Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 237 Strategy Meeting With Lady Xia And Date With Jin Meixiang

After dispatching a team to the Sacred Dominion to mine the precious Ebon Void Essence Ores, Wang Jian turned his attention to meeting with Lady Xia.

As they reconvened in Wang Jian's room, their initial focus shifted towards indulging in a night of intense and passionate lovemaking.

Lady Xia eagerly shed her garments, assuming various enticing positions that pleased Wang Jian's desires, as the two of them shared an intimate and exhilarating night together.

Following their carnal escapade, Wang Jian redirected his attention to discussing business matters with Lady Xia, their naked bodies pressed against one another.

"Master," Lady Xia began, her voice laced with excitement, "I executed a trial run to showcase the superior quality of our products compared to others in the market. The tactic proved to be immensely successful. However, our rivals or even enemies sabotaged our shop and made off with all our merchandise. Fortunately, the location of our warehouse remains concealed, and the majority of our products remain safe. But how do we proceed with selling them?"

Wang Jian, his hand alternating between Lady Xia's ample bosom and her exposed waist, spoke in response. "Your idea to demonstrate the product's potential through a trial run was brilliant. However, it was a misstep to offer the trial to all women. The purpose of this venture is to specifically target women of high status within society. To achieve that, you should have sent packages to the wives of various clan leaders, influential women in organizations or associations, and those possessing authority in the Empire. This approach would have quickly reached our desired audience."

As Wang Jian's words sank in, Lady Xia's eyes widened, and a hint of disappointment flickered within them.

Sensing her disillusionment, Wang Jian tightened his grip around her voluptuous body and whispered, a cunning gleam in his eyes, "There's no need to feel disheartened. What you did was a necessary step to garner attention for our beauty products. The strategy I just mentioned will now have the greatest impact if you implement it. Just ensure that you emphasize how, due to recent public disturbances, the Elysian Blossoms Organization will no longer distribute products to the general populace. Instead, we will selectively choose recipients for our products, including the free trials."

Wang Jian's tactic worked brilliantly.

As news of the organization's decision spread, the general populace erupted in outrage. However, their anger was largely directed towards the individuals who had vandalized and tormented the Elysian Blossoms Organization's store in the capital.

While these rumors circulated, Lady Xia diligently compiled a list of high-ranking women and those with esteemed positions, meticulously preparing splendid packages for each of them. Alongside the packages, she included an invitation to an exclusive banquet.

The letter tantalizingly hinted at the unveiling of a secret elixir during the event, promising to bestow eternal youth upon all women until the end of their days.

Although the elixir couldn't extend their lives or life force, the prospect of maintaining peak beauty until death proved immensely alluring. Almost every woman who received the letter eagerly accepted the banquet invitation.

Accompanying the invitation were a few specific instructions. The first condition stipulated that each woman could bring only two guards, irrespective of their strength. The number of guards couldn't exceed two.

The second condition clarified that these guards would accompany the women only until the entrance of the banquet hall, where they would then be guided to a separate hall.

Inside the banquet hall itself, the Elysian Blossoms Organization would assume full responsibility for everyone's safety, rendering the presence of additional guards unnecessary.

ƥandasnovel·ƈom Initially, some might have regarded this condition with contempt, given the organization's previous inability to protect its workers and store from looting.

However, no one dared underestimate the importance of this condition since Wang Jian's return, as he had already exacted a heavy price from those who dared to target his organization.

Two mercenary groups and a large assassin organization had been mercilessly eradicated, showcasing the true power behind Wang Jian's faction.

Lastly, the third condition warned that anyone causing trouble during the banquet would face ruthless consequences at the hands of the Elysian Blossoms Organization.

Only those who agreed to all three conditions would be allowed to attend the banquet, set to take place in Wang Jian's sprawling estate, located a considerable distance from Aria City.

The much-anticipated banquet was scheduled to take place in the near future, just as the weekend approached.

With the beginning of the week at hand, their carefully selected targets would soon begin their preparations, gradually setting their plans in motion.

By the third or fourth day, a steady stream of influential figures would start their journey, converging towards the designated location with the aim of reaching it by week's end.

While the preparations for the upcoming banquet were in full swing, Wang Jian, being the astute strategist that he was, also diverted his attention to other matters of importance.

One such matter involved poaching groups and organizations that were allied with his rivals, a move that would significantly weaken their support base.

Fully aware of his own exceptional talent, which had surpassed even that of the Crown Prince and the Second Princess, Wang Jian knew it wouldn't be difficult to convince factions under their influence to join his cause.

His first target was none other than the Jin Clan, a formidable force aligned with the Second Princess's faction. It was the presence of Jin Meixiang, the clan's heir, that made this alliance particularly enticing.I think you should take a look at

Instead of opting for a formal meeting, Wang Jian devised a more strategic approach. He extended a personal invitation to Jin Meixiang, suggesting they meet at a graceful and aesthetic restaurant nestled within the bustling city of Jinhua.

Jin Meixiang was taken aback by the unexpected invitation, her heart fluttering with a mixture of surprise and excitement.

The favorable sentiments she held towards Wang Jian only added to her anticipation, making her acceptance of the invitation a swift and eager response.

As the day of their meeting approached, Jin Meixiang's mind buzzed with curiosity and a hint of nervousness.

A mixture of anticipation and uncertainty danced within her as she prepared herself for the encounter that could potentially alter the course of her clan's future.

Stepping into the restaurant, Jin Meixiang found herself immersed in an enchanting atmosphere. The place was adorned with exquisite decorations, creating a captivating ambiance that heightened her senses.

Her heart skipped a beat as she spotted Wang Jian waiting for her at a table specially set for couples. A rush of happiness surged within her, and her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue.

Overwhelmed by the significance of Wang Jian, the seventh prince of the Empire, waiting for her, Jin Meixiang couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. It was an undeniable testament to the importance he placed on her presence.

With a shy smile, she approached the table and gracefully took a seat in front of Wang Jian, her eyes sparkling with delight. In a hushed voice, she apologized, "I apologize for keeping you waiting, Your Highness."

Wang Jian dismissed her apology with a casual wave of his hand. "Nonsense. This is our first date, and I wanted it to be special," he said with a warm smile, his eyes locked onto hers.

As he spoke, his hand gently intertwined with Jin Meixiang's, using the Blissful Touch technique to evoke a deep sense of joy within her.

While Jin Meixiang's heart would have fluttered even without this subtle influence, she couldn't deny the overwhelming happiness that coursed through her veins.

Wang Jian's thoughtfulness and attention to detail touched her deeply. Her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as she whispered her gratitude.

Lost in the enchanting moment, Wang Jian shifted the conversation to a more lighthearted tone.

"So, what would you like to eat? Consider it my treat," he offered, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

Jin Meixiang, no longer inclined to stand on ceremony, quickly perused the menu and made her selection, choosing a couple of delectable dishes accompanied by a tantalizing cocktail. Wang Jian followed suit, ordering a strong cocktail for himself and a variety of dishes to savor.

As they waited for their meals to arrive, conversation flowed effortlessly between the two. Wang Jian, his gaze filled with genuine admiration, couldn't help but compliment Jin Meixiang's radiant beauty.

"You look absolutely stunning today, perfectly complementing your graceful aura," he praised, a smile playing on his lips.

Jin Meixiang's cheeks reddened, her heart racing at his words. She nodded shyly, barely able to utter her response. "You are incredibly handsome as well, Your Highness. I find it hard to take my eyes off you."

Wang Jian chuckled playfully, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Your praise makes all the effort I put into getting ready worthwhile."

Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Jin Meixiang mustered the courage to ask the question that had been lingering in her mind.

"Your Highness, may I ask why you invited me on this date? I understand that you must be incredibly busy, especially with your faction expanding at such a rapid pace," she inquired, her voice laced with a mixture of sincerity and a desire to uncover the true purpose behind their meeting.

She suspected there was more to this date than their mutual romantic feelings, and she sensed it had something to do with her clan's fealty.

With a serious expression, Wang Jian leaned in closer, his eyes locked onto Jin Meixiang's. "You're right, my days have been filled with countless responsibilities. Yet, this meeting with you holds great significance. I came here with a dual purpose in mind. One is purely personal, as I wanted to share this special moment with you. The other, I must admit, leans more towards the professional side—it involves a matter concerning your esteemed Jin Clan."

Jin Meixiang couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. Wang Jian's honest and straightforward approach touched her deeply, as she had grown weary of deceitful politics and false pretenses. Nodding appreciatively, she encouraged him to continue. "Please, tell me more, Your Highness. I'm eager to hear what you have to say about my clan."

With a casual smile, Wang Jian responded, "Let's talk about that later. First, I want to enjoy this date with you."

As if on cue, the food arrived at the table.

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