added layers of strategy to Jiang Chen's gambit.

Instead, the Giants were required to employ these precious crystals one at a time, the rhythm set by the rate of consumption — a pair of devil crystals needed each day to fuel the usage of a single artifact.

However, Jiang Chen's lavish bestowal of an exorbitant number of Devil Crystals upon the Giant Race wasn't born from a desire to forge cordial relations.

In fact, they were quite the opposite. Jiang Chen harbored a nefarious design—a scheme that would unfold within the very heart of the Giants' Blessed Land.

You see, within the confines of a Blessed Land, an inherent property allowed it to gradually absorb the essence, aura, and even the laws of any foreign resource contained within its boundaries. Such was the mystical nature of these domains.

And it was this very principle that Jiang Chen intended to exploit.

The Devil Crystals, infused with the resonance of specific demonic laws, were destined to seep into the hallowed depths of the Underground Giant Divine Dominion.

But why, one might wonder, would Jiang Chen orchestrate such a complex manipulation? The answer lay within his grander strategy. He aimed for the demonic laws within the Underground Giant Divine Dominion to reach a specific threshold, a critical juncture poised to precede his masterstroke—a colossal assault on the Giant Race.

In practice, once the demonic laws from the Devil Crystals were interwoven into the very fabric of the Underground Giant Divine Dominion, Jiang Chen could, in a calculated move, employ his bloodline technique.

This technique enabled him to subdue the abilities of the Land Spirit and temporarily seal it in darkness.

With this stratagem in play, the impending devil incursion upon the Underground Giant Divine Dominion would be spared the formidable opposition of the Land Spirit, an entity capable of unleashing strength akin to an expert of the Immortal Realm.

Naturally, the realization of Jiang Chen's elaborate scheme wasn't something that could be achieved in the mere span of a week. Such intricate maneuvers demanded time—no less than a month, if not more.

During this stretch, Jiang Chen orchestrated a tumultuous symphony of conflict between the humans and the Giants. The clash was fierce, and the battleground bore the scars of their fervent engagements.

Yet, this tableau of strife was far from being a stagnant display. The realm of the Western Deserts was destined for more chaos, as an unexpected entrant joined the fray, shattering the fragile equilibrium that had momentarily settled.

Unbelievably, it was the Beast Race that now threw their lot into this already convoluted struggle. The reason behind their involvement was as raw and fierce as the beasts themselves.

In the heat of the clashes between humans and Giants, a sprawling subterranean colony—home to sand-wyrms, scorpions, howlers, and the enigmatic Leucrotta—had met its untimely demise.

The sheer audacity of both humans and Giants in obliterating this colony and laying waste to countless comrades incited an unquenchable fury within the beastly community.

Driven by this potent anger and a thirst for retribution, the Beast Race didn't hesitate to entangle themselves in the burgeoning war between the human Empires and the formidable Giant Race. The battleground was reshaped once again, this time by the snarls, roars, and fierce onslaughts of the previously hidden Beast Race.

The sand-wyrms, massive serpentine creatures, slithered from beneath the desert's shifting dunes. With powerful coils and venomous fangs, they struck at the human Empires on the surface, burrowing beneath the sand to launch surprise attacks and then retreating into the depths. In a sense, their tactic was the same as that of the Giant Race. But their speed was much quicker and even with the assistance of the Grey Aura Detection Bat, the human race couldn't react accordingly.

The scorpions, their stingers poised and venom dripping, waged a different kind of assault. Their pincers clamped down on unwary soldiers, their venomous tails striking swift and deadly. They utilized the dunes as cover, emerging from hidden tunnels to launch swift raids before vanishing back into the desert's embrace.

The howlers, with their bestial cries that could shatter eardrums, unleashed their sonic assaults. Their ear-piercing screams wreaked havoc among the human race, disorienting and destabilizing their opponents.

And then there was the enigmatic Leucrotta, creatures with haunting calls that chilled the bone. These creatures were the embodiment of stealth, their fur blending seamlessly with the desert's hues as they stalked the humans on the surface. With razor-sharp claws and teeth, they struck swiftly and silently, disappearing into the shadows as suddenly as they'd appeared.

Against the Giants, the tactics of the Beast Race took a different turn. The sand-wyrms, burrowers by nature, embarked on a relentless assault upon the very foundation of the Giants' underground realm. Their tunneling disrupted the stability of the land, causing tremors and destabilizing the Giant Race's stronghold.

The scorpions, with their armored forms, engaged the Giants in direct combat, their tough exoskeletons providing ample protection against the Giants' formidable attacks. Their venom-infused stingers sought out the vulnerabilities in the Giant's defenses, exploiting any gaps they could find.

The howlers, in their pursuit of disarray, focused on the Giant's cohesion. Their sonic assaults targeted the communication and coordination of the Giants, fragmenting their efforts and breeding confusion.

As for the enigmatic Leucrotta, their tactics revolved around sabotage and disruption. They would arrive suddenly in a battlefield and launch a sneak attack at the experts of the Giant Race before retreating swiftly.

In this gripping tableau, the entirety of the Western Deserts stood entrenched in the throes of warfare. A grand symphony of conflict echoed across the dunes, as humans, Giants, and the ferocious Beast Race clashed with a relentless fervor.

This tumultuous backdrop proved to be a veritable crucible for Jiang Chen's stratagem. Swiftly and shrewdly, he orchestrated a series of transactions, exchanging a diverse array of artifacts with both the Giant Race and the Human Race. These artifacts demanded a substantial infusion of Devil Crystals, serving as catalysts to expedite the infusion of demonic laws into the very core of the Giant Race's Blessed Land.

In a stroke of luck, the absence of any Saint Realm experts within the ranks of the Beast Race proved advantageous for both the humans and the Giants. It was a critical factor that prevented an outright defeat for either faction. Had even a single Saint Realm expert aligned with either side, the balance of power could have irrevocably tipped, spelling the end for both races.

Yet, fortune favored Jiang Chen's complex plot. With time ticking away, he enacted the climax of his scheme.

Jiang Chen's commands reverberated across the dominion of the Silver Devil Asura, summoning his subordinates to converge upon the Western Deserts. It was a call to arms that carried an air of destiny, a prelude to the forthcoming eruption of chaos.

As his forces assembled within the vast expanse of the Western Deserts, Jiang Chen's mastery over Spatial Abilities came to the fore. With a commanding gesture, he harnessed his unique skill to bridge the gap between their current position and his own.

Jiang Chen's heart surged with a potent blend of anticipation and resolve, as he stood at the precipice of launching a massive, calculated attack upon the Giant Race's formidable Underground Giant Divine Dominion.

Yet, just as Jiang Chen's forces were poised to launch their calculated assault, the unexpected unfolded—a shock that reverberated through the entire forces of the devils. The heavens themselves seemed to shift as the celestial figures of the Angelic Sky City descended upon the land.

A stunned silence enveloped Jiang Chen as he beheld the awe-inspiring spectacle before him—countless Angels, their radiant presence piercing the desert's unforgiving landscape. Among their ranks stood Saint Realm Angels, a force of divine might that Jiang Chen hadn't anticipated.

Baffled by this unexpected turn of events, Jiang Chen's mind raced to comprehend the situation. The Angels appeared poised, as if awaiting his next move, their presence hinting at a level of awareness that defied logic.

The truth behind this uncanny preparedness lay in a rather unconventional method of communication—a unique artifact known as the Telephone Artifact. This unassuming device had gained a surprising amount of popularity within the Angelic Sky City. Rumor had it that these artifacts had been included as offerings presented to the Angels. A note of instruction accompanied these artifacts, revealing both their purpose and how to acquire more. As a result, these Telephone Artifacts proliferated throughout the Angelic Sky City, becoming an integral part of their communication network.

It was through a conversation with a human named Wang Jian that the Angels had been made privy to the impending machinations of the devils within the Western Deserts. The communication artifacts served as the conduit for this crucial information exchange. Wang Jian had skillfully persuaded the Angels to withhold their intervention, to bide their time until the full brunt of the devil forces arrived in the Western Region.

The Angels bided their time, poised to take action when the moment was right. The devils' arrival was their cue. Utilizing their unique abilities, they skillfully traced the ripples of turmoil generated by Jiang Chen's mastery over Spatial Abilities. It was this turbulence that acted as a beacon, guiding the Angels to their intended destination.

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