Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 281 Empress And The Second Queen's Declarations

Securing the submission of the Crown Prince's faction turned out to be a relatively straightforward endeavor for Wang Jian.

Utilizing his strategic acumen, he orchestrated a multi-pronged offensive aimed at weakening their defenses.

The linchpin of his operation was the astute guidance of Mei Yan, who communicated vital information through the enigmatic Telephone Artifact.

With pinpoint accuracy, she revealed the exact location of the Crown Prince's faction, granting Wang Jian a tactical advantage that couldn't be understated.

In the initial stages of his plan, Wang Jian dispatched the formidable Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Clan and the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan to initiate a relentless barrage of attacks.

The intent was not to obliterate, but rather to erode their strength systematically, leaving them vulnerable for what was to come.

This was a prelude to Wang Jian's masterstroke: an orchestrated assault of his own faction, a relentless tidal wave of aggression that promised the Crown Prince's faction either subjugation or devastation.

Promising them his vigilant protection against the relentless wrath of the devils, Wang Jian enticed surrender as their sole recourse.

Shackled by injuries that plagued their Emperor Realm experts and bereft of any effective countermeasure against the formidable Devil Emperors, the Crown Prince's faction had little option but to submit.

Their desire to safeguard their lives overshadowed any remnants of pride, and thus, they bowed before Wang Jian's growing might.

An intriguing twist emerged in the wake of their surrender—a peculiar shift in the behavior of the devils. As if following an unspoken agreement, the devils ceased their relentless attacks on the now-subdued Crown Prince's faction.

Their focus turned instead to the innocent populace, leaving behind a trail of fear and devastation.

In the grandeur of the Imperial Palace, Wang Jian's commanding voice echoed, cutting through the weighty air like a clarion call that reached every corner of the capital.

"The Emperor, my father, has passed from this world, and the Crown Prince's whereabouts remain unknown. As the Seventh Prince of this Empire, I, Wang Jian, step forth to lead us toward a triumphant future. I stand ready to shield you all from the clutches of these relentless devils!" Wang Jian's proclamation rang out with unwavering confidence, his words a beacon of hope for a beleaguered nation.

ραndαsnοvεl.cοm In response to Wang Jian's resolute declaration, two more voices emerged, their tones weaving a harmonious narrative of unity and strength.

First, the Empress's voice resonated, her words gentle yet commanding, weaving a web of persuasion. "Dear citizens, I am the Empress, bound to this nation by my duty and love for you all. Today, I implore you to lend your unwavering support to Wang Jian. His unwavering resolve and unique abilities provide us with the hope we so desperately need. Let us stand united, trusting in his leadership to lift us from the abyss."

Following suit, the Second Queen's voice chimed in, her tone carrying the weight of conviction. "Esteemed citizens, I am the Second Queen of this great nation. I echo the Empress's sentiment, placing my complete trust in her judgement. Wang Jian's path is the one that leads us to victory against these devils. As a united front, we shall overcome this adversity, banishing the darkness that seeks to consume us."

These series of proclamation naturally shocked all the citizens in the capital. The entire capital couldn't help but converse with each other regarding this incident.

"Wait, did you guys hear that? The Seventh Prince is stepping up... after all this chaos?"

"Yeah, he's talking about leading us against those devils. Can he really do it?"

"Yeah, I've seen his faction in action. The way they fought those devils, it was like nothing I've ever seen!"

"I'm all for supporting the Seventh Prince. We need someone strong to lead us out of this mess."

"But he's got the devil bloodline, right? Can we really trust him?"

"Let's not forget, he's still a prince of our Empire. Maybe he's the unexpected hero we need right now."

"And look, the Empress and Second Queen are backing him up. They wouldn't support him if he was all bad, right?"

"He's the only one who can help us now. We can't just keep waiting and suffering."

"I guess you're right. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Let's give the Seventh Prince a chance to prove himself."

"Alright, I'm convinced. Let's support the Seventh Prince and hope for the best. We can't just sit here and do nothing."I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Conversations echoed through every corner of the capital, conversations burdened with a weight of despair and tentative hope. Amidst these dialogues, a common consensus emerged – they would place their faith in Wang Jian.

It wasn't a matter of choosing a side; it was choosing survival. Rejecting Wang Jian's call meant welcoming the devil's cruel onslaught. With a glimmer of hope offered by Wang Jian, it felt like a lifeline that they couldn't afford to ignore.

As these events unfolded, Wang Jian swiftly issued new orders to Zyrithia. The ceaseless barrage of attacks ceased, replaced by a directive that sent ripples of change through the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Clan and the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan. They were to halt their onslaught and instead gather their members in a forest just outside the capital.

Remarkably, both devil clans complied without hesitation, their allegiance to Wang Jian evident in their swift obedience. The once menacing presence of demons faded from the city, leaving behind an unsettling stillness. Seizing this opportune moment, Wang Jian's faction members surged forth with a singular objective: to rid the capital of the lingering demonic threat.

Their objective was confined to the city's limits, making their task more focused and manageable.

The demon-slaying operation began with a grim determination. However, bridging the gap between Wang Jian's distant base and the city was no small feat. It took nearly four days of relentless travel before they finally reached their destination.

The moment their footfalls touched the cobblestone streets of the capital, the cacophony of battle erupted. Wang Jian's forces tore through the remnants of the demonic presence, like a cleansing fire sweeping through the land.

As the last echoes of demonic presence faded, a collective sigh of relief swept through the capital. Replacing the once-entrenched fear was an undeniable sense of liberation. The people, who had for so long been shackled by terror, now reveled in the newfound freedom from demonic oppression.

Hope blossomed, like a radiant light piercing through the darkest of clouds. This liberation had a face, a name: Wang Jian. In him, they saw a savior, a beacon of promise, and their trust in him burgeoned as they dared to envision their life returning to normal.

The ripple of change that started in the capital began to spread across the vast expanse of the entire Empire.

Amidst this momentum, a jarring exception surfaced—the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan. Stubborn and defiant, they refused to yield to reason, or the warnings sounded by their rival devil clans.

Such obstinacy would prove their undoing, as their defiance served as a death sentence for their entire clan.

The consequences were ruthless, their ranks whittled away until their very existence was snuffed out.

The key to this resounding success wasn't solely Wang Jian's faction or the valiant human warriors of the Everlasting Mystical Empire.

In truth, the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Clan and the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan were clandestinely entwined in this grand scheme, covertly launching their own attacks against the Oceanic Tempest Storm Devil Clan.

Their clandestine maneuvers were not merely to quell the defiant demons but also to foster an environment where Wang Jian's influence would flourish.

The Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Clan and the Nether Curseweaver Devil Clan aspired to fortify Wang Jian's authority, to position him as the embodiment of salvation for this Empire.

In doing so, they aimed to stoke a wildfire of support and adulation among the common folk, raising his status to unprecedented heights.

And yet, a revelation shimmered beneath the surface, a truth obscured by veils of secrecy. Unbeknownst to the majority, Wang Jian stood not just as a leader of his faction, but as the enigmatic guiding force behind both devil clans.

As all of this unfolded, a series of events began to take place. Other neighboring Empires were quick to notice that the devil clans were slowly losing their grip against the might of the Everlasting Mystical Empire. These devil factions were no longer a significant threat to anyone.

In response, almost every neighboring Empire saw this as an opportunity to expand their own territories by encroaching upon the lands that belonged to the Everlasting Mystical Empire.

It was like a cascade of actions set off by a single event.

The first to set this domino effect into motion was the Golden Sun Empire.

The Emperor of the Golden Sun Empire cited his brother's humiliation at the hands of the Everlasting Mystical Empire and the alleged ingratitude for the support the Golden Sun Empire provided during the devil conflict as reasons for waging war.

The situation escalated rapidly. The Golden Sun Empire's declaration of war was quickly followed by the Jade Sea Empire, and eventually, the Ebon Star Ascendancy also joined the conflict.

Little did these Empires know that their actions were unfolding exactly as Wang Jian had foreseen.

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